Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

puhrince said:
gp111, there IS a difference in processing times..read the above post regd this..you have to specify the route ur adopting while filing I-140, and for some reason the guys going thro the CP route have had their approvals within 2 months
what's mean ? CP and AOS????
thank you
AOS = Adjustment of Status
CP = Consular Processing

guys,why don't we take this chat about CP and AOS into the appropriate forums? people curious about CP should go to the CP forums (i gave the link earlier) i don't want to distract the main topic from this forum

cherrygums said:
what's mean ? CP and AOS????
thank you
Icarus, please shed some light on Philly as well

Why only RIR queue friends, why not TR as well. I am in traditional and want to see that move as well. Therefore we need more info as to when both RIR and TR Regional Cases shall start having approvals- both for Dallas and Philly as well.

Icarus, do you have any info on Philly approvals at all, for regional TR cases?
Anyone in the same boat?

My case is EB3/RIR, state 09/2003, regional 01/2004. Filed in Chicago, IL. I haven't heard anything from BEC yet, no 45 days letter. Anyone like me here?
hydechicago said:
My case is EB3/RIR, state 09/2003, regional 01/2004. Filed in Chicago, IL. I haven't heard anything from BEC yet, no 45 days letter. Anyone like me here?
yap! I can hear you. I am with you in the same boat.
I have a case # around 2 months back and no letter yet.
My case details:
filed in Chicago, IL
Case# D-050 007 12XXX
no love letter yet.
hydechicago said:
My case is EB3/RIR, state 09/2003, regional 01/2004. Filed in Chicago, IL. I haven't heard anything from BEC yet, no 45 days letter. Anyone like me here?

Which state was your case filed from. You might want to check with your attorney. My case has a PD 0f 11/2003 and went to regional on 03/2004.
Got my 45 day letter on mid feb, 05. Also Chicago Regional was working on
case with RD 12/03 when they started shipping the case to BEC.

Anyone in forum with RD 01/04 in Chicago received 45 day letter, please update.
With similar dates - got the 45 day letter

FYI - I got the letter and replied by Feb 15 -2005

tracker_chicago said:
Which state was your case filed from. You might want to check with your attorney. My case has a PD 0f 11/2003 and went to regional on 03/2004.
Got my 45 day letter on mid feb, 05. Also Chicago Regional was working on
case with RD 12/03 when they started shipping the case to BEC.

Anyone in forum with RD 01/04 in Chicago received 45 day letter, please update.
Mine received

tracker_chicago said:
Which state was your case filed from. You might want to check with your attorney. My case has a PD 0f 11/2003 and went to regional on 03/2004.
Got my 45 day letter on mid feb, 05. Also Chicago Regional was working on
case with RD 12/03 when they started shipping the case to BEC.

Anyone in forum with RD 01/04 in Chicago received 45 day letter, please update.

Yes, I received mine.

PD 09/03
RD 04/04
45 Day letter dtd. 03/23/05
How many in here have RIR cases with an RD of May 2003 or earlier (if there is any)?
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Hi I applied my labor 12/01/03 -- WI State.
It got approved on FEb18th, we received a letter from state that they are forwarding my case to CHICAGO DOL.
My employer Checked with Chicago DOL in a month of Aug for different case, that time he asked about my case, they said they didn't received my file . Then immediately he contacted WI- SESA, they said again we will sent duplicate case and we also received a letter from state that says we are sending duplicate case to DOL in month of Sep. Again he cross checked with Chicago DOL, they said they didn't receive yet. Then again he contacted WI-SESA again and he explained the situtation. then they asked my employer to send all duplicate copies of labor submitted with them we will forward those to Chicago DOL with SESA Approved stop (if they have to search for my file it will take long time. thats why they asked copy of file). He sent all copy to SESA. After 1 week we got a letter from SESA, that says again, we are forwarding my case to DOL.
Finally Chicago DOL got my case and they updated their system in Nov 2004.

-- After that everyone knows all cases were sent to Dallas BPC.

In Feb 2005 end, My employer got a 45 day letter regarding my case, they are asking evidance docs from my employer. He replied in 1st week of March.
Again Last week we got one more letter from Dallas BPC, that is confirming continuation or cancellation. its simple check box -- he has to choose yes or no. He replied Yesterday with Yes.

-- I don't know How long it will take this process of sending letters to us.
GCSyndrome said:
How many in here have RIR cases with an RD of May 2003 or eirlier (if there is any)?

PD Cases
Dec-97 54
Jan-98 22
Feb-98 4
Mar-98 5
Apr-98 1
May-98 1
Jun-98 3
Jul-98 1
Aug-98 3
Sep-98 3
Oct-98 3
Nov-98 1
Dec-98 6
Jan-99 2
Feb-99 3
Mar-99 2
Apr-99 3
May-99 11
Jun-99 6
Jul-99 5
Aug-99 8
Sep-99 8
Oct-99 7
Nov-99 27
Dec-99 25
Jan-00 49
Feb-00 20
Mar-00 18
Apr-00 33
May-00 21
Jun-00 19
Jul-00 24
Aug-00 35
Sep-00 39
Oct-00 48
Nov-00 100
Dec-00 103
Jan-01 120
Feb-01 266
Mar-01 544
Apr-01 11982
May-01 966
Jun-01 1089
Jul-01 1213
Aug-01 1389
Sep-01 1052
Oct-01 1186
Nov-01 799
Dec-01 809
Jan-02 805
Feb-02 935
Mar-02 1352
Apr-02 1614
May-02 1942
Jun-02 1660
Jul-02 1905
Aug-02 1822
Sep-02 1836
Oct-02 1833
Nov-02 1856
Dec-02 2404
Jan-03 2202
Feb-03 2155
Mar-03 2216
Apr-03 2231
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GP111,are they all pending RIR cases that were transfered to BEC? I tried to run some queries on the Access DB and I came with different numbers!!! if your numbers are correct then I believe my case is doooooooommmmed.

PD June 2002
RD May 2003
45D received in March 2005

Need to remember, if it doesn't break you, it just makes you stronger
GCSyndrome said:
GP111,are they all pending RIR cases that were transfered to BEC? I tried to run some queries on the Access DB and I came with different numbers!!! if your numbers are correct then I believe my case is doooooooommmmed.

PD June 2002
RD May 2003
45D received in March 2005

Need to remember, if it doesn't break you, it just makes you stronger

Those are number of Pending RIR cases at Regional Offices.. SWA cases not counted !
wwooww, well it is good to know there are 28786 pending RIR cases with priority date before June 2002. GP111, how long do you give it before they can start processing my case!! my case info is below
PD June 2002
RD May 2003
Transfered to Philly
45D received, March 2005
GCSyndrome said:
wwooww, well it is good to know there are 28786 pending RIR cases with priority date before June 2002. GP111, how long do you give it before they can start processing my case!! my case info is below
PD June 2002
RD May 2003
Transfered to Philly
45D received, March 2005

So it makes about 14K RIR cases before you ( 14K in each BEC)..If they Start today, I would say about 6 months to reach to your case. BUT million Dollor Question is WHEN THEY ARE STARTING ????
GCSyndrome said:
GP111,are they all pending RIR cases that were transfered to BEC? I tried to run some queries on the Access DB and I came with different numbers!!! if your numbers are correct then I believe my case is doooooooommmmed.

PD June 2002
RD May 2003
45D received in March 2005

Need to remember, if it doesn't break you, it just makes you stronger
The list by GP111 is for dallas and Philli together. Further we dont know how many of the Apr 01 RIR cases are still active. According to ICARUS, latest there are around 15K cases in the RIR queue at dallas. That includes cases not counted in GP111's list earlier. So where will u be? Tough to guess, but not very far. Some where between 5k and 10k, if u r at dallas.
Are all the cases listed here still pending or the list includes certified cases? If they are all pending cases, assume they are evenly split between Philly BEC and Dallas BEC and 90 cases/day in each BEC (based on the info given by Iracus), it will take about 125 work days to clear up the cases with PD before 1/1/2002. 125 work days is roughly half year. And this hasn't counted the SWA cases.


gp111 said:
PD Cases
Dec-97 54
Jan-98 22
Feb-98 4
Mar-98 5
Apr-98 1
May-98 1
Jun-98 3
Jul-98 1
Aug-98 3
Sep-98 3
Oct-98 3
Nov-98 1
Dec-98 6
Jan-99 2
Feb-99 3
Mar-99 2
Apr-99 3
May-99 11
Jun-99 6
Jul-99 5
Aug-99 8
Sep-99 8
Oct-99 7
Nov-99 27
Dec-99 25
Jan-00 49
Feb-00 20
Mar-00 18
Apr-00 33
May-00 21
Jun-00 19
Jul-00 24
Aug-00 35
Sep-00 39
Oct-00 48
Nov-00 100
Dec-00 103
Jan-01 120
Feb-01 266
Mar-01 544
Apr-01 11982
May-01 966
Jun-01 1089
Jul-01 1213
Aug-01 1389
Sep-01 1052
Oct-01 1186
Nov-01 799
Dec-01 809
Jan-02 805
Feb-02 935
Mar-02 1352
Apr-02 1614
May-02 1942
Jun-02 1660
Jul-02 1905
Aug-02 1822
Sep-02 1836
Oct-02 1833
Nov-02 1856
Dec-02 2404

Mar-03 2216
Apr-03 2231
IN_LC_2002 said:
Are all the cases listed here still pending or the list includes certified cases? If they are all pending cases, assume they are evenly split between Philly BEC and Dallas BEC and 90 cases/day in each BEC (based on the info given by Iracus), it will take about 125 work days to clear up the cases with PD before 1/1/2002. 125 work days is roughly half year. And this hasn't counted the SWA cases.


As per the DOL Access DataBase, these cases are Still Pending.( Total 69227
Pending RIR cases by Sept-04 PD) ... 180 Cases per day is Initial Estimate, It should speed up Once Data Entery is done.

Even with 180 RIR approval a day, it will take 384 workdays.. which is about 2 years, which correlates with DOL's Estimate of 24 to 30 months.