goingtocanada said:
well, thanks for the reply. Your answer could have been less cynical for those of us not familier with looking at signatures, but thanks anyways.
sfmas does a wonderful job maintaining the tracker, I am sure I speak for all expressing my gratitude for the time and very valuable information he provides.
goingtocanada….lighten up....go back and re-read his post, like many people who "post", when "signing-off" he includes his case status, the last line says
"45 Day Letter: Not yet"
How much clearer could he be?
Concerning AR-11..each and every time I have moved (3 times) I have been sure to file, including my dependants (wife & kids). My reasoning was that the penalty is high enough to indicate the seriousness of the matter, moreover I didn’t want any of my filed paperwork to be incomplete or incorrect. In the current climate and environment my attorney strongly advised me to file everytime I’ve moved. Back before the “Yates memo” and annual renewals of H1B beyond the 6th year was resolved, many of us risked going out of status. My attorney suggested at that time being a “fully documented alien” could prove significant, whether he was right is academic, I just wanted to ensure I was fully documented. Moreover I wanted to demonstrate that I was a good “law abiding” candidate, in particular when questioned or interviewed I want to be able to give an honest answer. I’d strongly suggest that we all ensure our filings are correct and up to date, including tax returns.
Attention newbies;
We are all here because we are suitably qualified, that means at sometime we did some studying and research. I am amazed at the questions often posted here, and the lack of initiative to do some basic research, or people just being to lazy to look for themselves.
Here’s a few suggestions,
Read the FAQs
Use the “search” facility
Read old postings
I know there are 600 pages now, but there are some nuggets of information that I wager your HR people don’t know, and might even surprise your attorney. You’ll see how matters have evolved and how clarity has come in many matters, and you'll find links to other sources.
You’ll meet Icarus (God bless you where ever you are Sir) and many other Gurus.
If nothing else consider this challenge I offer you, if your green card is really important to you, then surely you would invest the time to not just get an opinion to your lazy question, but thoroughly research and find out for yourself.
I don’t wish to be rude, but as I read the posts, in particular considering the magnitude of the seriousness of subject. I find I ask myself, "would I employ a person who shows their ignorance and laziness by asking questions that have already been answered many times?".
Phew…I feel better now I’ve got that off my chest….cheaper than therapy...lol…no offense meant to anyone.
….did someone else mention posting “off subject / wrong category” messages…..lmao …I'll let other people deal with their pet annoyance.
Good luck to all
Signature follows.
User Name Pegasus503
SWA DATE (PD) 25-Nov-02
DOL RD 21-Nov-03
SWA California
EB2 or EB3 EB3
RIR or Regular RIR
Transferred From San Francisco DOL
BPC Letter Received 11-Feb-05
ETA # D-04320-01XXX
BPC Letter Replied 23-Feb-05
Case Status Letter Received
Notice of finding Yes (Nov 03) – employer had to confirm details of advertising of the post... periodical’s, # of ads, wording etc
waiting 1088 days
2 years, 11 months, 23 days