Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

DesiGCMirage said:
Did any one hear about the summary of the important Senate meeting to be held today which discusses the immigration policy bill ?

Not yet.. I am watching it very closely. Have sent several faxes and also called Senators offices over the last two weeks to pitch for our cause. Let's see what happens...
CA PD March 4, 2004 = STATE

This may be helpful.

Take a look at my signature.

My screen shot says STATE. I think I was literally 20 days away from Region based on my phone calls to the SWA.

The tracker does not have SFO DOL cases after Aug/Sep 2003 cases because (1) the SFO DOL stopped giving RDs and notices after those months and (2) the CAS SWA was still processing cases with PDs Feb/Mar 2004. So you will have to account for cases that have cleared SWA from OCT 2003 through Mar 2004 (i.e., ~ 6 months).

I am one of those people in this category. But, we have to wait and see if the DBEC considers us as REGIONAL cases vs STATE cases.

The DOL REGION received CASES info that the DOL published almost 6-8 months ago has cases till mid 2004 atleast.

So, I am not sure of what course of action DBEC will take. We just have to wait and see.


Any one received the LC certified from IL of Sep 2003? Or Is any one know what month and day Dallas BEC workin on on RIR cases. What is the latetst approval on Dallas BEC on RIR cases?

As far I know Aug 28 -2003

As for I know its Aug 28 -2003. Yes they are from IL

vijay0101 said:
Any one received the LC certified from IL of Sep 2003? Or Is any one know what month and day Dallas BEC workin on on RIR cases. What is the latetst approval on Dallas BEC on RIR cases?

I'm from Michigan

Still waiting to hear...... :mad:

I recevied the screenshot on 10/03/2005
The Occupation Title and Occupation code are blank.
Status: RIR
PD : 08/12/2003
RD: 01/05/2005
Received 45 day letter 02/2005
Replied 02/2005

I have seen cases with 08/26 PD certified in this forum.
Does Occupation Title and Occupation code are blank cause any delay???

Please reply.
IWannMyGC said:
I'm from Michigan

Still waiting to hear...... :mad:

I recevied the screenshot on 10/03/2005
The Occupation Title and Occupation code are blank.
Status: RIR
PD : 08/12/2003
RD: 01/05/2005
Received 45 day letter 02/2005
Replied 02/2005

I have seen cases with 08/26 PD certified in this forum.
Does Occupation Title and Occupation code are blank cause any delay???

Please reply.

Defintely the title and occupation code need to be populated. Did you get a chance to check the case status ? If not I guess your case status might be "Incomplete" meaning they are in the process of entering the data into the system.
an ignorant question

Hello JustWatching;

I'll sound stupid but I don't know the difference between Regional RIR cases and the SWA RIR cases. All I know for my RIR-EB2-Chicago-October 2004 case is that it was directly sent to Dallas BEC. That's what I've been told by my lawyer. So, is this a bad thing or a good thing?


JustWatching said:
Let me start with: I know that some Regional RIR cases have been skipped.

As we all know, Dallas BPC "seems" to be following FIFO for RIR Regional cases.

If you look at the tracker:

The last Dallas DOL RIR cases are from September 2003, then there is one April 2004 case. So, can someone tell me if this indeed is the tailend of Dallas RIR Regional cases? Or does the tracker not have good representation?

The San Francisco DOL RIR cases are in a similar situation. To clarify, this is for San Francisco DOL RIR cases at Dallas BPC. After August 2003, there are very few cases that go until January 2004. Someone please comment.

That leaves us with Chicago DOL RIR cases. These cases go all the way to November 2004. If the Dallas BPC continues processing only Regional RIR cases, I can say you 2004 DOL cases people - you are pretty lucky.

So assuming the above is true, Dallas BPC will be done with San Francisco DOL and Dallas DOL RIR cases (and hopefully will go back to clean up the ones it left behind) next month. Then since it will only have Chicago DOL cases to focus on - it will probably fly through those. A couple more months maybe? So by the end of 2005, all Regional RIR cases for Dallas BPC would be cleared. Maybe then SWA RIR cases will begin to see some progress.

I will not try to analyze Regular DOL cases since processing has been more erratic.

Thoughts. Comments.
JustWatching said:
Let me start with: I know that some Regional RIR cases have been skipped.

As we all know, Dallas BPC "seems" to be following FIFO for RIR Regional cases.

If you look at the tracker:

The last Dallas DOL RIR cases are from September 2003, then there is one April 2004 case. So, can someone tell me if this indeed is the tailend of Dallas RIR Regional cases? Or does the tracker not have good representation?

The San Francisco DOL RIR cases are in a similar situation. To clarify, this is for San Francisco DOL RIR cases at Dallas BPC. After August 2003, there are very few cases that go until January 2004. Someone please comment.

That leaves us with Chicago DOL RIR cases. These cases go all the way to November 2004. If the Dallas BPC continues processing only Regional RIR cases, I can say you 2004 DOL cases people - you are pretty lucky.

So assuming the above is true, Dallas BPC will be done with San Francisco DOL and Dallas DOL RIR cases (and hopefully will go back to clean up the ones it left behind) next month. Then since it will only have Chicago DOL cases to focus on - it will probably fly through those. A couple more months maybe? So by the end of 2005, all Regional RIR cases for Dallas BPC would be cleared. Maybe then SWA RIR cases will begin to see some progress.

I will not try to analyze Regular DOL cases since processing has been more erratic.

Thoughts. Comments.
I got an email from my lawyer that shed light on this FIFO issue, I have cut and pasted the section for your information.....

We were finally able to speak with a supervisor at the Foreign Labor Certification Backlog Center. She shared some interesting information regarding the priority date versus approval and processing. She indicated that the applications are assigned to analysts by priority date; however, the analyst processes them as they deem appropriate. In other words, she indicated that while they are assigned to analysts by priority, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the analyst processes them by priority date. While this explains why we are not seeing a consistent FIFO approach to processing, it does change our frustration level with the process. She did confirm that your application was received and that it was assigned to an analyst

For those of us with 2002 and before PDs, I hope this is of some help.

Good luck to all
Pegasus503 said:
I got an email from my lawyer that shed light on this FIFO issue, I have cut and pasted the section for your information.....

We were finally able to speak with a supervisor at the Foreign Labor Certification Backlog Center. She shared some interesting information regarding the priority date versus approval and processing. She indicated that the applications are assigned to analysts by priority date; however, the analyst processes them as they deem appropriate. In other words, she indicated that while they are assigned to analysts by priority, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the analyst processes them by priority date. While this explains why we are not seeing a consistent FIFO approach to processing, it does change our frustration level with the process. She did confirm that your application was received and that it was assigned to an analyst

For those of us with 2002 and before PDs, I hope this is of some help.

Good luck to all

Thanks for sharing with us. But it sounds like "We have a fair policy, but whether it is executed depends on who executes it" :rolleyes:
FIFO and my case

Any one can let me know what is wrong with my case?

My PD is July 2002 from California. RIR cases. 45 days letter replied in Feb. I haven't receive the LC approval yet. Any guess what is wrong? Do they strictly follow FIFO for 45 days replied time?
People here who believes their lawyer, I have something to say:
Don't even believe your lawyer till you see the proof.
If you keep bugging them, they will tell you something, something from what they hear around. Something they see in the Internet. Ask the BEC phone# to your lawyer, they even don't have them, I bet. This is kind of harsh but true. I am telling this as I see people trust too much to their lawyer. They have lots of clients and don’t want to waste time for your case as already they got money for you.

You will hear lots of stories that the BEC has closed the case but lawyer but keep saying everything is all right. They even mention that they have talked to BEC for your case!

Always remember lawyers are professional liars.

Pegasus503 said:
I got an email from my lawyer that shed light on this FIFO issue, I have cut and pasted the section for your information.....

We were finally able to speak with a supervisor at the Foreign Labor Certification Backlog Center. She shared some interesting information regarding the priority date versus approval and processing. She indicated that the applications are assigned to analysts by priority date; however, the analyst processes them as they deem appropriate. In other words, she indicated that while they are assigned to analysts by priority, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the analyst processes them by priority date. While this explains why we are not seeing a consistent FIFO approach to processing, it does change our frustration level with the process. She did confirm that your application was received and that it was assigned to an analyst

For those of us with 2002 and before PDs, I hope this is of some help.

Good luck to all
DesiGCMirage said:
Defintely the title and occupation code need to be populated. Did you get a chance to check the case status ? If not I guess your case status might be "Incomplete" meaning they are in the process of entering the data into the system.
Is there any one who's screenshot has Blank Occupation Title and Occupation Code
And Case Status : RIR. ?????

I got the screenshot twice, first time on 09/09/2005 and second time on 10/03 with the same Info without a single field changed

Case Number: D-05005-1****
Processing Type: RIR
Case Status : RIR
PD: 08/12/2003
RD: 01/05/2005
Occupation Title : Blank
Occupation Code: Blank
All other fields have info ( except for the above Occupation Title and Code)
s_chicago said:
People here who believes their lawyer, I have something to say:
Don't even believe your lawyer till you see the proof.
If you keep bugging them, they will tell you something, something from what they hear around. Something they see in the Internet. Ask the BEC phone# to your lawyer, they even don't have them, I bet. This is kind of harsh but true. I am telling this as I see people trust too much to their lawyer. They have lots of clients and don’t want to waste time for your case as already they got money for you.

You will hear lots of stories that the BEC has closed the case but lawyer but keep saying everything is all right. They even mention that they have talked to BEC for your case!

Always remember lawyers are professional liars.
The purpose of my posting was to share information.

What you do with the information is up to you.

The reported response has a logic to it, and the hypothesis meets the empirical data of the tracker.

Based on your tone I can only guess you have had a poor legal experience, I think it is unfair to place a cynical judgement that all lawyers are liars. If nothing else it lacks professional courtesy, are all accountants, engineers, doctors, teachers economical with the truth too?

By the time I post this reply there will be nearly 8360 posts, and each post should be taken the same way, it's no more than an opinion, a forum where experience, questions, opinions and insights and on rare occassion facts are shared.

All to be used by the reader with a pinch of salt, because what really matters is when you get the paper in your hand.

I for one am grateful to lawyers, there's good and bad in every industry. I am particularly thankful to the Law Office who host this facility.

Good luck to all