Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Dallas BCT

Did any one receive labor after Dallas BC started?
Was in Dallas region since August 8,2003
Moved to Dallas Backlog center from Dalla region.

45 days Letter responded : Janaury 07,2005
New # D-04280-XXXX
No 45 days letter either


We are in the same boat. My RD is Oct 31, 2003 CA. and new case number is: P04321-2xxxx. No letter yet. I guess we can share the progress report here.

May I please know your PD at State and from which State?

ivyperfume said:
I love this forum and here is my info to share

Chicago regional office RD 10/2004
45 day notice received 2/4/2005
45 day notice responded 2/9/2005
ETA case No. D-05005-10***

Interesting that my case start with 05***, while most of the people start with 04***.
What is T stands for? My New Case number from Dallas starts with T.
stueym said:
D = dallas
05005 = 5th day of 2005 (i.e. Jan 5)
10**** is the sequence number in the system

Hope that helps
T=Temporary. From what we understand this means that all the data entry has not been completed, but they have at least started entering your case information.

sravu said:
What is T stands for? My New Case number from Dallas starts with T.
To Sravu

sravu said:
May I please know your PD at State and from which State?

My case was originally filed from Ohio. the PD of my case is 05/2004. Yes, I know, it is quite fast. If DOL BPC really process the regional backlog first, I guess, that is maybe why I got my 45 day notice.

Hope this helps
45 day letter

Don't track your case by 45-day letter. It can also happen like the files which are transferred to BEC, the last, might get 45 day letter early.... I have seen so many old cases on this board where they haven't recieved this 45-day letter but have recived case numbers. So ...it might take few more days.....

As far as I know, 45-day letter is only letting the BEC know that you want to continue your case. Please don't panic wait for your turn.

All cases should be processed based on the PD and this processing should start after the 45 day replies are recieved......

What do you say guys????
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How are the case numbers generated ??

Can someone post how actually the case numbers are generated and assigned.. I remember reading some kind of formula discussed earlier in the forum.
Got 45-Day letter

:) Atlast got my 45 Day letter on Feb 14...
MN State PD - Nov 2003
MN State Approved - Mar 2004
Chicago Regional RD - Mar 2004
Transfered to Dallas BEC - ??
Received 45 Day letter - Feb 14th, 2005
Respose sent via Fax the same day.
Case Number - D-05005-1****

Got a questions, Would a FAX Response be sufficient or should be replied via email.. My Legal Dept, says Fax would do.
Chicago-case said:
Don't track your case by 45-day letter. It can also happen like the files which are transferred to BEC, the last, might get 45 day letter early.... I have seen so many old cases on this board where they haven't recieved this 45-day letter but have recived case numbers. So ...it might take few more days.....

As far as I know, 45-day letter is only letting the BEC know that you want to continue your case. Please don't panic wait for your turn.

All cases should be processed based on the PD and this processing should start after the 45 day replies are recieved......

What do you say guys????

1. I would say send an email to one of Bec center and generally they send an Case file no. even though you havnt recd the 45 day letter.
2.Possible some letters are returned for reason of wrong mailing address, Lost in transist, blah,blah.
so If you feel you have waited for long period of time and if you can work with your Attorney and Employer send an preemptive letter that they are intrested to persue your case further.(Nothing wrong in intimating that intrested in continuation if for some reason the letter has not recieved)

There will be paper trial for address and continuation

3.. Fifo is based on PD and Replies recieved
pzgjxr said:
I sent an email to status@dal.dflc.us, and this is the reply I received on the same day:

"February 17, 2005

Dear Requestor:

The purpose of this letter is to acknowledge your request regarding the
status of the above-referenced case.

The new case number is: NOT YET ASSIGNED

The above-referenced case has been transferred to one of the Division of
Foreign Labor Certification's Backlog Processing Centers. At this time,
we are unable to provide any status information on Permanent Labor
Certifications. All Processing Center files are in the process of being
transferred into a new database. Once the data entry process is
completed, a 45-day letter will be issued on all applications requesting
additional information from the employer if needed.

Please do not request additional status information for at least 90 days
after responding to the 45-day letter.


DFLC Backlog Processing Center"


I got the same reply too from Dallas BRC.
pzgjxr said:
I sent an email to status@dal.dflc.us, and this is the reply I received on the same day:

"February 17, 2005

Dear Requestor:

The purpose of this letter is to acknowledge your request regarding the
status of the above-referenced case.

The new case number is: NOT YET ASSIGNED

The above-referenced case has been transferred to one of the Division of
Foreign Labor Certification's Backlog Processing Centers. At this time,
we are unable to provide any status information on Permanent Labor
Certifications. All Processing Center files are in the process of being
transferred into a new database. Once the data entry process is
completed, a 45-day letter will be issued on all applications requesting
additional information from the employer if needed.

Please do not request additional status information for at least 90 days
after responding to the 45-day letter.


DFLC Backlog Processing Center"

pzgjxr, what information did you provide to request the status of your LC case? Is company name and employee name enough?


I never told 45-day letter is not important. Infact each and every stage is important in GC processing. All Iam saying is if one gets a 45-day letter earlier doesn't necessarily mean he/she is the first person to get out of labor processing. SO tracking your case based on 45-day letter doesn't make sense here.If this is the case no one should be talking about Priority Dates here.....

Seems like you have misunderstood my posting.....

AND if you have recieved the case number from Dallas, that means your case is not sitting in the box. I understand very well that it is natural to be anxious about 45 day letter. BEC should and will have a chance of getting every application but it is not natural to expect all the cases to be looked at in one day. If this was the case, our cases would never endup in BEC and we wouldn't be here discussing all this.....

________________________________ :) ______________________________

sleepless_in_IN said:
If we don't get the 45 day letter how do you expect us to get into the FIFO queue for processing? If our cases sit in boxes while they process cases based on 45 day letter responses. And we NEVER EVEN GET OUR 45 DAY letter....how do you suppose our applications will ever get looked at? I don't follow your logic I think it’s natural to be anxious about the 45 day letter. At least if you get that you know that your application was received and not lost in the transfer process. When you respond back you know you have a chance of getting your application ever processed! :eek:
No Letter Yet


My dates:
PD August 2002,
RD Feb, 2003

No letter so far. Anybody in the same boat?

I see alot of folks getting letters even from later dates and different states.
RIR vs Non-RIR

I have a friend. Her case got remanded 2 years ago and put in non-RIR. She told me now the case was transferred to BEC. What's gonna happen to those cases? She said her lawyer is trying to convert her case to RIR. So BEC is actually a very good news for her.

RIR and non-RIR, after being transferred to BEC, are we in the same queue? If so, that means there are lots lots people ahead of me.

I am just wondering when I can get LC if everything is fine. When I was in DOL, I can still tell the speed and waiting time expected. Now I am clueless...
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Non-RIR 45 Days letter

My PD is 10/10/2000 EB-3 NON-RIR. Haven't heard anything from DOL or BEC. Any clue whether BEC will be sending 45 days letter for my type of case soon or they will consider Non-Rir cases once completed with RIR?

Any help will be highly appreciated.


tao2004 said:
I have a friend. Her case got remanded 2 years ago and put in non-RIR. She told me now the case was transferred to BEC. What's gonna happen to those cases? She said her lawyer is trying to convert her case to RIR. So BEC is actually a very good news for her.

RIR and non-RIR, after being transferred to BEC, are we in the same queue? If so, that means there are lots lots people ahead of me.

I am just wondering when I can get LC if everything is fine. When I was in DOL, I can still tell the speed and waiting time expected. Now I am clueless...

No they are not as far as I understand. There will be separate queues for RIR and non-RIR but DOL will do the load balancing by reallocating resources if one queue is going too fast than another.
cice said:
pzgjxr, what information did you provide to request the status of your LC case? Is company name and employee name enough?


Sorry for the late reply, was down with flu.

I just gave Employer name, my first and last names.
My dates and app type match with yours. I have not received the 45-d letter either. Waiting.........

airman said:

My dates:
PD August 2002,
RD Feb, 2003

No letter so far. Anybody in the same boat?

I see alot of folks getting letters even from later dates and different states.
Hi Airman/g2p2,

I have excatly same PD and RD with TX RIR and got 45 day letter on December 29. I would suggest to check with your attorny/company, they should have recevied letter..