Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

hey gcseeker2002
I know a person in my company of RD of Mar 17th who got the BRC letter from Dallas. What is your RD ?

BTW this RIR and NON-RIR queue merge by DOL... Shall I loose all the little hope I had (CA Rd 04/12/04) :(
I just do not see how can they process things fast now given regular labor processing requires more time and effort from DOL staff. It's so easy to make and break rules. On the philosophical note, I think its bad of me as an individual that I focused by career path in states based on the wait of labor certification.
Dependecy on anything always kills, sucks etc and I guess thats what happening with most the people struck in such scenarios. God show us some hope (reliable one :rolleyes: ) so that we can live the life the way we want to live
puhrince said:
Icarus, according to this memo, FIFO will be based on the dates the attorneys respond..is this wrong info then?

FIFO is based upon the PD assigned by the state at the time of the original application. The only thing dependent upon the attorney at this time is that they respond in a timely manner to the 45-day continuation/correction letter.
The Optimist said:

Please could you respond to this question which was posted by Vsaxena before

Is there only one queue for Regional and State cases?

There are separate analysts for RIR and TR. Unsure if all are queued together but even if so, if I were an RIR analyst, my next case in the queue would be the earliest RIR case even though there may be 10 TR cases ahead of it. By their nature, more Regional cases will have earlier dates than State cases with the assumption that they've been in the system longer. Obviously, due to varying turnaround times at the state level, some overlap may occur.
nk01 said:
hey gcseeker2002
I know a person in my company of RD of Mar 17th who got the BRC letter from Dallas. What is your RD ?

BTW this RIR and NON-RIR queue merge by DOL... Shall I loose all the little hope I had (CA Rd 04/12/04) :(
I just do not see how can they process things fast now given regular labor processing requires more time and effort from DOL staff. It's so easy to make and break rules. On the philosophical note, I think its bad of me as an individual that I focused by career path in states based on the wait of labor certification.
Dependecy on anything always kills, sucks etc and I guess thats what happening with most the people struck in such scenarios. God show us some hope (reliable one :rolleyes: ) so that we can live the life the way we want to live

My PD is March 9th 2004, RD at Dallas DOL is March 31st 2004. Can you pls check your friend's PD and let me know. I think the BEC sends letters based on PD not RD, right ?
So, when does processing begin?

Icarus said:
10000 each were sent to Phil and Dallas from SF. Others cases entered by Dallas were from the Dallas RO. Dallas also received a number of RO cases from Chicago which are currently undergoing data entry and 45-day letter generation. 3/04 cases are relatively current and may not have been included in the files shipped to date.

Q1a. A lot of attorneys would have replied - a lot of them must be in the process of replying - a lot of them would not have received letters yet - At what point does the approval process start? Is it after a minimum number of responses are recd. or after all responses are recd.?

Q1b. And would "all" mean 55000 cases (of which 20K is from SF) or more that keep coming to both BECs? Or would each BEC have its own FIFO??!

Q2. We keep talking about 20K cases from SF - do we know how far these cases go from May 2003?

Greatly appreciate anyone with any information on this, sharing with us.
Icarus said:
There are separate analysts for RIR and TR. Unsure if all are queued together but even if so, if I were an RIR analyst, my next case in the queue would be the earliest RIR case even though there may be 10 TR cases ahead of it. By their nature, more Regional cases will have earlier dates than State cases with the assumption that they've been in the system longer. Obviously, due to varying turnaround times at the state level, some overlap may occur.


why u r always assuming that a analyst in RIR can't do the work also for a TR application? i expect that any officer has enough training in both RIR and TR. therefore he can do both. therefore unfortunately a one queue scenario for both RIR and TR can be done with the stupid DOL.

second, even if DOl has 2 separates lines (one RIR and one TR), the majority of analysts may be focused in one queue instead of the being well divided. for example let's say DOL has 50 analysts in dallas, and they can have two queues , the first one consists of 45 analysts for TR and the second queue of 5 analysts for RIR. in such a scenario, although u have 2 queues, the RIR is almost dead or barely moving. it is all about good management and distribution of analysts.

could u shed some light on that?
antonioa77 said:

why u r always assuming that a analyst in RIR can't do the work also for a TR application? i expect that any officer has enough training in both RIR and TR. therefore he can do both. therefore unfortunately a one queue scenario for both RIR and TR can be done with the stupid DOL.

second, even if DOl has 2 separates lines (one RIR and one TR), the majority of analysts may be focused in one queue instead of the being well divided. for example let's say DOL has 50 analysts in dallas, and they can have two queues , the first one consists of 45 analysts for TR and the second queue of 5 analysts for RIR. in such a scenario, although u have 2 queues, the RIR is almost dead or barely moving. it is all about good management and distribution of analysts.

could u shed some light on that?
There is no assumption made. In fact, RIR and TR analysts have been cross-trained and, theoretically, could do either. However, DTI has chosen to segregate them so that, again theoretically, the process could be streamlined, focused and hopefully faster for both. And I would use the word "officer" lightly, as the only employees that qualify under that title are the DOL certifying officers of which there are only 3. Everyone else (with possible exception of mgmt.) are basically glorified clerks.
nother1inline said:
Q1a. A lot of attorneys would have replied - a lot of them must be in the process of replying - a lot of them would not have received letters yet - At what point does the approval process start? Is it after a minimum number of responses are recd. or after all responses are recd.?

Q1b. And would "all" mean 55000 cases (of which 20K is from SF) or more that keep coming to both BECs? Or would each BEC have its own FIFO??!

Q2. We keep talking about 20K cases from SF - do we know how far these cases go from May 2003?

Greatly appreciate anyone with any information on this, sharing with us.
A1a. Analysis and approval will start when the record processing system is functionally ready to handle RIR and TR case analysis. At the present, the only functioning module of the system is centered around data entry and 45-day letter generation and response recording.

A1b. Each BEC will have it's own FIFO based upon the physical files located at each BEC.

A2. Not yet.
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Icarus said:
There is no assumption made. In fact, RIR and TR analysts have been cross-trained and, theoretically, could do either. However, DTI has chosen to segregate them so that, again theoretically, the process could be streamlined, focused and hopefully faster for both. And I would use the word "officer" lightly, as the only employees that qualify under that title are the DOL certifying officers of which there are only 3. Everyone else (with possible exception of mgmt.) are basically glorified clerks.

so u r saying that just 3 people will approve the lc at the end in the whole dallas BEC center?. i thought there are like 20 to 30 persons who do that.if u just have 3 who do the final review on each application, this means that it will take bec 10 yrs to clear the backlog. can u clarify?
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Hi Icarus,
Any idea when the computer system is expected to function and be able to start the approvals?
I'm starting to thing that the backlog elimination centers are significantly worsening the backlog.
Hi Icarus,

I have still not recvd my 45 day letter, my PD is march 9 2004 and RD at Dallas DOL is march 31 2004. 2 other applications in my company with PD
jan 5 2004 got their 45 day letters 2-3 weeks back. do i need to do anything or whom do we contact if we have not got our letters ?>


My PD is Aug 2003 and my send out date is Oct 04. I have not got any RD for my case and not sure where my case is as I don't even have DOL case no.

I am really frustrated as first my case was sent to non-RIR queue for State and when I contacted them they said that it was a mistake and processed it immediately in Oct costing me 2 precious months for RIR queue. My lawyer also says he will let me know if he gets the letter.

Please let me know if any of you with similar dates get the letter.

m_chundi said:
Hi rds69,
Can u give more details of ur friend. I did not know there was an oct 04 receive date. My understanding was SFDOL did not open cases from Oct'o4 onwards. Is this the send out date from SWA.
PD Nov'03
Send Out Date sep 29' 04
RD : Unknown
Icarus said:
A1a. Analysis and approval will start when the record processing system is functionally ready to handle RIR and TR case analysis. At the present, the only functioning module of the system is centered around data entry and 45-day letter generation and response recording.

A1b. Each BEC will have it's own FIFO based upon the physical files located at each BEC.

A2. Not yet.

So, Dallas BEC has 10K CA (RIR) cases starting with RD May 2003. Does anyone know how many State cases it has from CA? And I assume the total of all i.e. the above 2 and the other office backlogs and Philly BEC is 300K (a number that keeps repeating itself). And 55,000 cases would be...?

Icarus, your input is appreciated.
Received Dallas BEC 45-day letter on SF DOL RIR case

m_chundi said:
Thanks rds69,
Did ur friend get an RFE, My PD is Nov'03 but my case went to SFDOL in sep'04 even after and RFE and response. I am aware of other cases which have a PD of oct 03 and went to SFDOL in Aug/sep '04


My case was exactly like you. My PD is Nov03. I got a small RFE replied by my autorney, transfered to SFDOL on Sep04. I got 45 day letter on Jan05.
My 2 cents

nother1inline said:
So, Dallas BEC has 10K CA (RIR) cases starting with RD May 2003. Does anyone know how many State cases it has from CA? And I assume the total of all i.e. the above 2 and the other office backlogs and Philly BEC is 300K (a number that keeps repeating itself). And 55,000 cases would be...?

Icarus, your input is appreciated.

DOL estimates that there are a total of 55,000 cases which will be sent to the BEC's from all regional offices. These cases include RIR and TR cases both. The rest of the ~ 245,000 cases are still at the state level.

The BECs are concentrating on creating the FIFO queue for these 55,000 cases first and WILL start processing as soon as this queue is ready.

Another team will continue a similar cycle for the State cases.

Icarus said:
A1a. Analysis and approval will start when the record processing system is functionally ready to handle RIR and TR case analysis. At the present, the only functioning module of the system is centered around data entry and 45-day letter generation and response recording.

A1b. Each BEC will have it's own FIFO based upon the physical files located at each BEC.

A2. Not yet.


In response to A1b.
correct me if i am wrong , Earlier it was mentioned that a single data base is maintained and accessed by both centers and later by satelite centers.
If not again FIFO will be center based not on national PD based.
Legal Action Against DOL

Is it possible to take legal action against DOL for the pain we are going through. I can understand the reason for taking so long but its really unfair to keep us waiting and at the same time approve labor for the just filed PERM cases. I am thinking we have people who have been waiting for more than 3 years for labor. Can we atleast let them know whatever they are doing is unfair and they should finish the backlogged cases first before starting the PERM cases?
legal action

1. Advertise for the legal action.
2. create a group for people to join.
3. create a common fund
4. hire a lawyer (rajiv khanna)?
5. assuming even 10000 guys join in out of the 300000 pending cases, and if each of the 10,000 contribute even $100, you have a million $s to fight the case.

should be enough?

Hi Icarus,

I am confused :confused: , Both at www.immigration.com and www.immigration-law.com mentions only one queue for both RIR and Regular cases. But you have mentioned several times that BEC/BRC will be processing them in seperate queues. Do you have any comments?. I would like to thank you on behalf of all of us for your valuable time to answer our questions.

Hopefully soon we will get answer from DOL clarifying all these confusion.

from http://www.immigration.com/perm/permdolnews.pdf

RIR and traditional cases will not be separated in time order. They will be handled in FIFO order, but because RIR has more work already completed on them, they will probably move faster. DOL needs to impose some equity between the two processes based on resources while trying to adhere to the original priority date. DOL will see what the processing times look like and revise if inequity occurs. A pure two-track system cannot be followed.

from http://www.immigration-law.com/

"Processing Queue per FIFO: Shockingly, there are no separate queues between RIR and Regular cases and both RIR and Regular cases are being processed on FIFO in a single national queue. Consequently, RIR cases will experience a substantial delay once the cases are transferred to the Backlog Centers!! "

Icarus said:
There is no assumption made. In fact, RIR and TR analysts have been cross-trained and, theoretically, could do either. However, DTI has chosen to segregate them so that, again theoretically, the process could be streamlined, focused and hopefully faster for both. And I would use the word "officer" lightly, as the only employees that qualify under that title are the DOL certifying officers of which there are only 3. Everyone else (with possible exception of mgmt.) are basically glorified clerks.
Received 45 day letter

Hi all,
finally i received the 45 day letter from Dallas Backlog Processing Center.

My Application date was May 2003
DOL RD was : Apr 2004

I noticed that the ETA Case Number is different than the typical 0958XXXX number I had before. Is this a new number assigned to BEC cases?

If I call the automated system (415-975-4617), it still says "Application received at regional office".

ANy idea how much longer is the wait for these cases to clear BEC now? 8 months? 10 months?