Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

ACS_78 said:
Finally my labor got approved after nearly 3 years of waiting and frustation. I got a call from my employer today. The approval was dated 26th June and recieved the letter today.

I thank every one in this forum for information/suggestions.

Good luck for all of you. I will keep coming back to this forum.


TX-RIR-EB3 - Software Engineer
PD: AUG 28 2002
45 day letter recieved and replied in DEC 2004 from DBEC

Can you provide us with your case no.?
Recent (7/7/05) stats from Dallas BEC. (The Good:D, the Bad:(, and the Ugly:mad: )

Total cases certified: 5183
Cases in Final Review: 921
Total TR Queue: 5109 (ratio of region:state cases = 2:1) No info on FIFO dates being worked.
Total RIR Queue: 18081 - most recent progression of FIFO date: 12/16/02. :D
Icarus -

Have all cases upto 12/2002 RIR been determined (approved, denied NOF etc etc) ? Any insights into the CO queue ? Can they ignore old cases and move onto new cases ?

Any info for May/June02 PD cases will be much appreciated.

Lawyer says an officer has been assigned to my case. What does that mean ?
Gaurang, you mentioned that there was going to be approvals for May/June 02 cases July 1st onwards. Any updates from your source ?
ICARUS: What is happending to SWA cases?


Do both the queues include SWA cases too? Any chance that RIR SWA cases are being processed?

Thanks a lot for providing this valuable info in this forum

Icarus said:
Recent (7/7/05) stats from Dallas BEC. (The Good:D, the Bad:(, and the Ugly:mad: )

Total cases certified: 5183
Cases in Final Review: 921
Total TR Queue: 5109 (ratio of region:state cases = 2:1) No info on FIFO dates being worked.
Total RIR Queue: 18081 - most recent progression of FIFO date: 12/16/02. :D
Icarus said:
Recent (7/7/05) stats from Dallas BEC. (The Good:D, the Bad:(, and the Ugly:mad: )

Total cases certified: 5183
Cases in Final Review: 921
Total TR Queue: 5109 (ratio of region:state cases = 2:1) No info on FIFO dates being worked.
Total RIR Queue: 18081 - most recent progression of FIFO date: 12/16/02. :D

Whats TR? Could you provide us any info on regular labor cases?
Icarus said:
Recent (7/7/05) stats from Dallas BEC. (The Good:D, the Bad:(, and the Ugly:mad: )

Total cases certified: 5183
Cases in Final Review: 921
Total TR Queue: 5109 (ratio of region:state cases = 2:1) No info on FIFO dates being worked.
Total RIR Queue: 18081 - most recent progression of FIFO date: 12/16/02. :D

thanks for ur update.

but what about the 45 days letters for SWA cases? for the last 4, 5 months BEC wasn't sending much 45 days letters. all the letters that they sent r for cases that made it to regional but nothing important for the bulk (which is SWA cases).

when SWA cases will start seeing lot of 45 days letters? what BEC was doing with data entry for the last few months? were they were just entering data in the
1-skeleton form or
2- both skeleton and complete form.
if it the no 2 scenario, why then people for SWA didn't get 45 days letters, if as u said before once the data is entered completely the 45 days letter is generated in 48 hrs?
Any approvals on 2003 EB2 RIR PD?

Have you guys seen any approvals with PD (state filed date) as of year 2003

Hello Icarus,
Do you know and do you know why 14000 files (according to TWC itself) are still in TWC? Any plan to receive them? And why DOL website is saying all files have been shipped to BEC while those 14000 files still there untouched?
Thank you,
Thanks GP111.

Thanks GP111.
I am still confused on what basis they have sent cases to Dallas and Philly. I heard Cases from May 2003 to August 2003 of SFO DOL gone to Philly and from Sep 20003 onwards to Dallas BEC.
Looks like this info is wrong. And its good to see the approvals, at the same time I am feeling bit frustrated as I am not sure how long I should wait for mine. Cna u shed some light, if you have any clue on my case.
PD: Mar 18 2002
RD may 1 2003 CA
Went to Philly BEC 45 day letter answered in March.

gp111 said:
The BEC assignment is the excel sheet is just an assumption based on Half of case went to Dallas & Half to Philly.. The purpose of that was just to see how many number of cases per month..
Does anyone know if Non RIR are being processed or not? Did anybody know of any Non RIR case approval?
What Is Importance Of 45 Day Letter

Hello Can Some 1 Please Tell Me After 45 Day Letter Has Been Replied To Dol, Does Most Of Cases Gets Approval. And If Person One Has File Through H1-b( Which Pays Taxes ) Does H1-b To Lc Gets Approval ? And Does It Benifit If One Has Filed Case Through H1-b.

Please Help Thank,

Basic answers

Nearly everyone here is applying LC on basis of H1-B.

45 day letter tells you: 1) Your case has been received by Dallas or Philly BEC 2) your data entry has been completed in the electronic system and is ready in queue for analysis/approval 3) also indicates that your application is not lost or any such problems as incomplete info etc is sent with the letter if any.

I have not heard of any rejection - so slowly enough everyone should get approved. The next 2-3 months will tell us much.

desi786 said:
Hello Can Some 1 Please Tell Me After 45 Day Letter Has Been Replied To Dol, Does Most Of Cases Gets Approval. And If Person One Has File Through H1-b( Which Pays Taxes ) Does H1-b To Lc Gets Approval ? And Does It Benifit If One Has Filed Case Through H1-b.

Please Help Thank,

Icarus...please Please Tell Us!!!

mnhrdc said:
Icarus and other Gurus

If anybody has some info please let us know whats happening to cases having PD May/june 2002. We havnt heard any news and Attorneys are not helpfull. Please shed some light on this.

Congratulations to all new Aug 2002 cases posted here and if possible please post your DBEC nos. D-xxxxx-





Icarus said:
Recent (7/7/05) stats from Dallas BEC. (The Good:D, the Bad:(, and the Ugly:mad: )

Total cases certified: 5183
Cases in Final Review: 921
Total TR Queue: 5109 (ratio of region:state cases = 2:1) No info on FIFO dates being worked.
Total RIR Queue: 18081 - most recent progression of FIFO date: 12/16/02. :D


When you say Total RIR Queue: 18081, do you mean Regional RIR only or
Regional RIR + SWA RIR (which never went to Regional) cases ?
Is the pd date here is used when we apply for 140/485?

I have a dummy question. Can anyone kindly tell me if the pd date here (LC) is going to be used when we apply for 140/485? Thanks in advance!

pd date (AZ): July 04
rd date (CA): Nov 04
45-day letter received on June 05
replied on June 05
Icarus said:
Recent (7/7/05) stats from Dallas BEC. (The Good:D, the Bad:(, and the Ugly:mad: )

Total cases certified: 5183
Cases in Final Review: 921
Total TR Queue: 5109 (ratio of region:state cases = 2:1) No info on FIFO dates being worked.
Total RIR Queue: 18081 - most recent progression of FIFO date: 12/16/02. :D


Thanks to ICarus, GP and other for all the information....

After going through this information I think soon DBEC will look into APR 2003 cases too ...

PD: APR 2003, RIR/EB3 from CA
RD: NOV 2004
Dallas Case# D-05XXX-XXXX
45 day letter received 06/10/2005, answered 06/25/05