Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Approvals from BEC ???

Murthy's recent News letter.

"We note that, to date, our Office has not received a single case adjudication from either of the BPCs. An informal survey of other AILA members present at that May 23, 2005 meeting confirmed this as a similar experience."

Here in forum we are counting the current processing PD as 08/02 and seen approvals from our friends from PD 2001 and 2002, how come Murhty and others didnt get even a single approval from BEC ?????

PD 11/2002
Replied to 45 days letter in 12/2004
God Bless us


Is God not hearing the prayers and seeing the frustration of over 340,000 families?

There is a saying that knowledge is the cause of sorrow. Now that we know more than half the boxes are not even opened and cases not entered in the system, it adds to the frustration....

So, we also have to pray that at the end of 24-30 months or at what ever future date the Backlog Elimination Centers do not get eliminated before they complete the processing of all these backlog cases!!!!!

Inspite of all our discussions and guestimations, we will get our case processed, whenever it gets processed and unfortunately we have no control on the time frame, if we need a positive outcome.

PD 01/16/2002
ETA# D05097-xxxxx
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GCPD0102 said:
Is God not hearing the prayers and seeing the frustration of over 340,000 families?

There is a saying that knowledge is the cause of sorrow. Now that we know more than half the boxes are not even opened and cases not entered in the system, it adds to the frustration....

So, we also have to pray that at the end of 24-30 months or at what ever future date the Backlog Elimination Centers do not get eliminated before they complete the processing of all these backlog cases!!!!!

Inspite of all our discussions and guestimations, we will get our case processed, whenever it gets processed and unfortunately we have no control on the time frame, if we need a positive outcome.

PD 01/16/2002
ETA# D05097-xxxxx
The only good part from the article is they entered around 50k cases in the last one month.
sleepless_in_IN said:
The only explanation I can think of is (II) unless they are 245i cases that used obscure attys (lower fees) vs. famous ones like murthy AND those 12K people just do not post their approvals here. Still is unlikely!

I do not know about 12000 cases but as I posted before, my attorney's office recieved more than 25 approvals all RIR cases all with PD 2001 APR (this was two weeks back).

Just because Murty did not recieve any approvals, it does not mean no one else is. It could be they do not have cases from 2001.

Just my opinion...
12k cases processed joke

I studied the part about 12k cases getting "processed". Looks like most of them were closed (no reply to 45 day letter/ employer wilfully closing)
Look carefully, theres no use of the term "approval" but rather a generic word "processing"
They should stop playing with words and get us out of the mess they have created
GCPD0102 said:
Is God not hearing the prayers and seeing the frustration of over 340,000 families?

I don't think God is trying your patience. This whole thing is part of systematic approach to delay our cases. At the current pace you can only possibly get a GC if your company can stick around for 7 years and you can stick with the same job/company for the period without making progress in your life.

I personally think that the goverment is doing this deliberately. In this world where we do high class data exchange between systems, the DOL couldn't do a simple export and import ? What is this thing about manually entering the cases into the computer, when you have the data already scanned the data in another system. What is the purpose of the 45-day letter ? All these actions are clearly part of methodical approach to our harassment. You don't need to be smart to know the way the DOL is dragging thier feet.

My co-worker is in his 7th year of H1. So now if he losses his job, then he has only two option either go back like good honest person go back or become illegal. Living a life of illegal requires some good nerves and after so many years in this queue 75% of our nerves have burnt out. You know before the elections the 485 was like dead slow, then as the election was approaching 485 was getting approved at lighting speed. All this is evidence that this slowness is deliberate.

My current approach that I put in place at the beginning of this year is that I will not worry about GC from USA. I made a plan of action that I will take if I am laid off and move my life forward. If you think about it, the skill sets that I filed my LC are not even relavant today and nobody might need these skill sets 2-3 years down the line.

I don't know about how relevant the technology is to your job. I think for cooks the way they work stays the same, so as long as they can put there heads down and do there job, they might see light at the end of the tunnel. For my programming job, 3 years is already a life time.

My best approach is to totally give up on this, and if the govt. realizes that people cann't take this sh.t anymore and good people are leaving and give it to me than good enough, otherwise I have better plans.

Breaking news.... My company is having it's fourth round of layoffs since beginning of this year, I am sitting tight to see if they are going to come and get me :rolleyes:
PERN EB2 vs RIR EB3 - GURUS please help.

I had my application filed in EB3 (PD April 2003) and the application is now most probably sitting in Dallas BEC. My application had not made it to the federal level, so as per Icarus, it is in a small swa cases queue which is currently not being processed.

I'm thinking about filing a brand new LC application under PERM with EB2 (I have my masters from US). But I started my current job before I technically got my Master's degree. But since then it can be argued that my job has "substantially changed"

The risk/reward with PERM EB2 is that my attorney told me that all PERM applications till now have been rejected. Additionally the labor dept. itself is not sure about some of the PERM regulations and they are still trying to figure it out. The reward would be I would be able to get EAD for my spouse potentially by Jan/Feb 2006.

Going the RIR EB3 route, I guess it will be later than Dec 2006 when I can get EAD (due to backlog processing and retrogression).

Icarus, GP111, Zainy and all other gurus here - Please tell which route you think is better.

I'm going to take decision in next few days on which route to take.

Thanks you all in advance.
UNFAIR !! The term has new meaning

sleepless_in_IN said:
How is that good? All you get is a case number....from this abbrv. entry - and that if you are lucky. You have no idea when you will get your 45 day letter..., since they will go back to your case "WHENEVER" to complete entering the case...without which no 45 letter, no lining up in the queue....TRUST ME it's not good. EXPECIALLY BAD FOR 2001 and older SWA cases.

Good would be, everyone gets thier case entered completely (DOL puts 100% effort into that) then everyone gets 45 day letter in FIFO order, but mostly at the same time. Everyone gets in the queue to be processed. DOL updates us on what PD they are working on on the monthly basis. It's verified by people getting approvals FIFO.

How do you think people feel when they hear a 2002 aug case is approved when they hear nothing on thier 2001 case, even though both are regional?

Approvals on cases with PD later than.... those people do not EVEN have 45 day letters is not good!! It's UNFAIR.

It is unfair,
Just look at cases like mine, mnhrdc, Raydhan, we have got everything 45 day letter, replied 5 months back and we are still nowhere. Case after us are getting certified everyday while we sit in despair..

This is unbelievable!!!


You are correct. This strategy does appear deliberate at times. The increasing red-tape and the numerous caveats all point to a system that frustrates people to drop off the queue.

What should have been a routine process based on set timelines has become a major achievement now. What the heck even if one were to get it at the end of 4 - 5 years of wait all of us would surely have stagnated to a waste by then.
And they still want Indians to stay away from US?

Contributions of Indian-Americans to the U.S. Recognized!
In a resolution passed on April 26, 2005, the U.S. House of Representatives resolved to recognize the contributions of IndianAmericans to the United States. They particularly acknowledged the contributions of graduates of the Indian Institutes of Technology and urged all Americans to join them in recognizing the benefits IndianAmericans bring to the U.S. The resolution stated that the United States is deeply enriched by its IndianAmerican residents and that they have made valuable and significant contributions to society in every profession and discipline.

Unlike a bill that must be passed by the House of Representatives, by the Senate, and signed by the President in order to become law, some resolutions need only be passed by either the U.S. House or the U.S. Senate to become effective. A resolution generally does not confer enforceable rights. It is more in the nature of an official acknowledgement worth mentioning. It does not place any requirements upon anyone, nor create any penalties, nor allow for lawsuits for failures to act. It does not require people within the United States to recognize the contributions of IndianAmericans nor does it penalize them if they do not.

We at The Law Office of Sheela Murthy applaud the House for recognizing the importance of persons from India to the U.S. We hope that the positive relations between the two countries will continue to the benefit of all.

Now that you recognize this could you please work on Retrogession for Indians?
Philly is not doing nothing so they are unfair. :mad: Dallas is working so they are also unfair. :rolleyes: Nothing is going to make happy all. :p ZB/Sleepless, everyone looks own case and favorable approach. If DOL's way of working helps individual case then DOL is not unfair otherwise hell, yes. my 2 cents. :D

Zany_Brainy said:
It is unfair,
Just look at cases like mine, mnhrdc, Raydhan, we have got everything 45 day letter, replied 5 months back and we are still nowhere. Case after us are getting certified everyday while we sit in despair..

This is unbelievable!!!

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no BEC approvals at my attorney's office

Just got a response from my lawyer. Her office(Santa Clara, CA) has not received any BEC approvals so far.

Zany_Brainy said:
It is unfair,
Just look at cases like mine, mnhrdc, Raydhan, we have got everything 45 day letter, replied 5 months back and we are still nowhere. Case after us are getting certified everyday while we sit in despair..

This is unbelievable!!!


Frustation leads to more Frustation

I see a ray of light in the tunnel and yet not out of it.

1.BEC Finally Wokeup and at last started Processing .
2.I feel we should be happy after waiting from Sept 2004 that cases beyond our PD have allready recieved LC, which means that our cases also would have been adjudicated and just waiting may be for final signature or in the pipline of snail mail.
3.I dont see any logic in not believing that they are not doing by FIFO
but allways some overlap we may expect in this type of sitiuation when they are in the middle of the data entry of Reply's recd 45 day letters and generating.
4.Think if they had decied other way, that they will start only after all data is input, in that way atleast they are sensible and we are lucky.
5.Lets give another 4 weeks before making any projections and it is too less a data availbe to feel bad about it.
6.One approval means one number less waiting period for the next case. :)
7.OR Do we have choice ? LC is only our privilege
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sleepless_in_IN said:
How is that good? All you get is a case number....from this abbrv. entry - and that if you are lucky. You have no idea when you will get your 45 day letter..., since they will go back to your case "WHENEVER" to complete entering the case...without which no 45 letter, no lining up in the queue....TRUST ME it's not good. EXPECIALLY BAD FOR 2001 and older SWA cases.

Good would be, everyone gets thier case entered completely (DOL puts 100% effort into that) then everyone gets 45 day letter in FIFO order, but mostly at the same time. Everyone gets in the queue to be processed. DOL updates us on what PD they are working on on the monthly basis. It's verified by people getting approvals FIFO.

How do you think people feel when they hear a 2002 aug case is approved when they hear nothing on thier 2001 case, even though both are regional?

Approvals on cases with PD later than.... those people who do not EVEN have 45 day letters is not good!! It's UNFAIR.
They have several problems with each stage of their system
1: Data entry is not happening at the expected speed.
2: Only Dallas is moving with analysys on RIR cases.There is no progress in analyzing Non RIR at Dallas and all cases at Philli.
3: There is a total breakdown at the CO's desk at Dallas.

Out of all the problems, they seem to be addressing the "data entry" part by hiring temporary contractors.
If anybody is unhappy with their decesions. Indiana guys should be at the last (Based on their latest statements at AILA as reported in Murthy.com).
Patience is a Virtue

mnhrdc said:
Frustation leads to more Frustation

I see a ray of light in the tunnel and yet not out of it.

1.BEC Finally Wokeup and at last started Processing .
2.I feel we should be happy after waiting from Sept 2004 that cases beyond our PD have allready recieved LC, which means that our cases also would have been adjudicated and just waiting may be for final signature or in the pipline of snail mail.
3.I dont see any logic in not believing that they are not doing by FIFO
but allways some overlap we may expect in this type of sitiuation when they are in the middle of the data entry of Reply's recd 45 day letters and generating.
4.Think if they had decied other way, that they will start only after all data is input, in that way atleast they are sensible and we are lucky.
5.Lets give another 4 weeks before making any projections and it is too less a data availbe to feel bad about it.
6.One approval means one number less waiting period for the next case. :)
7.OR Do we have choice ? LC is only our privilege

Patience my friend. DOL and BEC are trying to do something here, instead of jus sittin on their rears. So have some patience. Remember the DOL/BEC do not care if people are desperate to get their Green cards. They can do whatever they can with the limited amount of funds they got. I filed my labor with CA SESA in Aug 2001 and still have not received anything at all. So stop bit***** and focus on collecting some useful data like other smart people do here.
For Icarus

Someone may have already asked you these questions but if you can take some time to answer them one more time, we all would sincerely appreciate.

Can you provide some information regarding the nature of the out-of-sync (non FIFO) approvals that we are seeing from the Dallas BPC? Any idea what is the logic being used here?
What are the PDs being currently approved by the COs?

Once again, thanks a million for your priceless information.

Where is the queue God...


could you please let us know if queue God has moved from 08/02..

sbs said:
I have the same question for ICARUS. Can ICARUS or the other GURUs tell me how long is the queue waiting time since the case moved from the Anayst to the CO for approval at Dallas BEC?

Latest case pulled from RIR queue had PD of 8/02.(not that all cases prior have been worked, that's just the powerball number for this week) :eek: