Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking


Icarus said:
Latest case pulled from RIR queue had PD of 8/02.(not that all cases prior have been worked, that's just the powerball number for this week) :eek:


i have some questions, hope u can answer them:

1-what about the data entry? Dol siad before they wil finish them by end of summer 2005 which is sep . and u said before it is march 2006. can u clarify? and when SWA cases will see lights and 45 days letters?

2- according to what u already said, this means that FIFO is not being used. because some later cases r being processed before earlier ones.

3- will the CO's queue be expedited in the near futur? and where is it now?

4- is there a problem in mailing the approvals from BEC?

5- how many cases have been processed by the contractor so far? r they RIR or TR or both?

6- what is the total number of cases waiting in the queue now?

thanks for ur valuable help.
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arbit007 said:
I studied the part about 12k cases getting "processed". Looks like most of them were closed (no reply to 45 day letter/ employer wilfully closing)
Look carefully, theres no use of the term "approval" but rather a generic word "processing"
They should stop playing with words and get us out of the mess they have created
DOL is taking advantage of their relationship with the contractor. The contract was to "eliminate the backlog" in a "timely" manner. That's it. You have roughly 100 people each in two cities from Mailroom Clerk to C.O. with an initial contract of 2 years with possible extensions for year 3 and 4 for a tidy sum of $16-18M. Data entry is estimated to take until March of '06 to complete.THAT'S JUST THE FIRST STEP!!! So, it's no wonder they take great satisfaction in proclaiming #cases being "processed".
[analysis]BEC processing order

Data entry -- "random" both send and recieve side.

Case Analysis -- PD FIFO

Case Certification -- batch mode
My guess is, CO is trying to maintain the consistency among the similar cases, which you don't want to see the different results. Back to region DOL, I have been observing that one company's applications got approved at the same day, although the application dates span few months.

Let me ask you one Most Important Question..

When We Can See Some Approvals (I mean real approvals in bunch, not single here & there) ? Does not matter if it follows RIR, Non RIR, FIFO, LIFO, Regional, SWA, Fair, UnFair.. The Bottomline is WHEN ??
antonioa77 said:

i have some questions, hope u can answer them:

1-what about the data entry? Dol siad before they wil finish them by end of summer 2005 which is sep . and u said before it is march 2006. can u clarify? and when SWA cases will see lights and 45 days letters? [I]They're trying to get all cases at least put in abbreviated by end of summer. Going back and completing data entry will probably take until March '06.[/I]
2- according to what u already said, this means that FIFO is not being used. because some later cases r being processed before earlier ones. [I]FIFO as you're defining it would require holding on to all positive 45-day letter responses until all have been received before taking another 3-4 weeks to organize the files by PD (150,000 per office) and then commencing analysis[/I].

3- will the CO's queue be expedited in the near futur? and where is it now? [I]CO's are having their own problems with the workflow and are working on easing a couple of unanticipated bottlenecks.[/I]

4- is there a problem in mailing the approvals from BEC? [I]See #3, plus, they are going over the approvals with a fine tooth comb. I mean, face it, you don't want to have Labor Cert Approval in hand when you get to USCIS only to have them say there's a typo on your 750B that no one fixed and you get thrown into THEIR backlog reduction![/I]
5- how many cases have been processed by the contractor so far? r they RIR or TR or both? a little over 4000 to the point of Final Review for Certification. Both.

6- what is the total number of cases waiting in the queue now? I don't know at this point. :(

thanks for ur valuable help.
IL cases missing dates?


Please help - I noticed a three month gap in the cases sent from IL to the Dallas BEC. Are there missing boxes? Has IL sent all the cases?
Or is it that nobody really knows what is in the boxes?

Thanks for taking the time to give us real time glimpses of the BEC.

ICARUS thanks for ur response.

1-well then do u know if the processing in the final review will get faster? i mean will the contractor add more personal for that queue? and will the queues for RIR and TR remain independent?

2-so after march 2006, all the people doin data entry will be moved to the processing queue? in other words, processing will get much faster after march 2006?

thank u .
Icarus said:
Latest case pulled from RIR queue had PD of 8/02.(not that all cases prior have been worked, that's just the powerball number for this week) :eek:


Thanks for the insight and few questions to better understand your answers.

1.When you say they are working on PD 8/02 does that mean no FIFO
2.What happend to earlier PD cases which are allready replied to 45 day letter.
3. R they also being processed?
4. Is this process is done by PBLS computer system or they picking the files randomly by hand.

Thanks agains

In one of your post you mentioned that it's possible to convert Non-RIR case to RIR if your priority date is before Aug3, 2001. My priority date is Aug 1, 2001 filed as RIR in CA and it was remanded to Non-RIR by state in Jun 2003. My question is ,
Can I convert my case back to RIR ? I haven't recevied 45-day letter yet and my case is in Dallas BEC. My lawyer says that you could have done that before PERM started (mar 28, 2005 ) . You can't do it now. Is it true ?

Your help is much appreciated.

To Icarus

Dear Icarus,
Could you please provide some insight into why some later 2002 cases are approved while january 2002 people are still waiting? As per DOL tracker there is some people who replyed to 45-day letter back in Janury, have PD in January -February 2002 and still no approval.
Are RFEs and denials taking longer than approvals? Are responses to early 2002 cases stuck at CO tables?
Any explanations/speculations will be appreciated
Thank you very much
antonioa77 said:
ICARUS thanks for ur response.

1-well then do u know if the processing in the final review will get faster? i mean will the contractor add more personal for that queue? and will the queues for RIR and TR remain independent?

2-so after march 2006, all the people doin data entry will be moved to the processing queue? in other words, processing will get much faster after march 2006?

thank u .
1. Right now there are about a half a dozen on the DOL side (Dallas) working on final review/certifications. That function is still under the domain of the DOL and I don't know if thee are plans to increase their numbers as time progresses.
2.Unsure of future plans but as Data Entry dries up, it is likely that additional personnel will be transferred to the review function to maintain the paper flow. Will probably have more info as the Data Entry function approaches conclusion (fall,winter '05?)
Icarus said:
1. Right now there are about a half a dozen on the DOL side (Dallas) working on final review/certifications. That function is still under the domain of the DOL and I don't know if thee are plans to increase their numbers as time progresses.
2.Unsure of future plans but as Data Entry dries up, it is likely that additional personnel will be transferred to the review function to maintain the paper flow. Will probably have more info as the Data Entry function approaches conclusion (fall,winter '05?)


Could you please let us know that why we are getting so random approvals..Like som etime, we see approvals of may 2002 and some times, we see approvals of july/august 2002....but in between none.....So looks like in addition to FIFO, some thing else is being followed to certify the final cases.

Could you please comment on it...whatever you know about it.

and thanks again for your valuable information.
mnhrdc said:

Thanks for the insight and few questions to better understand your answers.

1.When you say they are working on PD 8/02 does that mean no FIFO
2.What happend to earlier PD cases which are allready replied to 45 day letter.
3. R they also being processed?
4. Is this process is done by PBLS computer system or they picking the files randomly by hand.

Thanks agains
1. No, that means that if there are no other prior cases waiting in the queue, the average dates being pulled are from 8/02. This may vary from day to day as more responses arrive to 45-day letter that may have prior PD. As an RIR or TR analyst, I would pull the next case from the queue (arranged in FIFO order by PBLS) and attempt to complete analysis and make a recommendation for or against certification. In many cases, if the file is in order and everything is there, this might take 15-20 minutes and then it's sent into the C.O.'s Final Review queue. If there are problems, I might call the agent for additional information (if minor) or recommend NOF, which the agent/employer would be notified of the DOL's intent to deny cert if problems are not addressed within 35 days. If corrective action/documentation is accomplished, the case is reviewed and recommended for cert. If no response or the response falls short of the remedy required, the case is denied. At that point, the case can be dropped by the employer or appealed to BALCA (Labor Court) which reviews the denial and either affirms the decision or returns it to the BEC for further analysis/review.(kinda like Court of Appeals). At any time during the RIR analysis stage, to get back to your question. If we have to wait for a response, the case is set aside pending the response, and the next case is pulled from the queue.
LCA - 01 said:

In one of your post you mentioned that it's possible to convert Non-RIR case to RIR if your priority date is before Aug3, 2001. My priority date is Aug 1, 2001 filed as RIR in CA and it was remanded to Non-RIR by state in Jun 2003. My question is ,
Can I convert my case back to RIR ? I haven't recevied 45-day letter yet and my case is in Dallas BEC. My lawyer says that you could have done that before PERM started (mar 28, 2005 ) . You can't do it now. Is it true ?

Your help is much appreciated.

unfortunately, after a remand, the case is pretty much sequestered to TR analysis unless it's evident the remand was erroneous. If it stays in TR, the agent/employer will be contacted re: supervised recruitment process (advertising, posting, etc.)
sfoguy said:

Could you please let us know that why we are getting so random approvals..Like som etime, we see approvals of may 2002 and some times, we see approvals of july/august 2002....but in between none.....So looks like in addition to FIFO, some thing else is being followed to certify the final cases.

Could you please comment on it...whatever you know about it.

and thanks again for your valuable information.
As has been alluded to in previous posts...cases are pulled from queue in FIFO order. They are analyzed either: 1. to the point of cert recommendation (good), 2. additional info needed (not as good) 3. denial of RIR and sent to TR (pain felt by all) or 4. recommendation to NOF(bad). At that point, the next case pulled from queue is worked until the same point (one of four above). Obviously, if cert is recommended, it goes into C.O.'s queue for Final Review and Cert. This is where your fastest turn-around is seen. On the other hand, if one of the other 3 options come into play, things slow down to accommodate the situation and a case with a later PD date that is clean and gets recommended for cert possibly may get past the case being worked under 2,3 or 4.
ICARUS - Philadelphia BPC

Hi Icarus,

We would like to make a request. Could you please use your contacts and suggest somebody from Philedelphia BPC to shed some light on the inside processing of PBPC?

We would highly appreciate that. Thanks a lot for your valuable inputs.
This is not good news for most of us!!!

Icarus said:
As has been alluded to in previous posts...cases are pulled from queue in FIFO order. They are analyzed either: 1. to the point of cert recommendation (good), 2. additional info needed (not as good) 3. denial of RIR and sent to TR (pain felt by all) or 4. recommendation to NOF(bad). At that point, the next case pulled from queue is worked until the same point (one of four above). Obviously, if cert is recommended, it goes into C.O.'s queue for Final Review and Cert. This is where your fastest turn-around is seen. On the other hand, if one of the other 3 options come into play, things slow down to accommodate the situation and a case with a later PD date that is clean and gets recommended for cert possibly may get past the case being worked under 2,3 or 4.

So it looks like those who got their approvals of PD-july 2002 or later were really lucky as they got certified without any problem and most of the cases wit PDs may, june 2002 got stuck (or did not get approval) because they need either 1) additional info or 2) will sent back to TR or 3). recommended for NOF....

Keep your fingers crossed for next 2-3 more weeks to see what happens!!

Good luck every one!!!
ICARUS, kindly answer the possible questions.

Thank you for the great work and it is appreciated.

I have a few questions I would appreciate if you can answer possible questions.

1)What are the guidelines an Analyst will follow on an LC to recommend to the CO for certification?

2)What could be the possible reasons that you can think of an LC to require additional information by the Analyst?

3)For what reasons an RIR case will be denied and recommended for NON RIR case?

4)Under what circumstances an NOF will be issued on LC?How one can overcome on this issue?

5)Based on your estimates when one can see the bunch of approvals/RFE's/Denials/NOFS?

6)Do you know how one can appeal(Procedure) the LC when he/she had NOF?

7)When an analyst process the cases, Does he/she follows the guidelines as per the LC filed state or GLOBAL UNIQUE PROCEDURE?

8)To my knowledge,Until issuing of 45 days letters are completed one may not see much move on decisions of cases as the resources are being utilized in the generation of so called 45 days letters.What is your take on this?

Thank you in advance for reading and answering the possible questions and I apolozize if I have asked the questions more than your threshold.
WaitingonLC said:
Thank you for the great work and it is appreciated.

I have a few questions I would appreciate if you can answer possible questions.

1)What are the guidelines an Analyst will follow on an LC to recommend to the CO for certification?Analysts are responsible for checking data entry into PBLS for accuracy and completeness. Also they determine if all required documents are present in file. If so, analyst fills in checklist in PBLS affirming that recruitment is complete and then forwards case in PBLS to CO for final review and cert.

2)What could be the possible reasons that you can think of an LC to require additional information by the Analyst?Incomplete recruitment results, clarification of discrepancies between Application and supporting documents.

3)For what reasons an RIR case will be denied and recommended for NON RIR case?RIR denial is based upon whether case file evidence supports the assertion by the employer/agent that a bonafide recruitment effort has been accomplished. Missing evidence of advertising, ads and recruitment efforts prior to the 6 month period immediately prior to the request date for RIR-examples

4)Under what circumstances an NOF will be issued on LC?How one can overcome on this issue?NOF's are based upon numerous issues. Frequent examples are questionable proof of employer existence, recruitment that appears to favor the alien (tailoring),vague recruitment results unaddressed by response to #2 above,unduly restrictive job requirements that are beyond what is customarily expected of applicants possessing stated education and experience on 750A, among others. When a NOF is issued, the employer has 35 days to remedy to CO's satisfaction or case will be denied.

5)Based on your estimates when one can see the bunch of approvals/RFE's/Denials/NOFS? Unable to say at present. All of these have cases currently in process.

6)Do you know how one can appeal(Procedure) the LC when he/she had NOF?
If an employer feels that the NOF is erroneous, they may appeal to BALCA(see DOL website for details) who will review decision and either confirm denial or ask the BEC to reconsider/amend decision.
7)When an analyst process the cases, Does he/she follows the guidelines as per the LC filed state or GLOBAL UNIQUE PROCEDURE?"global" or whatever standard the DOL has agreed upon nationwide.

8)To my knowledge,Until issuing of 45 days letters are completed one may not see much move on decisions of cases as the resources are being utilized in the generation of so called 45 days letters.What is your take on this?Although some personnel may be moved into analysis once Data Entry is wrapped up, the contract was awarded under the proposal that did not propose a 100% analysis labor shift. Obviously, personnel will be needed for mail processing, filing, and other departments, but chances are that as some job functions end, a slight reduction in staff will occur. Unfortunately, most of this is speculation.

Thank you in advance for reading and answering the possible questions and I apolozize if I have asked the questions more than your threshold.
For Icarus


Would appreciate your feedback on this.....

I had applied for LC under RIR and with Masters + 1 yr experience as minimum requirements.
Advertisements were placed based on the LC Requirements. However, only 9 candidates responded to the advertisement and none qualified for the minimum requirements.

Would such a low number of responses to the advertisements lead to an automatic RFE or would my company be asked to advertise again based on few responses ?

In Que