Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Cases waiting in COs queue

Hi ICarus,

Thank you very much for your contribution. We really really appreciate your help. Do you know how many cases are waiting in CO's queue for approval in Dallas BEC?
Hi GCNoway,
Congratulations!!. I appreciate your information on the forum.The following are my particulars and I wonder about my case.
PD - 01/08/02(CA, RIR-EB2)
RD - 08/03
45 day letter from Dallas BRC-Received/Replied - First week of Feb, 05.
Case # -D-04320-03XXX.

I should have heard about my case by now as my PD is 01/02 but apparently my attorney has not received any information so far.
I am going to check with my attorney but need some authentic info to convince him that cases prior to May 2002 have been processed/approved so that he can check with the Dallas BEC about my case .

It would be very helpful, if you can provide me some clear information such as website of your lawyer where all that info about current approval timelines and dates and most recently approved cases etc,
I hope you would respond soon positively as you did to Zany_brainy.
Thanks very much...

Zany_Brainy said:
Can you please tell me details about the May 2nd 2002 case approved for your lawyer?

My Lawyer is not believing that May 2002 cases are getting approved and refuses to do anything to enquire in the BEC on my case. Is there a website of your lawyer where they post their current approval timelines and dates of most recently approved cases etc.

Can you please send it to me by PM ? I can then take up my case with my lawyer, If I can prove to her that May 2002 cases are being approved while mine is lost in translation somwhere


Today i checked with my attorney who is generally helpfull and he confirmed that they not yet recieved any approvals.
I think except for few early stray cases bulk mailing must be still under progress. If this is not true let us know so we will again take up with our attorney,
Clarification Please?


Could anyone clarify something for me?

PD refers to Priority Date right? If so, then is Priority Date the date the case was filed in first place or is it the date it reached the Regional Office. To more especific, My RIR case was submitted in 12/02 and reached the regional on 11/03. I received and responded to the 45-day letter on 03/05. Could someone please explain this to me?

Can I shift jobs within company?

Dear Gurus,

I have a situation. I work for a large IC design firm where I applied for LC in EB3 while I was an Application Engineer in the month of October of 2002. Now, I have a fine oppurtunity as RND engineer, but with a different job description and responsibilities. Can I still maintain my previous LC, which hopefully will be approved in near future. If not, is there anything I can do so that my LC is maintained. My HR is kinda reluctant to modify the new job description so that GC process remains undisturbed.

Please advice.
azeche said:

Could anyone clarify something for me?

PD refers to Priority Date right? If so, then is Priority Date the date the case was filed in first place or is it the date it reached the Regional Office. To more especific, My RIR case was submitted in 12/02 and reached the regional on 11/03. I received and responded to the 45-day letter on 03/05. Could someone please explain this to me?


Yes, PD is the Priority Date and it is the date your filed in first place.

So your case's PD is 12/02 and your RD is 11/03

Tracking Latest Green Card News
GCPD0102 said:
Can you please give some idea on how the "RIR cases which DOL denied RIR and Remanded to state" are treated at the BEC?

RIR Missourie
PD 01/16/2002
RD 04/08/2003
DOL Denied RIR and Remanded to State
ETA # D05097-XXXXX
45 day letter received from Dallas BEC 4/18/05
45 day letter replied 4/19/05
Depending on reason for remand....it's on a case by case basis. If the recruitment is shoddy (or declared so by the original remanding region), the case is worked as TR, which is what the SWA would have done anyway.
helpjune4 said:
"NO qualified response to the ads".

I'm not kidding. That's the reason my attorney put on my LC application. In fact, I'm only an accountant, not doing dna counting type of jobs. Just wondering if anyone has simiar experience. I'm getting more and more worried as days go by.
That's gonna cause a problem...if responses are "not qualified" the Federal regs require the employer to provide a legal reason as to why the U.S. applicant was disqualified. A general statement to that effect is gonna bring things to a screeching halt. RIR allows the employer to be non-applicant specific in providing recruitment results, but they still need to account for all applicants for the job-at least categorically.
jonny said:
Dear Gurus,

I have a situation. I work for a large IC design firm where I applied for LC in EB3 while I was an Application Engineer in the month of October of 2002. Now, I have a fine oppurtunity as RND engineer, but with a different job description and responsibilities. Can I still maintain my previous LC, which hopefully will be approved in near future. If not, is there anything I can do so that my LC is maintained. My HR is kinda reluctant to modify the new job description so that GC process remains undisturbed.

Please advice.

Thats the question that remains unanswered for lot of people. Can someone give some insight.
Hi Icarus

As far I thought if case is filed under RIR and it passes through SWA , means you should not have problems in regional for its recruitment effort and Wage scale. Because to my knowldge SWA checks for the recruitment effort and pay scale.
It might be too early to ask but has RIR que has moved from 08/02.
Let us know. thanks in advance

Icarus said:
That's gonna cause a problem...if responses are "not qualified" the Federal regs require the employer to provide a legal reason as to why the U.S. applicant was disqualified. A general statement to that effect is gonna bring things to a screeching halt. RIR allows the employer to be non-applicant specific in providing recruitment results, but they still need to account for all applicants for the job-at least categorically.

My friend's lawyer finally got the 45 day letter on 5/31/05. He responded immediately.

PD: 12/17/01
Case number: D-04310-xxxxx.
Dec 2001 PD - Still waiting for 45-day letter!

My PD is Dec 2001. Chicago DOL sent a number of cases belonging to my employer (a BIG company) to Dallas BEC in March. A lot of the cases with PDs in 2002 have received their 45-day letter. I haven't received mine yet :(

The only difference between their cases and mine is that my case received NOFs twice as my employer was into major lay offs when my case was being processed. All the cases received after mine from my employer were put into pending status and they had no NOFs.

My question is - Does a case with NOFs take longer to enter in data entry :confused:
q on recritment

To Icarus, please respond:

It is probably a general understanding that things like recruitment effort, prevailing wage, etc. used to be SWA's concern - (at least for the RIR cases?). When a case was cleared by the SWA and the case moved to the regional one would not need to worry about those things. Has that norm changed in the DBEC? I mean, someone with his/her case in the regional level can still face these issues from Dallas BEC?

Icarus said:
That's gonna cause a problem...if responses are "not qualified" the Federal regs require the employer to provide a legal reason as to why the U.S. applicant was disqualified. A general statement to that effect is gonna bring things to a screeching halt. RIR allows the employer to be non-applicant specific in providing recruitment results, but they still need to account for all applicants for the job-at least categorically.
Originally Posted by jonny
Dear Gurus,

I have a situation. I work for a large IC design firm where I applied for LC in EB3 while I was an Application Engineer in the month of October of 2002. Now, I have a fine oppurtunity as RND engineer, but with a different job description and responsibilities. Can I still maintain my previous LC, which hopefully will be approved in near future. If not, is there anything I can do so that my LC is maintained. My HR is kinda reluctant to modify the new job description so that GC process remains undisturbed.

Please advice.
USCISisMockery said:
Thats the question that remains unanswered for lot of people. Can someone give some insight.

I maybe speaking out of turn but I have been in a similar position -- and as far as I understand during this time we are complete and totally at the mercy of our employers.

The rules of the government are very unfriendly for fast paced immigrants. Anybody who is smart and deserving with access to opportunities to further their careers is worst served by the existing rules and processing in place.

We are truly stuck as indentured servants !!!
Estimated time frame


I wanted to know an approximate time frame by which I can see some progress on my file. Specifically when can my lawyer receive the 45 days letter and what is a reasonable time frame by which the labor is approved. Any one here in a similar situation please responds.

PD 02/03/2004
Case transferred to Dallas BPC

As far as getting the 45 day letter is concerned, the process seems to be totally random at this point. People are getting (and not getting) it out of turn. But once you get the letter and respond to it, you may expect a little over 1 year for your case to see the light of the day...(If everything goes as predicted that is)

My PD is 12/15/2003 , no 45 day letter yet..

So hang on there !
kkosh said:

I wanted to know an approximate time frame by which I can see some progress on my file. Specifically when can my lawyer receive the 45 days letter and what is a reasonable time frame by which the labor is approved. Any one here in a similar situation please responds.

PD 02/03/2004
Case transferred to Dallas BPC

it seems that the total number of RIR cases in dallas BEC is around 50000 cases, which is not that bad, whereas in Phili the total will be like 80000 for RIR. the other 200000 cases are non-rir. therefore, i expect RIR cases in dallas to be finshed in less than a yr from now.morevover DOL says that they will finish data entry by sep 2005. so i think for an rir case with PD 2004 in dallas the whole thing will be done in less than a yr. whereas like in phili it will take more time. and the non-rir cases will be finished in 2 yrs . this is the scenraio that i c. my opinion.