Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Icarus Please answer this question..

Icarus said:
Apologies to Manny, GC and Ziv....
7:30am - Arrive a half hour early after an 90 minute commute due to unpredicable rush hour traffic in Dallas...Sorry, no OT here...can't clock in until 8.
Turn on computer, get cases out to process, check e-mails (ok, some personal...so sue me)
8:00am - Begin first case...separate file into some semblance of order due to each SWA/Region having their own "way" of doing things.
8:30am - Set case aside due to necessity of calling attorney in California who won't be in the office for another 3 hours to clarify vague Recruitment Summary put together by employer.
8:40am - Venture into the file cabinets with armload of "OUT" cards looking for a half dozen files scattered across an acre-sized office due to the incongruity between the data entry case number assignment and the FIFO order of processing beginning at the analysis stage.
9:00am - Pit stop due to 44 oz Dr. Pepper consumed en route to work.
9:05am - Begin processing next case of the 3 locatable from the previous safari (see 8:40).
10:00-10:15 Smoke break after approving last 3 cases for certification and filing to await Final Review by CO.
10:15am - Start reviewing next case.
10:25am - Wait in line to talk to CO about whether an ommission in case file is grounds for issuance of a NOF or can be overlooked as "harmless error".
10:45am - Process 4 more cases, approving 1, recommending 2 for NOF, sending 4th to TR queue due to data entry error based upon erroneous RIR designation overlooked by Data Entry analyst working with 2 weeks experience.
11:30am - Hand next case to Data Entry supervisor to close case due to case being bumped into RIR queue to avoid closure due to lack response to 45-day letter. Unfortunately, letter was "produced" during initial snafu in printing letters causing no letter to be mailed out. Case goes back to data entry to produce "new" 45-day letter.
12:00pm - Lunch
1:00pm - New venture into case file cabinets (see 8:40am)
1:15pm - Approve 2 case for certifcation.
1:45pm - Receive return phone call from attorney (see 8:30am) to discuss additional need of information to continue processing of case to avoid a NOF.
2:00pm - Pit stop.(Hey, we're human)
2:05pm - Wade through case file thicker than the Los Angeles Metro Yellow Pages only to find that employer's educational and experience requirements on 750A are not supported by Beneficiary's qualifications on 750B. NOF case.
2:45pm - Approve 3 more cases for certification.
3:30pm - Smoke break (Now up to 2 packs/day)
3:45pm - Meeting with supervisor to discuss validity of employer's use of obscure industry statistics to justify wage offering at 67% of prevailing wage.
4:05pm - Wade back into case file cabinets (see 8:40am and 1:00pm).
4:20pm - Leave voice mail with attorney in New York to call back tomorrow re: vague Recruitment Summary (a la 8:30am).
4:25pm - Generate and e-mail production reports (different ones, mind you) for Team Leader, Manager and Headquarters.
4:35pm - Running on burst of energy from half-melted candy bar (see break at 3:30) Damn climate-controlled sweatbox highrise.
4:55pm - After approving 2 more cases, leave for day and re-enter Hades aka rush hour.
Next Day....see 7:30am above.

This makes it clear that the BEC is working at full speed and doing all it can to process cases.. Thanks for the update..

Please tell us where the RIR and Non-RIR queues are at the moment at the Dallas BEC.

I just cannot believe that no-one in this forum asked this all-important question.

Please give us a queue-update Icarus..

There is saying not to throw stones at Cow S**T

mudra1234 said:

It's ridiculous. I come here to read about whats going to happen in my GREY future and have to wade thru all this junk to get to a few relevant posts

As earlier suggested by others friends it is better to ignore than react to such people,
I feel sorry myself for having commited that mistake once, now we have to read and listen to all his crap in the world.

Request to everybody Not to get MAD at such persons and Ignore completely so that we will be helping him Not to get MAD at US.
TWC unopened case

Anyone know this what happen to those cases that were sent to TWC for further processing in NON RIR queue. And the case was never opened by TWC. No recuritment effort has so far taken place as there is no instruction from TWC to do so. Not any 45 days letter, but around December 04, attorney received a letter from Enterject if they wanted the case to process or no? And replied positively. No news after this. Whats the fate for those? I highly appreciate if someone has any knowledge about this sort of case.

Thank you.
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45 day letters

There are some rumors that BPCs are not going to issue 45 day letters anymore. Icarus & ZB etal, could you please confirm if you know anything about this.

Thank you, ilgc2004
desolate said:
The EB3 REtrogression is now getting worse. the date has not moved this month when it moved two months last month. Anyway, the buletin is out and you guys can take a look at it.

Also as a foot note, the state department has this on the bulletin

As mentioned in the Visa Bulletin announcing the May cut-off dates, demand for visa numbers in the Employment Other Worker category has remained extremely high despite the imposition of a cut-off date. As a result, it has been necessary to retrogress the June cut-off date in an attempt to hold number use within the annual limit. It is likely that the limit will be reached sometime during June, and the category would immediately become “unavailable”.


Employment-based: During the past month there has been a significant increase in the amount of numbers being used by Citizenship and Immigration Service (CIS) offices for adjustment of status applicants. This level of demand has significantly depleted the supply of Employment-based numbers available under the annual limit. Recent discussions with CIS have made it clear that their backlog reduction efforts will sustain or increase the current level of demand. Therefore, continued visa availability in the Employment-based categories cannot be guaranteed during the final quarter of FY-2005. If demand continues at the current rate, it will be necessary to oversubscribe many or all of the Employment categories on a Worldwide basis. Such oversubscription could result in the establishment of cut-off dates, retrogression of already established dates, or some categories becoming “unavailable”.

Mexico: Heavy applicant demand in all of the Mexico Family-sponsored categories is causing the issuance level to approach the annual limit. It is likely that many of the Mexico cut-off dates will be retrogressed during the final months of FY-2005.

This means we got Serious problem ahead and the situation is not going to improve intil Year 2006 according to some sources and it can only get worse for EB2.

The U.S. government's fiscal year runs from October 1 through September 30 each year. Therefore, the last quarter is July, August, and September of any given year. FY 2006 starts this year October 1, So there should be some improvements after that. Also based on the current number of backlogs in BEC, etc... The Retrogression is more unlikley to go away and become current, but might move forward and also the new 50,000 Visas made available to certain special workers like Nurses, etc.. might also contribute to some relief...

Have to keep the fingers crossed and we should monitor the situtation carefully....

The most important thing is to retain the PD and move forward with a positive thought.... rather than showing our furstration on forum members posts... and diluting the forum discussion with various topics in one thread... Suprised and disappointed to see people being so mad at each others posts reading through many previous posts.

If some one is not happy with a particular posts, please just ignore it and move on with your own posts...

My 2 cents...
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For Icarus

Someone may have already asked these questions before. It would help us all if you could shed some light on these issues:
1) Are there still only two COs at the Dallas BEC?
2) Any idea at what speed (average how many cases per day) are they (COs) approving cases?
3) What priority dates are being finally approved currently by the COs?

Thanks a million for your priceless updates.

MD2001 said:

I really appreciate your help regarding Dalls BEC and you are the only hope in these painful times. I cannot re-collect anyworst time of my life than this, no direction, no hope, just in darkness.

Can you please tell us some highlevel info about Philly BEC, atleast how much they are lagging.

Philly is keeping pace with Dallas in some areas, and lagging behind in others. Don't have specific info, but grapevine rumors suggest that Dallas has more cases awaiting Cert.
sfoguy said:
Hi Icarus,

So from threads, it looks like that queue has jumped to April 2002.

Would you please have some comments on it?

RIR queue, at least, has gone into 2002. Obviously, as additional cases reach queue, the date regresses to accommodate. It changes from day to day, depending on the workload, and what mail is received in response to 45-day letters.
ilgc2004 said:
There are some rumors that BPCs are not going to issue 45 day letters anymore. Icarus & ZB etal, could you please confirm if you know anything about this.

Thank you, ilgc2004
Rumors are false. 45-day letters are a must - they allow the employer/agent an "free" opportunity to fix obvious shortcomings in the application without having to deal with a Notice of Findings. Also, assures that the application is still viable so that time isn't wasted on a non-existant job.
Someone may have already asked these questions before. It would help us all if you could shed some light on these issues:
1) Are there still only two COs at the Dallas BEC?Yes, although additional personnel are assisting in Final Review process
2) Any idea at what speed (average how many cases per day) are they (COs) approving cases?Unfortunately, no info available
3) What priority dates are being finally approved currently by the COs?That info is probably best addressed by checking trackers located elsewhere in Forum.No stats available.

Thanks a million for your priceless updates.


can u pls inform us how many RIR cases r now awaiting in the processing queue? and how many r now awaiting CO's certification?
thanks Icarus


Please keep us updated as when you can.We are really greatful to you for sharing all the info.

RIR - Non-RIR - Enterject - Pending

I was wondering if anyone has any experience like me here:

Case was filed as EB3-RIR in May 2001.
Approved by TWC and sent to Dallas DOL September 2001.
Remand Issued sometime in January 2003 by Dallas DOL. (Due to Economy/Layoffs) Degraded to non-RIR processing and sent back to TWC to be processed in the regular non-RIR queue.

Taken up by Enterject about 8 months back for processing. But employer chose to process by remand date (Jan 2003) rather than priority date (because of possibility of rejection) and replied to Enterject accordingly. Enterject got fired after this happened.

Not sure where my case is now (probably Dallas BEC) and if it will be processed by remand date or priority date. If the Enterject response will be considered or discarded and processing will be done by priority date ?

LONG WAIT !!!! Anyone in the same boat or has some idea as to what would happen in this case -- please respond ?
Could you please tell us wheather Philly BEC start approving cases ., if so do you any idea where the Queue will be at Philly BEC..,
Any answer is greately appreciated....
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Same situation as GCBy2010

Hi I am in a silmiar situation, however I had no idea that employer could change PD.

My labor was applied under RIR in August 2001. Texas Workforce Commission approved it and sent it to DOL- Dallas in March 2002. Per my understanding DOL-Dallas rejected it as RIR and kicked it back (kickback) to Texas. Didnt hear absolutely anything for 2.5 yrs until November 2004 when Enterject which was a private contractor for the Texas Workforce Commission contacted my employer to find out if they were still interested in continuing with my case to which the company responded positively in December 2004. Then TWC cancelled Enterject's contract so my best guess is that it must have moved over to Dallas - BEC on April 22 whcih was the last day all states should have sent open cases. I havent heard anything from anyone since (no 45 day letters or anything).
TexanCanadian - Thanks for your post


thanks for your post. One clarification. As I understood from my attorneys, the priority date of the application is still the same (May 2001). Only the processing date has been requested to be the remand date ( Jan 2003, which was when DOL sent the remand to the company, moving it to TWC).

Even I haven't received the 45 day letter so far. But I wanted to have my company process as per the original date instead of remand date when it comes up now, as it makes a difference of 1 and half years. What I don't know is the impact the letter sent to Enterject on my case will be. If the letter will still have validity at the BEC ?
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Thanks, appreciate your help. Please inform us when you get any info about Philly BEC.

Icarus said:
Philly is keeping pace with Dallas in some areas, and lagging behind in others. Don't have specific info, but grapevine rumors suggest that Dallas has more cases awaiting Cert.
texancanadian said:
Hi I am in a silmiar situation, however I had no idea that employer could change PD.

My labor was applied under RIR in August 2001. Texas Workforce Commission approved it and sent it to DOL- Dallas in March 2002. Per my understanding DOL-Dallas rejected it as RIR and kicked it back (kickback) to Texas. Didnt hear absolutely anything for 2.5 yrs until November 2004 when Enterject which was a private contractor for the Texas Workforce Commission contacted my employer to find out if they were still interested in continuing with my case to which the company responded positively in December 2004. Then TWC cancelled Enterject's contract so my best guess is that it must have moved over to Dallas - BEC on April 22 whcih was the last day all states should have sent open cases. I havent heard anything from anyone since (no 45 day letters or anything).

Any idea why they reject RIR cases, and now how can one make sure that the case filed in NON-RIR won't be rejected? According to the project plan, since your PD is Aug 01, your file should have been gone to D-BEC by the end of December 04. You fall with in the SWA Receipt Date of 12/31/2002. Is your case treated as Open or Unopened? Do you have to do another recuriting effort once you hear from BEC, or no?
Icarus said:
RIR queue, at least, has gone into 2002. Obviously, as additional cases reach queue, the date regresses to accommodate. It changes from day to day, depending on the workload, and what mail is received in response to 45-day letters.

Can you be more specific if possible, when you say gone into 2002 by specifiying atleast range of Months.

Can you please give some range for those months getting regressed.
for eg 3 months or 1 month of regression when new cases come into Q.

Thanks in advance, we cant ask more than what you are allready doing for this community.