Dallas Backlog Elimination Center Tracking

Few people in this and Philadelphia thred say that the Dallas BEC works much faster than Philadelphia and if your case is in Philadelphia, you stuck.

Is there a sepate queue for each center ? I would imagine the next case is pulled out of the same queue no matter where the case was originally enterd. So a Dallas BEC analist may get a case that was entered in Philadelphia. If it is not true then it is hard to explain why they needed to enter all the cases in the database first. Am I missing something ?
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sbdol said:
Few people in this and Philadelphia thred say that the Dallas BEC works much faster than Philadelphia and if your case is in Philadelphia, you stuck.

Is there a sepate queue for each center ? I would imagine the next case is pulled out of the same queue no matter where the case was originally enterd. So a Dallas BEC analist may get a case that was entered in Philadelphia. If it is not true then it is hard to explain why they needed to enter all the cases in the database first. Am I missing something ?

Both BECs have seperate Queues. How can Forms/Supporting Docs can be moved between two center ? Dallas People will process Dallas Cases while Phily Folks will process Philly.

There will be some SYNC between two BECs,,( might differ by a month or so)
GC_Lover said:
Good question, I also have the same question, Nonimmigrant aliens admitted or otherwise provided status under clause (ii)(b) or (ii)(c) of section 101(a)(15)(H) shall be eligible for an employment-based immigrant visa"
Here (ii)(b) of 101(a)(15)(h) says temporary permit to US for performing services" it specifically does not mention H1 or any other visa.

Certainly H-5 will be eligible if the law passes. The whole amendment is about H-5.

Looks like H1-Bs are also eligible.

The section 203(b) can be found here


It is a very well known to all of us document describing EB1,EB2. EB3 preferences and so on.

So pray guys. I do not have any hope at all this DOL business. But again there are some things that indicate that this bill will pass.
gp111 said:
Both BECs have seperate Queues. How can Forms/Supporting Docs can be moved between two center ? Dallas People will process Dallas Cases while Phily Folks will process Philly.

There will be some SYNC between two BECs,,( might differ by a month or so)
Makes sence. What does not make sence why does the entering of the data takes so long if they do not enter the supporting documentation.
I thought they would scan everything so the documents would be available to both BEC offices.
sleepless_in_IN said:


1. CA and TX SWA cases are being entered while Indiana RIR-cases are stuck in April 2001 and not being entered...

2. Queue goes to 2002 and definitely past 04/01 and Regional applications with PDs in 2002 are getting approvals yet SWA cases from 04/01 are not even getting 45 day letters...

3. They are looking at the boxes and still ignoring early SWA cases...

...it's pretty obvious that Dallas intends to complete Regional Cases first, even before sending out 45 day letters for State Level Applications, contrary to what you and the DOL have been telling us!!

Can you tell us "IF" and when STATE (SWA/SESA) cases can expect 45 day letters from Dallas...EVER? :rolleyes:
If? yes. When? Good question. Obviously, the cases waiting to be entered are not being cherry picked by PD as some would like. When the Data Entry personnel need more cases to enter, they are given more to enter-by the boxful....nothing scientific (or, you would say, fair). As to intentions, you're reading more into the deafening silence re: SWA cases than is there. TX and CA regional cases had a head start, yes--solely due to the availability of the cases at the time.
2manzi said:

Really appreciate your being in this forum, I hope you understand how important you are to us!

Can you tell how many analysts are working now in analyzing cases? how many each for TR and RIR? How many cases can each one process per day? (You mentioned before as 6/day)? As RIR case is relatively simpler, then can RIR analyst process more than 6 a day?

Can you tell how many cases averagely can be entered in a regular day?

Many thanks!
Right now, Dallas has about a dozen analysts each in RIR and TR. Analysts are not given a quota to avoid careless work. TR does move slower than RIR. An RIR analyst processes about 10-20 cases a day with 6-10 recommendations for certification and the rest either held for additonal information or NOF determinations.
rdoda said:
If the Enterject cases have already been entered in PBLS, then why is it that when we send an enquiry to get the case number, it always says 'NOT YET ASSIGNED'.
Anyone ideas? :confused:
The only thing in PBLS is what the BEC has entered...Nothing from Enterject. Cases that have progressed beyond a certain point are being handled outside of PBLS.
Where is the queue...Please update the queue

Where is the queue right now...

Queue is moving back and forth. Where is the queue generally?

Please update the queue.
sakiv_us said:
Read this one too - if you have time. This is good source of info. How the contractors at BEC are expected to work.

DFLC is spending $16-$18 million per year for both BEC.


Read 7, 67

This program was originally for 4 years and could be extended. So that means these contractors are not in a hurry. If program is extended beyond 4 yrs then its good for them(contractors). THE PROGRAM WAS FOR ONE YEAR WITH UP TO 3 ADDITIONAL YEARLY EXTENSIONS POSSIBLE. NOTHING IN THE CONTRACT MENTIONS BEYOND THE FOURTH YEAR.

Also Read 101 and 102 for processing time.

Also read 113 - No Financial penalties for contractors

Read 130, 131, 132 for 45 day letters

Read 133 for NOF.

Read 161 for FIFO
I know this is old doc but it give a better picture of BEC
Question for Icarus

Hello Icarus,

Can you shed some lights on PERM program?

In order for not to mix up PERM questions for this forum members, may I request you to either start a new thread or reply in ANY one of the existing PERM forum, should you be able to help for PERM relates queries such as:

1. Any statistic on so far how many cases are filed under PERM?

Thanks in advace, and appreciate any feedback.

Icarus said:
The only thing in PBLS is what the BEC has entered...Nothing from Enterject. Cases that have progressed beyond a certain point are being handled outside of PBLS.
greatgc said:
Hello Icarus,

Can you shed some lights on PERM program?

In order for not to mix up PERM questions for this forum members, may I request you to either start a new thread or reply in ANY one of the existing PERM forum, should you be able to help for PERM relates queries such as:

1. Any statistic on so far how many cases are filed under PERM?

Thanks in advace, and appreciate any feedback.
I'm finding out about PERM at the same speed as all of you here, PERM is handled out of Chicago and Atlanta by another area of DOL and "ne'er the twain shall meet"...Sorry :(
Hi Icarus / greatgc,
I am a first time "immigration portal" user. Like others, I have been waiting for my LCA. I have filed my papers back in April 2003 and received my 45days letter and filed it back by Jan.05.2005.
I was wondering if you or any of the other members had heard of any news related to the path forward. The DOL website info has provided little information in regards to the backlog RIR cases. I heard of the 24 months window to clear this backlog.... but I have yet to hear about any of the backlog cases being processed since the shipping of the information has been completed last March.
Any comments of info that might be helpful to me clarifying the situation???
Thanks in advance...
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TR Regional cases


Will a recently(in April05) shipped TR case directly to dallas by SWA after processed/approved be put in a Regional-TR queue or SWA-TR queue?.

Also, If 12 anlysts are working on TR regional track, shouldn't that be equally faster as RIR regional track?. as SWA has already completed the recruitment process.

Thanks in advance.
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How Far

Did any one receive LC from Dallas BEC and near by....?

Case: RIR- Non-IT
PD : January 21, 2003
RD : August 8,2003
Moved to Dallas Backlog center from Dalla region.

45 days Letter responded : Janaury 07,2005
BEC New case # D-04280-13XXX
Apologies to Manny, GC and Ziv....
7:30am - Arrive a half hour early after an 90 minute commute due to unpredicable rush hour traffic in Dallas...Sorry, no OT here...can't clock in until 8.
Turn on computer, get cases out to process, check e-mails (ok, some personal...so sue me)
8:00am - Begin first case...separate file into some semblance of order due to each SWA/Region having their own "way" of doing things.
8:30am - Set case aside due to necessity of calling attorney in California who won't be in the office for another 3 hours to clarify vague Recruitment Summary put together by employer.
8:40am - Venture into the file cabinets with armload of "OUT" cards looking for a half dozen files scattered across an acre-sized office due to the incongruity between the data entry case number assignment and the FIFO order of processing beginning at the analysis stage.
9:00am - Pit stop due to 44 oz Dr. Pepper consumed en route to work.
9:05am - Begin processing next case of the 3 locatable from the previous safari (see 8:40).
10:00-10:15 Smoke break after approving last 3 cases for certification and filing to await Final Review by CO.
10:15am - Start reviewing next case.
10:25am - Wait in line to talk to CO about whether an ommission in case file is grounds for issuance of a NOF or can be overlooked as "harmless error".
10:45am - Process 4 more cases, approving 1, recommending 2 for NOF, sending 4th to TR queue due to data entry error based upon erroneous RIR designation overlooked by Data Entry analyst working with 2 weeks experience.
11:30am - Hand next case to Data Entry supervisor to close case due to case being bumped into RIR queue to avoid closure due to lack response to 45-day letter. Unfortunately, letter was "produced" during initial snafu in printing letters causing no letter to be mailed out. Case goes back to data entry to produce "new" 45-day letter.
12:00pm - Lunch
1:00pm - New venture into case file cabinets (see 8:40am)
1:15pm - Approve 2 case for certifcation.
1:45pm - Receive return phone call from attorney (see 8:30am) to discuss additional need of information to continue processing of case to avoid a NOF.
2:00pm - Pit stop.(Hey, we're human)
2:05pm - Wade through case file thicker than the Los Angeles Metro Yellow Pages only to find that employer's educational and experience requirements on 750A are not supported by Beneficiary's qualifications on 750B. NOF case.
2:45pm - Approve 3 more cases for certification.
3:30pm - Smoke break (Now up to 2 packs/day)
3:45pm - Meeting with supervisor to discuss validity of employer's use of obscure industry statistics to justify wage offering at 67% of prevailing wage.
4:05pm - Wade back into case file cabinets (see 8:40am and 1:00pm).
4:20pm - Leave voice mail with attorney in New York to call back tomorrow re: vague Recruitment Summary (a la 8:30am).
4:25pm - Generate and e-mail production reports (different ones, mind you) for Team Leader, Manager and Headquarters.
4:35pm - Running on burst of energy from half-melted candy bar (see break at 3:30) Damn climate-controlled sweatbox highrise.
4:55pm - After approving 2 more cases, leave for day and re-enter Hades aka rush hour.
Next Day....see 7:30am above.
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Icarus: Pls tell some highlevel status of Philly BEC


I really appreciate your help regarding Dalls BEC and you are the only hope in these painful times. I cannot re-collect anyworst time of my life than this, no direction, no hope, just in darkness.

Can you please tell us some highlevel info about Philly BEC, atleast how much they are lagging.

For ICARUS ....please let us know

Hi Icarus,

So from threads, it looks like that queue has jumped to April 2002.

Would you please have some comments on it?

IG - have you flipped out?

IndiraGandhi said:
I apolozise for doing the right thing by saying you GAY one more time. I am getting more ridiculous when I am hitting you what you are, you are right. I didn't know that you are so sensitive with your Massachusetts marriage licence. You only had 2 posts, and you are saying that you told me so many times. You must have seen me at my home and realized that I am a man, not a girl when you successfully ring the bell to deliver the Chicken Tikka Masala with Naan. Since right now these days I am in India, 4AM seems little late to go to bed. Anything else, just to get some attention in this forum, you adopted Gandhi username, people will shame on you. Grow up, you dont have to create multiple username just to see how much attention you are going to get. :mad:

I am sorry GP111, I will delete this message in few days.


It's ridiculous. I come here to read about whats going to happen in my GREY future and have to wade thru all this junk to get to a few relevant posts
Exactly why..

mudra1234 said:


It's ridiculous. I come here to read about whats going to happen in my GREY future and have to wade thru all this junk to get to a few relevant posts

This is why I created the separate thread to track Dallas BEC Approvals..

IG is incorrigible and I don't have the time to deal with him or wade through this junk
