CSC I-485 **Approvals** in JUN 2004.

Registered User Join Date: Mar 2004
Posts: 27

My turn..WAC021-45**** approved


Finally got the USCIS email yesterday (surprise, it works!!!) for myself and my wife.

RD: Mar 02
1st FP: Jun 02
2nd FP: Feb 02

Thanks for to Rajiv for having this forum. It was the only thing that kept me sane for this torturous 4.5 year wait.

Thanks to this community for everything. Sometimes all you need to hear through the troubled times is that you're not alone.

Special thanks to Silly Man, kashmir, 140_takes_forever, how much you guys supported this community is just incredible.

17th June 2004, 10:25 PM
Registered User Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: East Bay
Posts: 35

02-119-54*** Approved


Got the coutesy copy in mail today. Atlast the wait is over (unless I have problems at stamping )

PD 4/2000
LC 5/2000
140 12/2000
Ammended 140 12/2001 (due to merger)
RD 2/14/2002
ND 2/262002
FP 4/2003
2nd FP 1/2004
RFE 4/27
RFE recevied by USCIS 5/14
Approved 6/14
LUD 6/15 (still says rfe receive yada yada yada....)

It was a damn long wait. Many thanks to PCee, Vipsha, Silly Man, 1mshantanuB (for other reasons ), Kashmir, 140_takes_4ever. Sorry If I forgot any old timer's names or others whom I have not mentioned here. It was a great experience at this forum. We are like one big family, with all the fun, cussing and fights. But in the end I found that we stick together, no matter what. Without this forum, I would probably be lost as far as info is concerned.

Good luck to you all who are waiting. The approval will come

Thanks Again!!!
ND 2/2002
FP April 2003
2nd FP Jan 2004
RFE 04/27/2004
RFE received by USCIS 05/14/2004
LUD 06/15/2004
ramavataar's wac02168--AC21 case- approved

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Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 206
wac02168--AC21 case- approved

It gives me immense pleasure to convey God's blessing to myself and my approving AC21 case.

Had to change company before 140 approval, filed 485 by myself..used AC21 to reply RFE(EVL,petitioner's ability to pay)

God is great

thanks to all to support idea of filing 485 without EVL

thanks to Jaxen, Ginnu, maald and many many more responders, cheer leaders..

wish u good luck..........
Registered User Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 13

WAC02-116-5**** Feb '02 case Approved !


my time to tell the story...

Received approval mail for both myself and wife on 06/18, case approved on 06/17. It was an AC21 case, no RFE. I did inform the INS based on Rajiv's advise, who is my attorney. After JIT passed my date, I had a fax enquiry done thru my attorney. 4 days later my case was approved.

My case overall took 5 years. Started in august 1999, got labor approved in 2000 august, got I-140 approved in Jan 2001. Then started my ordeal. My case was initially filed for consular processing. So after I-140 approval, INS did some screwup communicating with NSC(National Visa Center) and put my I-140 back under review. NSC meanwhile said they neven had any communication on my case from INS. After 1 year and repeated enquiries, there was no movement on my case. I approached INS thru Congressman Honda, on which INS came back saying my enquiry would be treated as enquiry on I140, and since I140 is my employers application, they would not entertain my enquiry. My employer refused to oblige me and do an enquiry.
Then on Rajiv's suggestion, I applied for I485. Little did I know then, that it will take so long.

Special thanks to Kashmir for making enormous effort. Also, thanks to 1amShantanuA/B for offering himself as a punching bag in times of great stress. My his soul rest in peace.

I wish all the waiters a speedy approval... Your time to cheer would be here soon.
RD : 02/11/02
ND : 02/21/02
1st FP : 05/22/04
2nd FP : 01/22/04
Registered User Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: CA
Posts: 279

WAC02-111-5XXXX AC21 case Approved!!!!


Just saw online. Case has been approved on June 18th. LUD June 18th.

ND: 02/13
1FP: 06/2002
2FP: 02/2004
RFE: 05/2004
RFE Recvd: June 11

RFE was for a lot of stuff. Tax return and w2 from 2000 to 2003, last 3 pay stubs, if worked part-time or unemployed during this period, how did I support myself, if not working for same employer why, employers ability to pay FROM THE DAY PRIORITY DATE WAS ESTABLISHED. For the ability to pay, the lawyer came in handy because he had tax papers of the previous company and voluntered to send it to BCIS (not bad considering he only charged $200 for the RFE filing)
For my wife, affidavit of support, which was not required and the lawyer mentioned.

I was bracing for an interview because I changed jobs from a CA based company to NY company. But by GODs grace everything went on fine.

Will attempt stamping at Newark.

This forum is really great. This is the only thing that kept me sane and hopeful. Hats-off to Rajiv for this forum. Thanks to all who have been helping in this great forum. A special thanks to Kashmir for his great effort in working for reducing the backlogs. I will stick around and participate in the different projects.
18th June 2004, 02:31 PM
Registered User Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 14

Approved - WAC-02-080


Its my turn to say that my self and my wife's case got approved.

Thanks to Rajiv for maintaining this portal and to all moderators/volunteers for their help and effort.

Here is some details of my case:
ND/RD Jan 2002
1st FP Mar 2002
2nd FP Generated on 04/21/04 scheduled for 05/01/04
(I don't know why such a shot notice)
RFE Issue on 05/07, Received on - 05/12 (for Medical - Tetunus is missing)
USCIS Received the Response on 05/26
Last update date changed on 6/15/2004
The USCIS web site is still not updated and the Last Update date was 6/15/2004.
Received Approval Notice (coutesy copy) regular mail on 6/17/2004

Feb 2002 case has been approved

today we received letter from BCIS that my husband case has been approved.

first touch date 05/04/2004
second touch date 06/16/2004
third touch date 06/18/2004

but his online status is not updated. they issued letter on june 16th 2004.

dependent application is still pending, but touch date is 05/04/2004.

i hope to get approval very soon.

WAC :02124xxxxx
ND : 02/2002
RD : 03/2002
1ST FP: APR 2002
2ND FP: JAN 2004

this site was very helpful to us. we thank every body for all their postings.
we wish you all speedy approvals..... :)

Received apporval notice for wac-02-125-5xxxx


I and my wife received mail from USCIS approval notices for I-485 after 27 months since we applied. Online and phone message still says fp received in Jan .....

RD : 02/25/2002
ND : 03/03/2002
3 EAD's
2 AP's
LUD: 05/04/2004, 06/15/2004
AD: 06/14/2004

Thanks to PCee, Kashmir and others for the info and campaigns.
I-485 waiters, have faith in the god who resides in you. It is just a matter of time.

Had sent email to CSC in APR, and sent e-mail to Senator Diane Fienstien in May. On jun 9th had called up IIO since ND had past JIT, she asked about the details of my application and took information from my wife as well. The LUD date was not updated till 06/15, on 06/15, I had faxed and called and IIO, though LUD is updated, it still show the status as received fp in Jan.

The Notice says, the original has been sent to lawyers, do I need the original for stamping ?
Gcworthy Approved............ Ac21 Case


My case was approved on june 14th 2004. I recieved the approval notice on June 17th 2004. The online status and telephone case status unchanged, still says " The results for your finger print ....blah, blah .....

It came as a surprise as I niether recvd an email nor change on case status.

My case is AC-21 that went through without any hassles.

As I did not have an attorney , this forum helped a lot in getting information on important issues. I thank everybody in this forum for sharing information and for always being a kind of moral booster at times of desparation and hopelessness.

Special thanks to Kashmir, I140_for_ever, Sillyman.

For those who are in the queue, if the processing dates are beyond your Notice date, I strongly recommend to write to the Senators.

My case details are as follows :

ND - 02/04/02
1st FP -May 5 2002
2nd FP - JAn 8 2004
AC21 - feb 2004
AD- June 14 2004
20th June 2004, 08:48 AM
Registered User Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 77

Appppprooooved---> Exile over!!! Freeedom!!!


Finally my term of being in exile is over.

I got the Approval notice on 6/19. I could hardly believe it.
The whole journey took 7years and 45 days!!!!

Strangely it does not ask me go for passport stamping. It says
the usual Welcome stuff and that I should be getting the card
in 3 weeks. Perhaps they have too many of my photos and
FPs ...

More more digging

Hang in there folks...
Thankx to Rajiv jee, Kashmir and tons of other great folks like u.
King Anil in exile
PD May 1997
1FP July 2001
2FP Sep 2001
RFE Oct 2000
Exiled in Dec 2001
3FP Feb 2002
4FP Jan 2004
2001-2004 --> 5EADs + 4APs
Registered User Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 196

Its the time to Disco


Just came back from a Hindi movie "Lakshya". While driving back home
I told wifey that these days lot of people are getting approved and
getting their GC in mail rather than getting an email.

Then I asked her if she checked our mail on Saturday. She is entrusted
with the responsibility of checking our snail mail. She said she hadn't
bcos she only checks mail every alternate day. I said that our approvals
could arrive anyday so she should check everyday. She couldn't stop
laughing. She told me that I am going crazy after the approval.

As we parked our car I told her I will go check our snail mail and see if
the approvals have come. My wife laughed again and said I am real crazy.

So I walk to my mailbox. Frankly as I turned the key in my mailbox I felt
some excitement. The mailbox was full with lots of envelopes. I went
through my mail and sure enough there were two envelopes from USCIS
sitting since yesterday. With trembling fingers I opened one of them.
Yes! It was a approval notice. I ran all the way to my apartment. I
entered the apartment and told my wife that the approvals have arrived
in mail. My wife was like...."quit playing with me.. Who are you trying to
fool?" Quietly I handed her the two envelopes.

"No this is RFE...This is something else....." I heard her mutter under her
breath. After couple of minutes it hit her.

She is still bouncing all over the apartment.

The first thought that occured to me is that I should let people on this
site know. You have been with me on this roller coaster ride. But it has
ended for me now and I will pray to God that it ends for you all. I will
do my my best to post the next version of Anaconda scanner 1.1 which
will be the final version.

The website is still not updated. But trust me....they do update it in couple
of weeks. I have seen that from my reports.

I must thank Rajiv for this great forum. I must thank everybody I can think
of. Kashmir, Sillyman, PCee, I140_takes_4ever and others have kept people
informed and their hopes alive.

I must also apologize to the people I have been rude to. Its a bad habit.
I140_takes_4ever had to bear the brunt of my outrages. I am really
sorry for that.

I will continue to help people with the scanner project. I will continue to
provide support for my scanner as long as people need it.

I need to move on to finer things in life. And also need to plan visit to India
to meet my parents and in-laws. I haven't been to India in last 3 years
and boy I am glad that I will be going home.

My case was approved on 16th of June as per my approval notice. LUD
was changing very rapidly for me and I was expecting an approval anytime
now. My case is AC21 case. My lawyer did send them the AC21 letter but
my guess is that it never made it to my file. Who knows maybe they did
get it. But the approval notice still mentions my old attorney.

Thank you everybody for bearing with me and I hope that all of you get
approved soon.
EB2 wac021625XXXX
RD and ND : April 16 2002
My (Primary) LUDs (5/25) (5/26) (6/16) (6/18)
My wifes (Derivative) LUDs (5/26) (6/02) (6/16) (6/18)
Used AC21 in December 2002
#1 20th June 2004, 09:29 PM
Registered User Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 15

WAC03111***** approved. FAX MADE THE DIFFERENCE!!


Somewhere on these forums , I got the info of touch dates and Fax. My first FP was expiring in July 04 for 15 month deadline. So I figured I would take a chance of faxing my info on 06/07 asking for status ,even though I was one year away from JIT dates. Just yesterday 06/20 I got approval email!!! No RFE, nothing. I guess , someone had to look at the case after fax and he/she approved to avoid second FP!!.
As I owe my great news to this forum, I am urging you all to fax , especially if you are in a situation like mine!

Thank you guys!!!!. This was the BIGGEST SURPRISE Of my life!!
I485 RD Feb 2003
I140 approved April, 2003
first FP March 30,2003
#70 (if I haven't lost count !) GiveMeGreen: It's the time to disco !!!


As per the daily ritual, I logged into the USCIS website to check my status. Lately, I've been checking it before I my emails!!!

And what do I see? It has been updated to 'Approved' !!! I just couldn't believe it! I rubbed my eyes and pressed the refresh button twice! Indeed.. the wait is over.

The journey was long and painful. I thank the forum and all the senior members like Kashmir, 140_takes_4ever, Silly Man and all others who have kept it going.

Imp. dates:
I-485 RD: 4/12/2002
1st FP: 5/22/2002
1st EAD: 8/27/2002
2nd EAD: 8/18/2003
2nd FP: 3/10/2004
I-485 Approval: 6/18/2004

I wish the best for everyone in the line! Just hang in there!
#71 WhySoLong: WAC-02-141***** Approved!

Hi all,

my case has finally been approved on June 17th (Thurs.) and I received
the email notification on June 18th (Fri.) at around 11 am.

Here is the detail of my case:

RD: 02/20/02
ND: 03/21/02
1st FP: 04/25/02
2nd FP: 06/25/03
RFE: 05/06/04
Approved: June 17th, 2004

Thank you all for contributing and sharing your story in this forum. I am wishing all of you the best and timely approval.

nononsense approved wac02-150-XXXXX

Me and wife have been approved

ND 04/02/2002
2nd FP 01/21/2004
AD 06/18/2004

Received email from USCIS on 06/21/2004. Website & AVM are updated yet to receive the paper copy.

LUD for me was at 05/26/2004. Now change to 06/21/2004
LUD for my wife was at 05/06/2004. Now change to 06/21/2004

Good luck to all.
approved 02-081-xxxxx 18 june 2004

finally, after all those years...
just checked the USCIS case status online & both I & my wife's 485 case's approval notice has been mailed on 18 june 2004.

thanks to all those great people here for the (group) therapy ;-) great forum.

surely i'll be back with more questions to pick your brains!

- nik.
PS: my RFE response trigerred this.
WAC 03-092 approved

I got an email from my lawyer that mine and my wife's case got approved. However I haven't got email from USCIS yet. One thing which might have caused this fast approval was that my first FP was expiring (or rather expired) on June 21st, 2004. I did not send any fax inquiries or anything.

Here is my case detail
1. Nov 17, 2002 - I 140 as part of LC sub case (my sal was couple of hunder dollars less than approved LC)
2. Jan 30, 2003 - I485, EAD and AP application5
3. Mar 26, 2003 - First FP
4. May 22, 2003 - Received NOID on I140
5. May 30, 2003 - Files response to NOID
6. August 25, 2003 - I140 approved
7. August 26, 2003 - EAD and AP approved
8. April 10, 2004 - Applied for second EAD
9. May 15, 2004 - second EAD approval
10. Couple of LUD in June - June 6th and June 15th (No status change)
11. June 21, 2004 - Received email from lawyer that application is approved (no rfe even though my sal at the time of filing was less than approved LC)

I just changed job and residence and was in the process of filing AC-21 with change of address. I think the original notice might go to my old address.

This was great forum even though I was silent visitor.

Good luck to all the people who are waiting for the approval.
Registered User Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: CA
Posts: 5

wac02-193-xxxxx approved and SF stamping experience


Hi Folks,

My wife and my cases have been approved recently. I am a silent visitor to this site. I obtained far more information than from anywhere else, including my lawyer. This is a wonderful place and I wish your guys good luck. Here
is my information:

I-485 RD 5/24/2002
1st FP, 7/11/2002
2st FP, 5/24/2004, (scheduled on 6/9/2004, we went a little early)
Approved on 6/14/2004 and received on 6/17/2004

I can see from the INS website, my case has been touched 4 times.
1st one on Jan 15, I think that was our address changing. 2st was on 5/28/04 that was for our 2rd FP, and third time was on 6/8/2004, and fourth time was 6/15/2004. The web information has not been updated to reflect the approval yet.

We went to SF for stamping today. The experience was ok but not as good as the ones described by other folks. We arrived at 6:40am, and get tickets number 19 and 20, and went out at 12:15pm.

My experience was that it was fast if someone is processing the stamping, but sometime it seems no officer was working on it. One number sometimes can stay on the the board for an hour. But once your number is called, very fast. Both my wife and I took totally about 5 minutes.

The parking meters near by are all 30 minute or 1 hour limit, which means you have to feed it every 30 minute or 1 hour. Also going through the security is quite a hassle. If you still decide to use the meter, make sure you get enough quarters, because you may not come out in 5 or 10 minutes from my experience. The people work in cafe nearby told me that it is a gold mine for the city and they do give multiple tickets a day (35$ each). Considing that, parking the car in garage and paying 30$ flat fee does not sound too bad.
WAC 02-106x approved on 6/18

WAC 02-106x
ND: 02/2002
2nd FP: Feb 2004
Approval date 6/18
