CP in Chennai how long for Parents ?

Thanks for the update, Jen. I too received my form today with a separate barcode sheet. Do you think it's okay to send the downloaded DS-230 Part I with our parent's signature instead of the original sent by NVC, despite the instructions in the fee bill letter?
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I received mine today (friday) also. My wife is still here visiting so I got her to fill it out and sign it. I mailed it back this afternoon with the barcode sheet and photocopy of PP biodata pages.

Jyo, I didn't see any barcode on the DS-230 form so I think it should be ok to use the one that you downloaded. You might want to compare the two and make sure that they are identical in content, revision dates etc.
Jyo - My suggestion would be the same as azguy's.
Is the one that your parents signed also 2-sided as the DS-230 that got sent from NVC? Only if it's not (or if it's on a different size paper), then NVC might even know it's not the same DS-230 that they sent.
However, I'm still wondering if it's only the content that matters and the paper size/ or if it's 2 one sided sheets, or one 2-sided sheet doesn't matter :confused:
What do you think, azguy?
BTW, I too mailed DS-230 back today. I think so far the processing for the 3 of us, is in sync with jaisejames'. If everything is in order, our case(s) should be transferred to Chennai in less than a month. (HOPEFULLY :)
Thanks Jen and Az. The content of the downloaded form is the same, so I'm going to mail it and hope for the best.
jenimmi said:
Jyo - My suggestion would be the same as azguy's.
Is the one that your parents signed also 2-sided as the DS-230 that got sent from NVC? Only if it's not (or if it's on a different size paper), then NVC might even know it's not the same DS-230 that they sent.
However, I'm still wondering if it's only the content that matters and the paper size/ or if it's 2 one sided sheets, or one 2-sided sheet doesn't matter :confused:
What do you think, azguy?

Jen, you are right, I didn't think about the 2-sided sheet. I don't know if it matters, other than the fact that NVC would know that the form used was different from the one that they mailed out.
Jen and Az,
Thanks again. The downloaded copy is 2 sided, but the color is slightly different, and I trimmed it at the bottom to be the correct size. I don't know if it matters, but I mailed it anyway. I would think the content is more important than cosmetic details.
An update:
My DS-230 appears to have reached on Aug 17th by mail tracking. When I called the NVC automated system on Aug 19th, it said that my packet was reviewed, some information was found missing, and a letter was sent on Aug 18th (Friday). Needless to say, I spent a weekend sick with worry about what I would have missed. When I called this morning, the NVC operator said it was because of my DS-230, which was not received till late last week. It's okay now, and my case should be reviewed in the next 4 weeks. I am totally confused now. Has anyone had a similar experience?
I called the NVC again this morning, and the operator said that I should ignore the letter that I receive for incomplete documents (mainly the DS-230). It was sent just before my DS-230 reached, and is invalid now.
jyotsnar said:
I called the NVC again this morning, and the operator said that I should ignore the letter that I receive for incomplete documents (mainly the DS-230). It was sent just before my DS-230 reached, and is invalid now.

Hi Jyotsnar~

I have the same situation, called and automated answering service says that I am missing some evidences as well and a letter was mailed 8-18. I called the operator and says its because they have not received the payment yet ($ 380.00), which the bill was generated last week. They cant even tell me when the exact date it was mailed. They said it take 1-2 weeks to get it. And they expect a payment already! Huh. Weird. :eek:
Hi abs,
Thanks for your message. I'd never heard of this situation before, so I thought I'd missed something in my application before I called the NVC.

Anyway, looks like they have different departments handling the different phases of the process, and the review department is way ahead of that which sends out fee bills, forms, etc.???
Jyo, abs -

For the past few days I got the auto msg "NVC has received the "xxxxxx" response on Aug 16th. Please wait for review and further instructions". I couldn't make out what "xxxx" response was received by NVC. So, after seeing your post today I called NVC and then I figured it out as "check list letter response". When I asked an operator what it meant she said, "you probably heard first that something was missing on the auto update. That is a letter was sent by NVC stating my DS-230 was missing. That letter is called the "Check list letter". But on the same day, the DS-230 was received, as per their system. So, they updated the auto msg saying "the check list letter response was received". Anyway, I never heard that something was missing, b'cos the response message kind of over rode that "missing" message, both being updated the same day - otherwise, I would've been paranoid just as Jyo was, worrying what on earth I would've missed sending ;) It seems like the operator has been saying the same thing to many applicants, to disregard the check list letter that got sent by mail. May be a glitch in their system.

She said they haven't started reviewing DS-230 and it will take 4 weeks for review :eek: I just hope it's sooner than that.
Thanks Jen. Makes me feel so much better. It's great to have this forum for support :)!

By the way, I too heard that it will take 4 weeks to review all the forms and documents submitted.
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jenimmi said:
BTW, I too mailed DS-230 back today. I think so far the processing for the 3 of us, is in sync with jaisejames'. If everything is in order, our case(s) should be transferred to Chennai in less than a month. (HOPEFULLY :)

Jen, All~

Good day~
I am waiting for my parents DS 230 to be sent out. Just want to make sure that the only requirement is a copy of their PP Bio. Information. Please let me know if I am correct or if I need more docs. Thanks

abs49080 said:
Jen, All~

Good day~
I am waiting for my parents DS 230 to be sent out. Just want to make sure that the only requirement is a copy of their PP Bio. Information. Please let me know if I am correct or if I need more docs. Thanks


Yes, the copy of the passport biographic data page is all you need in addition to the DS-230 form and the barcode sheet NVC sends you.
why so long?

Jaise's parents case(s) were completed within a week of him sending the Ds-230. I wonder why it's taking so long for ours. As of today, still getting the same update that I got on Aug 16.
"check list letter response was received on Aug 16". Anybody else hearing a different update?
I too have the same question. Have called NVC several times, as recent as Friday, Sept 1st. They say the same thing, that the package has not been reviewed yet - will take 2 to 4 weeks. Don't know why it's taking so long :confused: . In my case, the automated message still says 'The NVC has reviewed your package and found information missing or incomplete...', the DS-230 glitch.
Jen and Jyo,

I too am wondering about what is taking so long to process our cases. In my case, I have a slightly different twist to the automated system "glitch" and I gave up trying to make any sense out of it.

When I submitted my DS-230 about a month ago, the automated message changed indicating that "your documents have been received and will be reviewed blah blah blah".

Sometime around the end of August, the message changed again indicating that "upon review, information was found to be missing and a letter was sent on Aug 25". I received the letter this past week indicating that they had not recieved my DS-230. So I call the NVC and talk to the rep who says that they have all my documents and that my case is under "final review". When I asked him about the automated message, he said it was an "old message" and had "not been updated".

As of today, the "missing information" message has not changed, so I guess I will keep calling and enquiring till something happens.

The status on the automated system changed today. It now says that "the case was completed on Sep. 7. Please allow 8 weeks for further instructions."

Hopefully, the case should be transferred to the consulate soon.