Concurrent Filing I140 & I485 Nebraska Service Center

I-140 approved

Hi Guys:

After worrying for almost 3 months, my I-140 was approved on Dec, 27. (NO REF) I am surprised INS was still working during this holiday. What a holiday gift from GOD. Thanks for everyone's help and my lawyer has done a great job. Please update my info. RD 10/9, ND 10/25. EB3 concurrently filing. Now it's 2 down and 1 to go.

Happy Holiday !!!

:D :D

Approval Info from other NSC threads

Many threads....

I saw a posting by 005sk in the thread "I 485 filings in Nov 2002" this was under the root " Tracker I 485 at NSC" and foll are the details of 005SK

Concurrent EB 2 RIR
RD 11/01
ND 11/22
I 140 AD 12/18
EAD AD 12/19
the EAD card received on 12/24.

there seems to be info scattered all over the place, in various threads etc.,

Please, can the person who maintains and updates the Tracker spreadsheet collect info' from other threads like te one mentioned above.

on my part, i posted request msgs in some threads asking them to post their info: in this thread.
re: raj1965

I can't see the threads you are mentioning. Infact I can't even see this thred "Concurrent Filing I140 & I485 NB.." in I485 issues.

I can't figure out what's wrong.
Can you send me the URL of the thread?
Great News Haibo ,Many congratulations on your approval.
Good to see INS doing some work.

Could you please post your lin #,will help folks on this forum.

Thanks and congratulations once again.
Hi: My LIN I-140: LIN0301950xxx


Originally posted by dolly75
Great News Haibo ,Many congratulations on your approval.
Good to see INS doing some work.

Could you please post your lin #,will help folks on this forum.

Thanks and congratulations once again.
URL for information and necessary action

Info on URL

attn; SDD

these are the URLs for the threads i was refering to. It is obvious that people are posting their info on various threads, the above two threads are a case in point. It is for Nov 2002 filings and september 2002 filings. In NOv 2002 thread u can see valuable info" as to concurrent case filed on 11/1 getting ead approved and card received details.

Even our thread is inppropriately placed. It should be under the main thread of NSC and NOT under I 485 issues where it is now. because the I 485 thread should be for general info and issues on 485 common to all service centers.

correct me if I am wrong. but in my years of experience as report designer and later as data warehouing consultant i feel the location of information is as important as the information itself.

hats off to all your eforts but because of lack of uniformity the info" gets scattered.

atleast u should try, for the benefit of all of us, to update the spreadsheet from info collected from various threads.

thank you and have a great new year.
Need help reagarding fp


My case 140/485 was sent on 12/27/02 and iam planning to go to india around third week of Feb 2003 for a month. I heard from my coworkers that now a days FP notices are getting early before 1-140 approval?.
Can i expect FP notice before i leave or if i get while iam in India how long it will be valid or can i reschedule.

Please someone can help in this matter.

Thanks in advance.

I got my FP notice after about 3 weeks of filing. And FP was after abt 3 weeks of getting the notice.

U can rescheule ur FP. I mean do it earlier or later after u get the notice....

KM-MP, and others...
No Spouse EAD yet man....did not go to Local INS yet...imagine the trauma....
Happy New Year


you are all doing great work in this Forum . we have all come across lot of hurdles and we will cross all this to. Just when you pray for this new year, pray for evrey one, our home country,
our adopted country,family and friend .Let 2003 bring pease
and prosperity to all.
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I 140 Denial

My i 140 case status says a written descion has been mailed on dec30th
people please get a good lawyer , my lawyer screwed it up.
My details
I 140 sep 4th
I 485 sep 9th
Rfe for I 140 oct 16th (additional comp financial info)
replied to rfe on Nov8th(date ins recieved it)
Dec30th (written notice mailed)
I will update with details once i know the
exact reason
EAD get approved

After long wait,
my EAD get approved, however message is saying that "After approving your application we have ordered you a need card, it takes 60-75 days"

What does that mean? I have to wait another 60-75 days for the card?? I am little confused, please reply.

MY AP is still pending.

Litte recap

ND for AP/EAD: 10/18,10/22


It's normal to have that kind of online message,
and it will be changed to "..., an approval notice
was mailed" within 10 days.

happy new year

Not that you have all the time in the world, SDD, but if we do manage to consolidate the thread raja was talking about in our tracker, it could be of benefit (Actually, it would be the prerogative of other threads to consolidate into this main tracker.)
One case had a ND of Nov 1 2002 - concurrent, and the I140/EAD was approved 10 days ago.

Thanks for maintaining the tracker and wish all a happy new year.

SDD and others who maintain the trackers

I salute for the sincerity and the efforts , more important the time spent doing this work. Your work is 95% + perfect. My proding is to make it 100%.

This new year will bring all of us, everything good. I am sure.
Re: I 140 Denial

Hi sirisha76,
Very sorry about Denial News.........Please let me know more details........because I am in process of replaying my second rfe....

And also let me know what are your next steps and planing?

My details........

I 140
RD/ND July 5 2002
RFE Sept 5 2002 (Co.'s ability to pay)
RFE RPLY Oct 19 2002
2rd RFE Dec 09 2002 (Co's profit and loss statment)


Originally posted by sirisha76
My i 140 case status says a written descion has been mailed on dec30th
people please get a good lawyer , my lawyer screwed it up.
My details
I 140 sep 4th
I 485 sep 9th
Rfe for I 140 oct 16th (additional comp financial info)
replied to rfe on Nov8th(date ins recieved it)
Dec30th (written notice mailed)
I will update with details once i know the
exact reason
KM-MP and others...

Regarding spouse EAD. INS got it returned by the post office. Post office returned saying that my wife's name is not registered in the post office. I was not aware of that. I mean I did not know that i have to register the name of my wife in the post office. ANyways I just called the IIO and had the card mailed again..and my wife will go to post office to register her name.(dont know the procedure though).

RECAP:- SPouse EAD approved on dec-3rd 2002 and mailed on dec 5th 2002. Card never arrived for the reason above.

Sashi....Play it safe....double check all the documents for RFE maan. It was heart breaking to hear abt sirisha's denial..
Hi Parshu !! Nice to hear that you will get your EAD card soon.

How does one know whether name is registered or not with Post Office.

ANd secondly how does one get the name registered.

I never knew this could also be a problem while receiveing INS mail. How come the FP notice arrived for your wife if she isnt registered.

Sounds confusing to me.
puneet ...

same here...Still i do not know..the procedure etc..
my wife will figure out today at the post office...I will let u know...

but yea wierdly...Post office delivered the 485 noitice,EAD notice ,fp notice promptly....

will update ...
