Concurrent Filing I140 & I485 Nebraska Service Center

Re: onemorewaiting

Hey onemorewaiting,

i have'nt received any notices yet but i called INS and they told me that they have my I-131 and I-765 application in the system but they dont show the I-485 in their system yet , asked me to call them next week.I will keep u guys posted.
Re : Good news

The link is working right now, so you can check your status

Please provide me INS Receipt such as LIN Number so
I can update tracker and there might be a way that
we can start predict the patern for tracking purpose

Re: jl001

Did your I140 got approved ?

I too have the same ND 8/15. But I do not see my EAD yet, though I got FP (09/26) and AP (09/12)

I am still waiting for I 140.

Originally posted by kel_zhang
Yes, I've received EAD, AP.

I called INS just now, and asked them,if they have already entered the case into the system,he said if the checks have not been cashed then they are not in the their system.I don't know,my checks are still outstanding.
Please let me know if your checks have been already been cashed or not.
Also what exactly do you ask INS when you call them,for pulling your information from their system,since the gentleman I spoke with today ,he didn't look into the system to see if my case have been entered already or not.Just asked if my checkes have been cashed ,I said no.Thats it

Thanks for your prompt response and information on this.
Re : dolly

I my case, INS cashed my check within a week after
they give my ND. Hopefuly you get it soon
Hey dolly75

well dolly75 , i never had that problem , I just told the guy that i havent received the receipt and they looked in the system by my first name, last name and DOB, also i got the same guy on monday and tuesday and he told me to call them back next week to see the update.Well My suggestion call INS again today and hopefully u get a friendly guy who is ready to look into the system.
Hi wxm8

Today I checked my account the checks have been cashed.
But I have not received any notice from INS so far!
I filed ( I 140 and I 485 )on September 6th. My lawyer told me that she posted by Fedex on the same day!
How much time it took for you to receive the receipt from INS?
What is notice date? what is Receipt date?

Re : nanaji

I use priority email and email my I140, I485 and EAD
on August 7, 2002

RD on INS Nebraska is August 9, 2002
ND on INS Nebraska is August 13, 2002
INS Cashed check on August 16, 2002

My Lawyer receive the receipt on August 21, 2002

Hope it helps
Waiting for receipt notice

My lawyer filed my I485 to INS on 09/11/2002. No receipt yet. will post again after I get it.:confused:
Hey mmggdd,wxm8

I called INS and found out that they still have not entered the application into the system and the INS guy suggested me to talk to my lawyer incase there is some problem with my case.

I called the lawyers's and talked to the sceratory,she seemed to indicate that my application(which one I140/I485 ??) application has run into problems(her word,the case is rejected,which I really don't understand why?).
SHe said there some issue on my labor since we didn't send the original certified letter(original one got lost in th mail somewhere ....long story) while filing the application.

While filing the application lawyer did talk to the DOL office and tried to get the duplicate labor,but DOL said,they donot issue the duplicate copy of the letter,in the mea while we can go ahead and file application with the INS,and later while adjuuding I-140 ,INS must request the duplicate certified letter.
I don't know what is the problem yet,since I couldn't get hold of the lawyer,it is just so frustating that these lawyer swill not inform you unless you call them.

The information which the sceratory ,has not answered many of my questions, which came to mind.

Please let me know your suggestions and opinion on this.Has anyone faced the similar type of problem.
I am sure you all can atleast understand my concerns and eagerness to get all the issues sorted out as quickly as possible.

Thanks so much for the prompt response.

My Lawyer mailed the 485-EAD-AP on Sept 9 , still waiting for the receipt, will post as soon as I will receive them----:confused:

How long INS is taking to Send the recipt --- any suggestions..
RE: Dolly75

Well i can understand ur frustration,Best thing wait for ur lawyer to get back to u , also i believe you can request a duplicate copy of ur LCA approval, go to their website or I think there is a number u can call for this kind of trouble ( atleast chicago office has one ).One of my friend also didnt got his LCA hard copy but he applied (I-140 )with some other document which i am too sure right now, and his case was not rejected by INS.I will let you know if i find something on this.
Thanks mmggdd for the nice response.Please let me know if you any more information on these types of cases.
My case was handled by any one of the texas/Denver DOL .I am in Denver.

Thanks again and please keep update me if you find any further information on this.

Here is the reponse from my lawyer

The DOL has informed us that your Labor Certification was approved, but we
never received it. We submitted your AOS to INS, with a request that the
INS request another copy from the DOL, pursuant to DOL policy and my
previous conversations with the DOL. Unfortunately, the INS rejected the
AOS and returned it to our office yesterday.

I have called the DOL twice since then to resolve this problem, but have not
heard back yet. I will contact you once I speak with the DOL.


Is there any way to find out more about such cases.

Please let me know your opinion on this.
Re: Dolly75

Hey dolly here is the numbers you can call for the texas region ,usually when u call this numbers they have different options and u can choose depending upon ur nature of call ( atleast chicago had it ) and also this number are never busy.So call them tommorow and hope for the best.Wish u a good luck

Permanent Labor
Texas Workforce Commission
Alien Labor Certification
Department TWC Building
101 East 15th Street, Room 424T
Austin, TX 78778-0001
(800) 252-9924 (toll-free within Texas)
(512) 475-2571
(512) 463-3055 FAX
Some News

This is taken from

We received some new and somewhat surprising information from Madeline Garcia following her attendance at an American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA) South Florida luncheon on Wednesday (September 17th). Among the wealth of information she absorbed was the information relating to portability in the context of concurrent I-140/I-485 filings.

As you may be aware, AC21 includes a provision (§106(c)) which allows for a change in employment in cases of lengthy adjustment adjudications. What this allows for is the substitution of a new sponsor and offer of employment (in the same or similar profession) into a pending adjustment application if the I-485 has been filed and remained unadjudicated for 180 days or more.

Many of you have been writing to us asking us a couple of important questions such as:

Will the I-140 still be processed first?

- AND -

How will concurrent filing work in the context of I-485 portability?
According to the AILA source and the information shared at Wednesday's meeting, the INS has indicated that the I-140 will not be adjudicated until the I-485 is adjudicated. Furthermore, the INS has taken the position that this portability can only be enjoyed by an applicant for adjustment of status whose I-140 petition has been approved. Since applicants for adjustment who apply pursuant to their new ability to file concurrent I-140 and I-485 filings will not have an approved I-140 during the pendency of the adjustment, these applicants will NOT be eligible for the benefits of Section 106(c).

This information may change in the future since regulations have not been drafted. However, INS' comments highlight significant implications for many prospective concurrent applicants and reinforce that the new concurrent filing option, though very appealing, may not be for everyone.
what is best


Do you have any idea about implications,

The bottom line is

Whch one would be best,

Concurrent filing or traditional filing.( 140 first then after approval 485)
Re : Raghuc

I think it depends

Based on current "Rumor"

If you are running out of your H1-B Status, it is better
to file concurrent Filing to make your status legal instead
of using 245(k)

If you still have plenty of time in your H1-B and you plan to
take advantage of AC-21 (180 Days rule) , I think it is better
to use traditional method

Let's wait for INS final ruling regarding concurrent filing
Hopefuly by the end of september, they publish some
regulation that will answer about concurrent filing

Let's hope for the best
Some opinion

This is taken form

Our office has been buzzing since the INS created the opportunity for the concurrent filing of I-140 petitions and I-485 applications for adjustment of status. Those interested include those who were preparing to become I-140 beneficiaries (and now want to file both) as well as those who are already beneficiaries of I-140 petitions (and now want to submit adjustment applications so that they may preserve lawful status, have the ability to file for employment authorization, and (presumably) experience faster processing). However, we have had a few clients thus far who we've had to honestly advise that they might want to hold off, despite their initial eagerness to file concurrently.

While it might appear that concurrent filing is for everybody, here are a few examples of those who might want to reconsider and some reasons why [they might want to reconsider]:

An I-140 beneficiary working for an I-140 employer sponsor who may not immediately have the ability to pay the beneficiary the offered salary for the proposed position: Very frequently during the adjustment of status stage, the INS issues requests for evidence asking for demonstration of the company's ability to pay the beneficiary the proposed salary and has been providing that salary from the priority date to the present. With the current economy as it is, some employers may have recently suffered financial setbacks, making recent employer income figures less than what they may have been in the past. If a company has suffered recent losses but stands to improve in the near future, it may be in the beneficiary's best interest not to rush into the I-485 filing.

An I-140 beneficiary whose employer has promised to pay a higher wage (as indicated on the application for labor certification) but who is currently paying less than that amount: There may exist situations where an H-1B beneficiary previously acquired H-1B status based on the prevailing wage that was current at the time the beneficiary was granted status, but since that time, there has been an increase in the prevailing wage necessitating a higher wage in order to apply for labor certification. If concurrent processing is used in this type of case, the INS may move more quickly through the I-140 and I-485 filings, and evidence that the higher wage will be paid upon the beneficiary's admission as a permanent resident may be required sooner. In this situation, if the applicant's wage has not yet been increased to the greater amount, the INS may view the discrepancy as an inability to pay the higher wage. In this way, trying to rush the process when the applicant is not yet being paid the amount indicated on the application for labor certification, the applicant's chance of having his or her permanent residency approved may be jeopardized.

Building on the preceding example, ANY I-140 beneficiary who does not yet have ANY of the requirements that may need to be established in order for an I-485 to be approved! (Language exams and certification requirements such as those required for healthcare professions come boldly to mind in this regard.)

A cautious applicant/beneficiary of an EB-1 or EB-2 (National Interest Waiver) I-140 petition: While we commonly file EB-1 and EB-2 I-140 petitions and have been very fortunate with our record of success, these categories are known for being unpredictable. The amount of discretion INS officers have in adjudicating these categories is tremendous. Thus, the risk of denial cannot be overlooked in any such filing. Given this, a false sense of security (not to mention an unnecessary investment of funds toward the I-485) may result when an EB-1 or EB-2 (NIW) based I-140 is the basis of a concurrent filing.

These are examples just provide some "food for thought" and are clearly not an exhaustive list of those who should think twice before filing concurrently. It is best that any beneficiary/applicant consult with an attorney fully knowledgeable of the facts of their case before the decision is made to file his or her I-140 and I-485 concurrently. In any event, we hope that the foregoing serves as a reminder that (as is usually the case) what may be good for one, is not always the best for another.