Class Action Law Suit against USCIS I-485, N-400, Naturalization, AOS, FBI Name Check


Registered Users (C)
This is a new thread, solely designed for helping out all the cases listed above. This thread is a start to build a Class Action law suit against the Corrupt USCIS organization. Please join us. We will put an end to this madness once and for all.

To all those people affected by the Immigration Laws of USCIS and it's short coming, we should stand together and fight this USCIS system that is designed to only make legal, law-abiding and tax paying people's life a living hell.

So join me now everyone and let's start to make a difference. Start by educating yourself on what is yours as a right and how you can file Civil Cases against the USCIS and win your fight.

Start by reading the below mentioned link. It is easy to file a Writ of Mandamus or 1447b without ever needing a Lawyer and their expensive fees.

Join now and in 2 months you will be in better shape than you were before. And let's file a Class Action lawsuit. We need our voices to be heard and we need everyone on board. This time around we can have Rajiv S Khanna represent us and take it all the way to the Supreme Court and pass a law for treating people with legal status aliens who are getting their processing done in time and accurately. We can and will make this journey to our destination and with everyone's help and support achieve this task at hand.

Remember we just need to plant a seed of hope in everyone's life for the tree of freedom to grow. For hope is the only thing left, when everything else has failed. Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free. Let's go for it everyone we can and will prevail.
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am in too, i think we deserve what every other legal immigrant in this country have,we deserve the rights that we have earned by following the united states aw, and its immiigrations rule, i know i have done nothing wrong, and it is my assumption that everyone here have done nothing wrong either, why cant we receive our benefits, we should find out
I am on it

I am in. To put you on the list, email me at:

Please make the subject title of your email, either I-485 green card or N-400 citizenship.

Once we have reached a reasonable number of people, we will start the class action lawsuit and put an end to USCIS madness !!!
I am glad to know this action. Please put me in.

PD Houston: I-130 I-485, 02/5/2004
1st FP: March 2004
Interview Houston: 01/05/2005
2st FP: May 2005
Name check pending since: March 2004
Class Action Certification itself is very time consuming. Remember how USCIS got rid of last Class Action (485) suit filed by Mr. Khanna. Most of the applicants got thier 485 approved and the case became void.

By the time it the case comes to any meaningful conclusion, all the name checks for the people mentioned in the case will most likely be complete.

Mr. Khanna himself suggested going by Individual Mandamus Lawsuits instead of Class Action. I am not sure if he still stands by that position.

We should weigh the pros, cons and any other possibilities before continuing this chain messages of "I'm in" (ofcourse I too am in).
I am in..I am struck in Name check since Nov 04.
If atleast we could get to the point where FBI responds to our enquiries in a timely manner..then its a great achievement and relief for future applicants!
Good luck to all,
That is exactly it. If we go by one Class Action Lawsuit failing, we should start another on. Think about it, there were many people who opposed slavery time and time again and were stepped on and killed. Now if they were not persistent, like we are trying to be here, we do not stand a chance. We have to make this case time and time again, till this Dept of DHS called USCIS gets revolutionized. Now we have a better chance of winning especially after the WhistleBlower Michael J Maxwell saying that these assholes have broken the law and are allowing illegal applications to go thru for gifts and all that stuff. This is a totally broken system. Ask the question, why is it that the Bush Administration since 2001 has had 3 Directors at USCIS, why ? The answer is quite simple because none of these assholes can fix it, and the USCIS mafia is doing whatever the fuck they wanna do.

So we the people who are legal in this country and who follow the law are stepped on by these dumb fucks who are just short of coming from working at McDonalds and 90% foreigners themselves at one point of time, mind you, and controlling how we as honest people live our lives. This is unjust and wrong wrong wrong for all of us and America and so I want everyone's voice to be heard again and again and again, till the message goes accross to the Hill that this injustice will not stand. Also bring up the absolute BS rights of these fucking Illegal aliens here. Did you know that before Bush took office there were 7 million illegal aliens in the US in 2000. Well guess why he is after this Border Patrol thing now, because they know they fucked up big time and due to the War and all they were not able to stop 12 million more coming in. Now you know the truth and you are informed, well, then do something about it
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To get started we need an anchor point person(s) to talk to a willing Lawyer.

Plaintiff's will automatically start pouring in once we get started.

Can anyone please provide proper inputs on how to proceed, especially those in and around DC. Is anyone already a client of Mr. RK?
GreenCardVirus said:
Class Action Certification itself is very time consuming. Remember how USCIS got rid of last Class Action (485) suit filed by Mr. Khanna. Most of the applicants got thier 485 approved and the case became void.

By the time it the case comes to any meaningful conclusion, all the name checks for the people mentioned in the case will most likely be complete.

Mr. Khanna himself suggested going by Individual Mandamus Lawsuits instead of Class Action. I am not sure if he still stands by that position.

We should weigh the pros, cons and any other possibilities before continuing this chain messages of "I'm in" (ofcourse I too am in).
you may be right about every you said but the idea is:
we can act together to acheive better result, and form more pressure
learn from eachother mistake, and avoid them
Rajiv probably wasnt able to do much last time, but he might have a better idea this time, some like representing all of us in all the different state, so the USCIS will know that they are facing an experienced attorney , not just some scattered individuals with very minimum knowledge or experience in the law practice.
last and this is imoprtantgetting the attention of the politician , and law maker, before every one get busy dealing with the other precious 10, 12 millions, who didnt give a rat ass about the immigration or the nation laws
Basically, if we act together, and get a good guidance from some one who the know the tricks of the law, (so we dont get played ) if we do all that , the chance of acheiving something is very high
tsa3400 said:
This is a new thread, solely designed for helping out all the cases listed above. This thread is a start to build a Class Action law suit against the Corrupt USCIS organization.

Tsa3400, did you put a link to this thread in the AOS forum like we discussed the other day?

You should try to post links to this thread in other forums, not only in the ImmigrationPortal.

On a comic note: If on April 24 at my second interview, for my second Naturalization certificate, they tell me again that my Name check is pending, this time around I won't wait anymore, I'll join you class action... :D :D
Suzy977 said:
.. If on April 24 at my second interview, for my second Naturalization certificate, they tell me again that my Name check is pending, this time around I won't wait anymore, I'll join you class action... [/COLOR] :D :D

Suzy977, are you saying you have an interview appointment with INS? This letter is going to be a big hit!!!!

I put my hand on a list of the court cases filed against USCIS. Check the attached file below..
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Suzy977 said:
On a comic note: If on April 24 at my second interview, for my second Naturalization certificate, they tell me again that my Name check is pending, this time around I won't wait anymore, I'll join you class action... [/COLOR] :D :D

that's a comic and sad note of how incompetent those agencies have become. I actually would show up at the interview and ask them how they intend to revoke the citizenship of a US citizen.

It would be nice to get their reaction on tape and send it to one of those news networks. I am sure they would love to see it.

Of course, with a copy of Mr. Chertoff.
Sorry Suzy I searched for it and can't find the AOS one. Please could you do it. Thanks.

Also folks, besides myself, can ya'll too take this link and post it on relevant threads on immigration portal. I've already done 12 threads pertaining to our issue.

Also do this, for those of you trying to figure out the FBI Name Check (485 or N-400 or any other cases). Try to get your Senator, Congressmen or whoever to e-mail a confirmation from that USCIS or FBI Liaison working with the Senator or Congressmen about the status. Unlike many of you here, I have a document written by an employee at USCIS that my name check was cleared on 7/11/2005. But USCIS for no reason delayed and broke the law and did another check in Dec of 2005 and that too came thru the same day, and still I'm in this position. The reason I say this is, you can then use this as EVIDENCE about the corrupt USCIS in a court of law and will help with the Class Action suite. I got this in black and white e-mail about my Name Check clearance 4 weeks after I filed and I shared that with the DA, but still USCIS is defying me
thanks for the link. Very useful information.
Moral of the story - success comes to those who persevere.
tsa3400 said:
For those of you wondering about FBI Name Check, check this out, you will be surprised

If you already read this then sorry about, re-posting. Cheers !!!
tsa3400 said:
For those of you wondering about FBI Name Check, check this out, you will be surprised

If you already read this then sorry about, re-posting. Cheers !!!

it is just heart-breaking to read such sad stories. How can a government with a trillion dollar budget and such vital functions be so poorly run by so many incompetent people of questionable ethics? and how would all this take place in such a great country?

There has to be some laws to prosecute people like that.