Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

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Hi All Chicago Gurus,

Can anyone update me job titles for the following DOT codes?

1) 030.162-010:

2) 030.161-014:

I appreciate your information. Thanks............
Hi All Chicago Gurus,

Can anyone update me job titles for the following DOT codes?

1) 030.162-010:

2) 030.162-014: (Wrongly typed in my previous posting)

I appreciate your information. Thanks............
Re: Notice of Findings (NOF)


Please refere to my earlier messages under name 'jalabalajings'. I too was in the same situation and after 4 months of issuing the NOF my labor got cleared.

Originally posted by rravipati

After not hearng anything about my case (received at DOL on 06/03/2003), I requested my attorney to call DOL and find out what is going on. First time she called the DOL on last Monday, the lady who answered the phone said she will track the case and find what is going on. We got the same answer from them for the next 3 days. But on Friday, the contact at the DOL told my attorney that Chicago DOL issued a Notice of Findings on my case and that is why it is delayed. When asked about the issue, she said that the attorney office will receive the case with details about NOF within a week or two, and then we have to respond to that.

Anyone faced similar issue? Does anyone of you know what kind of queries DOL generally issue? Or what are the chances/grounds of rejecting a case?

All your input on this is well appreciated.

Thank you.
Gc Pain

030.162-010 COMPUTER PROGRAMMER Converts data from project specifications and statements of problems and procedures to create or modify computer programs: Prepares, or receives from SYSTEMS ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 030.167-014, detailed workflow chart and diagram to illustrate sequence of steps that program must follow and to describe input, output, and logical operations involved. Analyzes workflow chart and diagram, applying knowledge of computer capabilities, subject matter, and symbolic logic. Confers with supervisor and representatives of departments concerned with program to resolve questions of program intent, data input, output requirements, and inclusion of internal checks and controls. Converts detailed logical flow chart to language processable by computer. Enters program codes into computer system. Inputs test data into computer. Observes computer monitor screen to interpret program operating codes. Corrects program errors, using methods such as modifying program or altering sequence of program steps. Writes instructions to guide operating personnel during production runs. Analyzes, reviews, and rewrites programs to increase operating efficiency or to adapt program to new requirements. Compiles and writes documentation of program development and subsequent revisions. May train workers to use program. May assist COMPUTER OPERATOR (clerical) 213.362-010 to resolve problems in running computer program. May work with SYSTEMS ANALYST (profess. & kin.) to obtain and analyze project specifications and flow charts. May direct and coordinate work of others to write, test, and modify computer programs.

030.167-014 SYSTEMS ANALYST Analyzes user requirements, procedures, and problems to automate processing or to improve existing computer system: Confers with personnel of organizational units involved to analyze current operational procedures, identify problems, and learn specific input and output requirements, such as forms of data input, how data is to be summarized, and formats for reports. Writes detailed description of user needs, program functions, and steps required to develop or modify computer program. Reviews computer system capabilities, workflow, and scheduling limitations to determine if requested program or program change is possible within existing system. Studies existing information processing systems to evaluate effectiveness and develops new systems to improve production or workflow as required. Prepares workflow charts and diagrams to specify in detail operations to be performed by equipment and computer programs and operations to be performed by personnel in system. Conducts studies pertaining to development of new information systems to meet current and projected needs. Plans and prepares technical reports, memoranda, and instructional manuals as documentation of program development. Upgrades system and corrects errors to maintain system after implementation. May assist COMPUTER PROGRAMMER (profess. & kin.) 030.162-010 in resolution of work problems related to flow charts, project specifications, or programming. May prepare time and cost estimates for completing projects. May direct and coordinate work of others to develop, test, install, and modify programs.

I hope this helps

Filing I-140 and 485 in Different INS center - Need Advice!


On Last week my Labor got cleared from Chicago and It was applied through IL state. I have couple of questions.

1> I came to know that in Nabraska center, they will give the EAD after I-140 is cleared, where as in Vermont, thet just give the EAD with in 30-90 days just after filing I-140 and 485. Is taht TRUE???.

2> My company is having brances at DE and NJ, can I file my I-140 and 485 through Vermont center ???

The reason why I am worried about EAD and travel doc as my H1B's 6 yers is going to complete by MAR04.

All, Please let me know. your advice/commnets is really going to help me a lot.

Thanks in advance.
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Interim EAD

According to my attorney, service centers have to issue EAD within 90 days after filing. If they do not then apparently they can issue a interim EAD which I believe you have to get from the local INS office or something (I am not sure about this). So check with your lawyer.
More importantly, filing for I-140 from a service centre that is not under the jurisdiction from where the original job LC was filed could potentially cause problems. So be mindful of that.
RE: Filing I-140 and 485 in Different INS center - Need Advice!

Hi givemeLC,
I'm in the same boat as you, my 6 years expires Apr 04 but I'm still waiting on my labor to be cleared. According to my lawyer if you file 140+485 together, you don't have to leave the country. I suggest you check with your lawyer.
You are absolutely right srigans...but to not have a break in employment authorization you need to have an approved EAD after AOS has been filed. The other way out is to file for 7th year extension.

Hello, Jalabalajins:

I have a question for you. In your previous post, your NOF was received in early August but you started the second recruiting effort back in May. How do you know you need another round of recruiting before the NOF is received? What is the purpose of NOF then?

Thank you very much
I punched in few numbers and there was a Aug 1 2003 case that was certified. I did not note the case number or DOT code. However there were a lot of July 31st and 28th cases that were in "received" status.
Interim EAD

According to my attorney, service centers have to issue EAD within 90 days after filing. If they do not then apparently they can issue a interim EAD which I believe you have to get from the local INS office or something (I am not sure about this). So check with your lawyer.
More importantly, filing for I-140 from a service centre that is not under the jurisdiction from where the original job LC was filed could potentially cause problems. So be mindful of that.


Hi al_paso

Thanks for your quick reply.
I think I will go-ahead with filing my 140 anf 485 at NSC by end of this month.

Do you know any of your friends got their EAD and Travel doc within 90 days of filing 140+485 in NSC ? Because I had talked to two of my firends they got their EAD just after 140 cleared from NSC center, onthing, they both had a query on 140. Is it depends on case to case ?? Is most of the people get their EAD within 90 days??

Thanks and good luck to you.
140+485 in NSC

hi givemeLC

One of my friend filled 140+485 in NSC on June 24th, and got EAD and travel doc in 3rd week of Aug.

You have to read my post correctly my friend. The NOF was not issued in August. It was issued somewhere in April. Once the rebuttal was received by DOL they were not satisified with it and hence remanded the case back to SESA for supervised recruitment.

SESA informed my employer of how to go about the supervised recruitment process and then my employer started the recruiting process in the end of may. I was given 45 days of time to send the recruitment results to SESA.

Hope this helps.


Originally posted by lobowang
Hello, Jalabalajins:

I have a question for you. In your previous post, your NOF was received in early August but you started the second recruiting effort back in May. How do you know you need another round of recruiting before the NOF is received? What is the purpose of NOF then?

Thank you very much
Re: Re: Notice of Findings (NOF)

Thank you jalabalajings for your reply.

Originally posted by jalabalajings

Please refere to my earlier messages under name 'jalabalajings'. I too was in the same situation and after 4 months of issuing the NOF my labor got cleared.
please let me know

My employer is located in Wisconsin. And the RIR processing in WI is current. Couple of weeks back my lawyer filed by labor application using RIR process method. Is there a way to track my application?

This is in connetcion to your explanation on the DOT codes. I was wondering where to get the full list of DOT codes? Is there any web-site for this info?


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