Chicago Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/22/2004)

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Srisathya.........Please reply me.

Hi Srisathya,
Can you please reply me following questions?
1. How do you come to know the information (" i.e dot:030.062-010, Case forwarded to Chicago DOL on 06/04/2003") which you written here? Did you/your attorney receive any receipt before your approval notice?

2. Did you/your attorney receive any receipt from IL SESA to confirm your case was forwarded to DOL on "06/04/2003" ? I mean to say weather you receive this information before your approval? if yes what date you receive this information?
3. Was there any RFE on your case?
I appreciate your humble answers. I wish you best of luck in your I140/I485. Thanks.............
GC pain

No i do not have any info on that because my attorney is not that co-operative in sharing the info.

labor certified

EB3/RIR/IT Related
sent to IL sesa 05/21/03
sent to chicago DOL 7/17/03
certified on 9/8/03 dot code 030-062-010
lawyer recived hardcopy 2-3 days back,I suppose..

Thanks a lot for everybody's help and suppot..
good luck to all of u...
hi GC Pain,

The priority date given in my earlier message is the date my file was sent to DOL. As per my attorney, this date will be different from the Date received by the DOL. From the messages of other people, I think this date would be around July 10th in my case. If this is true, then my case will soon be approved. Therefore, I'm going to take wait & see approach ;)

Labor Certified!!!!!!!!

Case Details.

Sent to IL sesa 05/15/03
Sent to chicago DOL 7/20/03
Certified on 9/18/03
DOT Code 030-062-010
Lawyer recived hardcopy today.

chicago dol

Hello gurus,

I have one question.My labor gone to chicago dol on july 8th.and there are another person from my company gone in july 7th.His case is approved on aug 28th.but my case(july 8 th)one is not approved yet.its only a day difference in reaching chicago dol but the its approved almost 20 days back.on mine its still its pending.

can some body can tell me whats going on and whats the time frame. and also I read in above that some cases on july 20 th are also approved.Is there any thing I need to concern.

Thank you for ur replies.

Re: chicago dol

I wouldn't worry too much at this stage as different officers have differing speeds to process cases. Only an exceptional delay should be worrisome.

Just hang in there (I know its easier said then done!!) & hope for the best. You should hear about your case soon.


Originally posted by despgc
Hello gurus,

I have one question.My labor gone to chicago dol on july 8th.and there are another person from my company gone in july 7th.His case is approved on aug 28th.but my case(july 8 th)one is not approved yet.its only a day difference in reaching chicago dol but the its approved almost 20 days back.on mine its still its pending.

can some body can tell me whats going on and whats the time frame. and also I read in above that some cases on july 20 th are also approved.Is there any thing I need to concern.

Thank you for ur replies.

Thank you titu.

another of my friend tld me that his attorney told to him that dol is verifying the degree certificates and that true?.if yes then they need to send to india to verify my degree certificate because I has only a bachelors in computer science.

can some body tell me this is true or not.

Thank you in advance.

My understanding is that this is not true. DOL does not verify the beneficiary's qualifications. They only judge the relevance of the education/experience desired/required by the employer for the job position & the completeness/accuracy of the recruitment effort.

It's the BCIS that evaluates the beneficiary's education & experience at the I-140 stage & makes a judgement that they are/are not in accordance with the approved labor certificate.

I also believe that the beneficiary's educational certificates/experience letters are never sent to the DOL during the labor process so the question of DOL evaluating those does not arise.

I may be wrong on this but I suspect I'm not. Hope this helps.


Originally posted by despgc
Thank you titu.

another of my friend tld me that his attorney told to him that dol is verifying the degree certificates and that true?.if yes then they need to send to india to verify my degree certificate because I has only a bachelors in computer science.

can some body tell me this is true or not.

Thank you in advance.

Congrats nepal2003

Good Luck nepal2003 for 140/485. Any idea what is the current processing dates for Chicago DOL
Notice of Findings (NOF)


After not hearng anything about my case (received at DOL on 06/03/2003), I requested my attorney to call DOL and find out what is going on. First time she called the DOL on last Monday, the lady who answered the phone said she will track the case and find what is going on. We got the same answer from them for the next 3 days. But on Friday, the contact at the DOL told my attorney that Chicago DOL issued a Notice of Findings on my case and that is why it is delayed. When asked about the issue, she said that the attorney office will receive the case with details about NOF within a week or two, and then we have to respond to that.

Anyone faced similar issue? Does anyone of you know what kind of queries DOL generally issue? Or what are the chances/grounds of rejecting a case?

All your input on this is well appreciated.

Thank you.
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Chicago AVM

I had the luck of getting the Chicago AVM about a week back. It works off and on, based on its mood, weather, morning coffee etc. :)
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