Finished my Interview on the 14th & still waiting on the oath letter. It was a pleasent experience just like others stated here.
I arrived at 8am for a 8.25 slot after parking my car at the adjacent building (I think $17/4 hours). I was told the officer already has my file & will call from one of the 2 areas . There were about 100 people already & I thought I wont get in tilll noon. My wife also had the same time & she was stunningly called in at sharp 8.25 (I was called in at 9am). We had our 2 daughters with us & she carried the young one with her. She came back passed much before I was called in.
About the process, the officer was well prepared with all my information. She started with the oath & asked me the civics questions right way from the sheet that had a pre-set 10 questions. Since I aced through the first 6 (what a great accomplishment ! LOL !!) she stopped it there & asked to write a sentence & read a line. Then it was just a formality of re-verifying all the information on the application. Finally she gave me an approval letter & told should get my oath letter in 2 weeks. she was also kind enough to take my wife's name to make sure we get the same oath date.
So we were out of there by 10am and now wating for the next date. Since we have plans to travel in July I hope we'll have our passports just in time.
Again, Thanks to all of you who willing shared information & the forum owner who has given this priceless opportunity to share & relieve our concerns about this unpredictable yet memorable process.