Charlotte, NC - N-400 Timeline

Still Waiting

I don't know what's goin' on? It doesn't seem to move at all.

PD: 9/29/06
FP: 10/12/06
IL: ??
Interview done

I had my interview and oath this week in Charlotte. The interview went smoothly and the questions were straightforward. The oath ceremony was heart-warming and the presenter was a real character and had us all laughing and crying.

I did find out that there is an oath ceremony every day in Charlotte and there were about 50 of us swearing in. However, the people sitting next to me had waited anywhere from 6-8 months (I was 6 months). So be patient and your time will come. There were people present who had to wait years for the whole process so there is significant improvement these days.

You can't get into the building more than 30 mins before your interview.
Still waiting

Still waiting for the IL.
PD Dec 21, 2006

From beagle's post, looks like atleast i have 1 more month to go before I can expect the letter.
Charlotte DO

This is for beagle4.
I would like to know the date you received your interview letter. If you could pls provide this date.
Received IL

Received Interview letter today (4/18) for ID on 5/31/07
The letter was dated 4/12 and mailed on 4/16 from Dallas

I will post details after the interview.

PD 11/29/06
ND 12/05/06
IL 04/12/07
ID 05/31/07

I just checked now and yes, my case has disappeared. The last time I checked was about two weeks ago, so I am not sure when they actually took it offline.
I had my interview and oath this week in Charlotte. The interview went smoothly and the questions were straightforward. The oath ceremony was heart-warming and the presenter was a real character and had us all laughing and crying.

I did find out that there is an oath ceremony every day in Charlotte and there were about 50 of us swearing in. However, the people sitting next to me had waited anywhere from 6-8 months (I was 6 months). So be patient and your time will come. There were people present who had to wait years for the whole process so there is significant improvement these days.

You can't get into the building more than 30 mins before your interview.


I have an interview next month at Charlotte and was wondering what 'appropriate attire' was for the ceremony (if it is the same day) Is it strictly shirt and tie /jacket etc or more business casual?
thanks and congratulations
The attire on the day of the interview and oath was anywhere from jeans to business suit and tie. Women from jeans to dresses. Good luck! Enjoy it and be prepared for a long day if your interview is in the morning.
What is your timeline?

Can you pls. share your timeline? What is your priority date?
and how long did it take for you to get the interview letter?

Received IL. Interview on 5/23. But I have to travel out of country with in a week after the interview. So planning to ask for postponing the oath.
Qst. for sureb - about oath

Qst. for sureb - about oath:

Does the interview letter contain oath date as well ?
I was under the impression that you dont know your oath date
until the day of your interview.

Pls. clarify
PD: 9/29/06
FP: 10/12/06
IL: ??

Is there a phone number to find out if your name check is complete or pending?

Oath date will not be known until the interview.
I heard that there is oath ceremony every day in Charlotte.

At the time of interview, I plan to ask for a oath date after a month as I will be travelling soon after the interview.
Hello All,

First, let me take this opportunity to thank all of you who take the time to post precious information that is soooooooo helpful in sooooomany ways. I have to say that I have been a passive user of these forums and learnt a lot. Now I want to post my info here and the details:

1) Mailed mine and my wife's N-400 on 11/04/2006;
2) Priority Date for both = 11/08/2006;
3) FP Notice sent by USCIS on 11/17/2006
4) FP done on scheduled date 12/02/2006
5) Interview Notice sent by USCIS on 02/12/2007
6) Interview done on 04/24/2007
7) After interview got a Oath ceremeny letter for 05/01/2007

I went to the Charlotte Field Office at about 12:30 pm for a 1:20 pm on Tuesday 04/24/2007. The security guy respectfully told me to hang around outside and come back at 12:50 pm. No problems here. Came back and was sent into the waiting room with all others. There are multiple officers who have a predetermined list of about 15 applicants. They come in and call out the name of the next one in their list after they are done with the previous one.

I waited for almost about 1 hour (they were running a little late) and then one f the officers called out my wife's name. I walked upto him and told him that unfortunately my wife had been hospitalized the previous thursday due to an emergency and could not make it. I told him we were actually hoping that she would be discharged on monday or tuesday early morning so she could make it because she was very well prepared for the interview but it did not happen. He was nice and said he would take my word for it and reschedule - he asked me when she can make it - I said maybe next friday or the following. He said not possible so soon since the schedules are set for the next 2-3 months and was polite

After another 20 minutes I was called in by a really nice officer - she was a young girl who was very energetic and polite - in short a very nice person. She really made the interview process very comfortable - it lasted about 30 minutes.

Some highlights:

1) She said if I change my name (which I wanted to) I would have to wait until June 08, 2007 for Oath. If not then she could fit me on May 01, 2007. I chose May 1, 2007.
2) She asked me 10 questions out of the 96 - Current US president, colors of the US flag, who becomes president if both the president and vicepresident die, one benefit of becomeing a US citizen, the amendments pertaining to voting rights, when was the US constitution wrtten, what makes up the congress, How many chief justices are there - I do not rememer the other 2 questions - I am sorry guys. Ohh..yes - what form is used to apply for citizenship was another question.
3) She went thru' the entire submitted N-400 form verifying with me the answers to the questions I had writen in my N-400.
4) She also asked me why I wanted to become a US citizen - I was not expecting this one but answered that I want to work for the federal governement. The answer sparked off ahumorous conversation about jobs, etc.
5) She also asked me what is my current occupation?
6) She learnt about my wife not being able to come in and noted her details and casully inquired about her health which was nice.
7) She went thru' all submitted documents and noticed that my Marriage certificate and my birth certificate from my original country had my name different than what is in the passport and all US legal documents (eg: If my name in the marriage and birth certificate is Anne (hypothetical), my name on all US documents including my Original Country's Passport shows my name as AnneMarie (hypothetical). She asked me about it and I explained. The name change I talked about in 1) above was from AnneMarie to Anne. She went out for a minute and came back and said that we have enough documentation to allow you to continue to use only "Anne" on Naturalization certificate even though my US SS no., Original country's passport, etc. show AnneMarie and you do not have to wait till June 08,2007 but can still take oath on 05/01/2007.
8) She also answered any questions/clarifications I asked her.
9) I forgot to mention this earlier - when she was going thru the form N-400 and asking me to answer each of those YES/NO questions. I answered No to the question about citations but interruped to clarify that I had said NO but I have had two traffic violations - one for child not putting seat belt in car seat in 2003 and the other was in 2004 for speeding. She said that it does not matter as long as it was not a DUI. I was very much relieved. I want to mention this because I saw some posts here saying you need to get a record from the DMV, etc. I do not think it is necessary ecause I had also confirmed this elsewhere before.

All in All - it was a very pleasant experience - I am sure this specific officer was a nice person and was a major reason for the same. I told her and complemented er while leaving and she was happy to receive the positive comments. I am eagerly waiting for the Oath on next tuesday.

Good Luck to all! Thanks to all of you for aking these forums really useful.

Qst. for sureb - about oath:

Does the interview letter contain oath date as well ?
I was under the impression that you dont know your oath date
until the day of your interview.

Pls. clarify

In Charlote, if you pass the interview, the officer will give you a letter saying you passed at the end and will ask you to wait in the waiting area and in about 5 minutes someone wil come in and give you a invitation letter for Oath. I was interviewed on a tuesday and called the following tuesday for Oath. They had no openings in the same week otherwise they would have fit me in.

Recd interview letter

Recd. the IL for charlotte DO:

PD - Dec 1, 2006
ID - Jun 19, 2007.

Took close to 6months for the interview.