case transfer to san francisco

bgadicha said:
sorry i didn't mean a smiley in my earlier posting:

My EAD expires in another two days. I applied an extension almost three months back but no answer yet. i can collect my interim ead only after a week after my current EAD expires. Will this be a problem during my 485 interview? will they see the gap in my EAD and question as to what I did during that time? Please help
Hi, you should send EAD application to local office, they will send you a letter almost right away, then you can pick up at the office, they take picture and made the card while you wait.
Visit to SFO office for 485 enquiry

I took an infopass appointment and visited the SFO. The lady in the counter (Asian) was very unfriendly to all the Indians. Anyway, not a big deal.

I met the Immigration officer and she said that my case is with an officer sicne Oct. - 04. ( My case was tranfered to sfo in June 04). I told it has been 7 months and she said interview can take months. So I did not get any information from here except wasting a nice morning.

Again, I am going to SFO next week to pick up my EAD.

I am waiting for more than 2 years 7 months. 7 months in SFo office, any way I have three folks signed up for writing to senators. I will try to do a draft this week and send the petition next week.

My case has been with the immigration for 7 complete years, i am starting 8th year. No a days I am very numb about any reforms or policies. I did my Masters degree in US. I feel this country can do injuistice to some people.

If any body is interested to write, please contact:

EB application tracker at SFO


I am new to this Forum. But I read lot of stuff and thought I would give my details here. My case was transferedd to SFO in May '04. When I inquired at SFO office in Nov '04, they said they are processing Applications with RD Apr '02. My RD is Oct '03. They say that it may take another 12 months to process my case. Can we track which date they are processing for EB applications? Thanks.

You were lucky to get the interview in 6 months. MY case was transferred to SFO Local office on 3rd week of May'04. till date no response.
I think what happened to transferred cases is:
Transferred and received by local office, after sometime, local office oen it, enter to their computer, and assign to one officer, there are only 3 officer doing 485, most of their time is spent for locally filed cases, since they have to report the progress once/twice a month. Then the officer start looking at the cases, the sequence will based on a combination of received date at the local office and original filing date, I imagine the officer by human nature will work on files he/she received and originally filed early to be "fair", but since the center transfer files after one, two or whenever they feel like, that gets things complicated. And I do think different officer is working very differently at different pace, so that makes the timeline hard to predict. Since a lot of us have inquired/complained directly or through congress, that should have positive effect. So try congress or go directly, make sure they have your file in the office and your turn will come.
Need Advice

I have to move to VA (Head Office). The current office in CA will be closed. My I-140 is not yet approved and I-485 is in SFO Office. What will happen if I move to VA. Will my case be denied. Since my Labor is approved in CA and my GC was also applied for CA company, will this be a problem? My Attorney suggest that I give my Friend's address (who is in CA) and show that this move is temporary till my GC is approved. He also suggests that I don't change my Driver's License after I move to VA. Will SFO Office need a proof that I live in CA? If so, will DL be sufficient? Will they ask for any PG&E bills etc? Do I have to show my Paystubs when called for Interview? If that is the case, my Paystubs will show VA address and indicate that I am paying VA taxes. I can not trust my Attorney. He has no clue on what is going on and I have to bring him to speed on so many things. Thanks for your help.
Who to Contact in Congress for SFO Cases

Can you tell me who should i contact in Congress?

I am planning to write to as many people as possible.

My case was transfered on June 22, 2004. ( more than 7 months) before that I was in CSC waiting for 2 years. I think this people should have mercy.

I am the Grand Old man waiting in line for my 485 interview at SFO office since Dec 2003. Through rain and shine, I was standing for the ever delaying, ever harassing folks at INS to open their doors and lead me through the light of freedom!

Finally the word of God made the sleeping giant to answer my call and schedule my interview.

Day of Judgement : February 1, 2005

Time of action : 9:00 AM

I arrived at around 8:58 AM. Usually people arrive at half hour early. But, for a change, I wanted INS instead, to wait this time:) but probably its not in my habit to give trouble to anyone, so just made it almost on time.

As soon as I dropped my interview letter at the clerk on the second floor, she reluctanctly lifted her sluggish head and moaned at me to sit at one corner to be hacked..i mean to be interviewed.

Then a lady came and asked my last name and said she would get back to me in two minutes.. and she stood by her word. She then took our (me+mywife) index finger print.

She then took us into her nice little room.. stacked with papers of all kind. On the way I put plastic smile and asked some sundry questions which she felt were totally out of place and unnecessary. A futile attempt by me to befriend an enemy in her own territory:) She then made us lift our right hand and swear..I liked the feeling. "All I tell is nothing but the truth!" Made me wonder if I ever told a single line of truth in my life until then!

Then she poured over all the documents and asked some obvious questions. Asked if I were ever involved in all those things which I was never involved in and would never like to.

Then she hated to approve our case right there. So she said she has to talk to her supervisor and then a letter would be mailed on the decision of our case in two weeks. She wanted to make even the last minute of my wait as horrible as possible.. its like draining away the last drop of water from the hands of a thirsty little kid on a hot sunny Sahara day! But anyways, a waiting veteran like me would shrug it away as another routine act of discouragement from the pyramid of molasses!

She even told me that if she finds any problems in my documentation after I leave, she would summon us again, that if she still has doubts about my employment, she would call my employer (a 10billion dollar behemoth) , that if her supervisor says no to our case, she would jump in joy and deny our case, that if her cat falls sick and she loses her mood, she would....and on and on. By this time we were in the parking lot!

So, all in all it was just a routine Q&A session. Waiting for the verdict! Will let u know when I hear it
Labor filed : Dec 2000
485 filed : April 2002
Transferred to SFO INS : Dec 2003
Interviewed : Feb 1, 2005

Did she ask you for any documents?If yes, what are they?

Do you know reason for your interview?

Did you filed AC21?


We all, waiting for interview and approval from SFO, will pray for you for your earliest approval.
visa07: thanks for your support.

Regarding documents at the interview : She basically asked each and every document that they wrote in the interview letter for me & my wife to bring. They are as follows :

1. Employment Letter and offer letter
2. Last four paystubs
3. De-6 documents for past four quarters
4. IT returns for the past two years for the company
5. All AP approvals.
6. Marriage certificate
7. Bank statement, lease documents, credit card bills, utility bills. I also took my medical insurance showing my wife as dependent on me. I also took car insurance as a proof.
8. Wedding photos
9. Affidavit of Support
10. Birth certificates or Non-Availability Certificates.

Yes I used AC21. But that is not a matter of concern. They just asked if my new job responsibilities are same as previous job. They were actually, so no issues there.

Sometimes cases get transferred on random basis, like that of mine. Or probably because of AC21. I am not sure.
bgadicha specifics of interview pls


1.what was reason she did not approve your case.
2. what was the lady like who was judging your case, i notice that some types of people tend to approve right away
3, what was reason for your interview? did you get married after i-485 filing
4 are bank statements etc required for non married people?
5 why could she not talk to her supervisor then and there to decide your case?
6 why they have double standards,some cases are approved and some are simply delayed without reasonable cause

i feel for your frustration, they dont realize how much pain and suffering they are causing by their actions.
1.what was reason she did not approve your case.
She said she has to talk to her supervisor before approving my case. And supervisor is not there that day.And she is not there next day as she has to interview some case in San Jose. So if possible, she woudl do it that week sometime. And supervisor would see if sometime next week and a decision would be mailed later.
2. what was the lady like who was judging your case, i notice that some types of people tend to approve right away
I think there is no cookiecutter profile as to how they approve. Probably because of my AC21, they have to get supervisor approval. Thats all. It might not be there for everyone.
3, what was reason for your interview? did you get married after i-485 filing
4 are bank statements etc required for non married people?
no i was married before I-485. But i changed jobs and I left the US long back after being a student and then came back after one year. so probably they had some suspicion as to what I did for that one year..
5 why could she not talk to her supervisor then and there to decide your case?
supervisor was no there that day.. you and I know that its not true:) but thats how they talk.
6 why they have double standards,some cases are approved and some are simply delayed without reasonable cause
i know.. they need prescription for medication like Prosaic - i believe it is used for BiPolar Mood Disorder:)
It is gonna be O.K

I think you will receive approval letter soon. Nowadays, their tendency is just like that.(by letter) I can not understand too. Though we are approved, we should go to local office for stamping. :mad:

Anyway, congratulations! You are almost there! (I like your satiric expression in your wring! ;) ) Your experience will be very helpful for those who are waiting. Thank you!
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Glad to hear

Glad to hear that finally it is over. HOpe the SFO people have some mercy.

I lost all my energy in this process.

Processing date : Jan 15, 1998
i -485 RD July 22nd 2002
Transfer to SFO June 22 2004
Interview and approval date: God only know.
Interview letter received - attorney wants $ 1000 to go for interview

After waiting close to 8 months in the SFO office, I got the Interview letter for an interview on 2/28/05.

Requested usual 3 years w-2, tax return, EVL from all the employers,
3 years company tax return, DE 6 for last 6 quarters. etc.

I sent an email and the attorney said he will go with me to the interview and his fee is $ 1000.00 for the visit. My company is a small corporation, it is the only problem. I have clean w-2 etc and I also work in another company in W-2 with salary close to double the amount of the employer.

Do you think I should pay $ 1000.00 for one time visit to the Immmigration office. Please advise. $ 1000 is a lot of money when I have all the doucments. Can any one recommend any other attorney who would be cheaper than that.

Please advise.
Attorney charging $ 1000.00

I have been filing all my work with Bob Werner and associates. Anyone cheaper than $ 1000?

I also paid the fine of $ 1000 for Sec 215 (i)
