case transfer to san francisco

No I have not changed. I will stay wherever I am until i get my GC.
There is no number at SFO. You have to go direct if at all u want to.
wait and watch

Hi Guys,
I had been to the INS, SF office today morning just to enquire abt my 485 status.
They had same old story to tell, they did receive my application in april but has not been touched it till now. Moreover it looks like the family petition has higher priority that the employment one. I did ask him for the expected approval time . He didn't have any prompt answer... according to him may be 3-6 months. He did ask me to fill the enquiry form.

Looks like we just have to sit and watch the game.

anyone interested in reporting SFO discrimination to senators

whoever lives a difference of 5-10 miles gets done by SFO.
SJC is giving interviews in 4-6 weeks while SFO appears to take 6-18 months
(if you are lucky)

can anyone write to senators, congressmen sfo mayor,sfo chronicle san jose mercury news and other papers reporting this unfair waiting time
I would like to write to the Senator


I would like to write to the Senator or congressman. WOuld anyone like to join. I have been asking this group, looks nobody wants to do it. People are scarred in the last stage. I understand.

Hey brothers/sisters,
Dont lose heart. Atlast I got the interview call. Its scheduled on Feb 1st. They gave me a whole list of documents to take. One of which was birth certificates (which I dont have). I just have attested copies on stamp paper from my parents. But if thats the case, they also want to know from the municipality that your birth certificate does not exist there. So I went through yourmaninindia. I am yet to get an answer from them. So in case you dont have birth certificates, please get them right away.
And dont lose heart. I got my call letter after more than a year. So our papers didn't make it to the trash, they are still on someone's table.
Lakshmi2000 said:

I would like to write to the Senator or congressman. WOuld anyone like to join. I have been asking this group, looks nobody wants to do it. People are scarred in the last stage. I understand.


I am interested in writing to the senators as a group. I already wrote to them about my case. They will sent an enquiry to the INS and wait for the reply. But I think if we can collect a fair amount of signatures and send them as a mass petetion, they might pay more attention. Please let me know your thoughts.
Writing to Senators and Congress man as group

I have three folks including me to write as a group to the Senator and Congressman. Anybody interested, please email me at:

PD Jan - 1998
i-485 RD July 22nd 2002
Transfer to SFO June 22, 2004
Interview Date ?????

Both my wife and I went to SFO INS on Tuesday morning for scheduled interview. We were prepared all the docs listed in the letter. Unfortunately, my wife didn't get the approval. ( I got mine last May already).

The reason is the marriage certificate is not accepted by INS. They said a certificate needs to have book and page number on it. We got married in LV in 2002. We applied a certificate. When in interview, officer said it's invalid if there is no book and page number. Therefore, we have to leave and get it again. My wife then flew to LV to get it issued again. The funny thing is the number is at top-right corener of the certificate we showed to the officer. It's just didn't say it's book and page number. I would imagine those officers should know this since they've seen so many cases. It wastes me 300 dollars in airfare and one interview chance. Anyway, we asked Clark county officer to issue a new one and state book and page number clearly. Hopefully, my wife will get approved soon. (The officer does metion if file is sent back to shelf, the file will not be reviewed again within a year).

Also, I asked the officer how long one person has to wait for an transferred case interview. I said I've seen people wait over an year and haven't got the chance. The officer said it's impossible and the interview order is based on the date. (Not sure what date). Also, the officer said there are only 3 people in SFO INS handling 480 interview. It seems each persion can only handle 8-9 interview per day only.
Write to senator to transfer workload to San Jose

Since San Jose office doesn't have much workload, I think we should send a mass petition to senators asking them to balance the workload between SF and SJ. May be that will speed up the process.
Anyone interested or any other ideas?

I wrote to the senators and they finally replied saying that it will take another 6 months ( approximately ) to get an interview letter.

My case was transferred in October 2004 to SF
Notice Date Dec 2002
EAD expiring - need help

My EAD expires in another two days. I applied an extension almost three months back but no answer yet. i can collect my interim ead only after a week after my current EAD expires. Will this be a problem during my 485 interview? will they see the gap in my EAD and question as to what I did during that time? Please help!!!!:)
sorry i didn't mean a smiley in my earlier posting:

My EAD expires in another two days. I applied an extension almost three months back but no answer yet. i can collect my interim ead only after a week after my current EAD expires. Will this be a problem during my 485 interview? will they see the gap in my EAD and question as to what I did during that time? Please help
As I posted two days back, I sent the marriage certificate back to the office. Actually, we were fedex the letter by next day morning on Wed. The office received the certificate on Thus. morning. Surprisingly, my wife got the approval letter today and actually, it turns out the officer did approve the case the same day and then mail the approval letter out. Thanks for everyone's help. after 3 years, the journey ends.

My husband and I went to SF for interview on Jan 4 and got approval letter last weekend. Here is some detail:
Took signiture and index fp, into the office, sworn in.
Checked ID, start with husband, mostly working related, when left the old company. when joined the current one, current one tax, evl, w-2 since the filing (it has really been a while), other than evl, only copies were taken, I say it is better to sort your file into two piles: original and copy, it took us a while to do that in front of the officer. Also, only the stuff after the filing is accepted, anything with the original filing is in their huge file already, just bring everything else and show when asked. We used AC21, it was sent to them a year ago, the officer asked and put down the time my husband was working where and when and confirm the w-2 amount. For me, marriage part is easy, bank account etc, anything with both of our names, we were married long before, so not afraind of anything, it is real, so it is real. Then officer said about running some checks, our hearts were suspended, then we were told there was a typo of A# , so had to re-do it, so we did, and another few days of uncertainty and came the approval letter.
So, friends, hang on there, the pain will be over.
got interview leter

i got interview leter today. the interview day will be on Feb.17.

my case:
I-485EB Receipt day : 1/9/2002
transfer to S.F. : 8/6/2004
It took six months for you to get interview letter....... I hope that's the time frame for all who are waiting.......
question for interview letter

Congratulations! Finally.You got it.
My case transferred 4th of August 2004. No response yet. Did you receive e-mail notice also? Do you think they make schedule according to receipt day? or just transfer day?
Please let me know your opinion!
Hello osjn

>> Did you receive e-mail notice also? Do you think they make schedule >>according to receipt day? or just transfer day?

No, I didn't get e-mail notice. I just received the interview letter.
My case is pending for more than three years and 2nd fingerprint will be
expired this march. Maybe, interview will be arranged based on receipt day.
To estimate it properly , we need to gather statistic data.
