case transfer to san francisco

It takes more than that...

People from december are still waiting and the JIT for SFO is for those who applied for 485 in SFO office...

toy3kin192 said:
My case has a high probability to be forwarded to local office in SF, so I was just wondering, the JIT date is Jan 2004 for SF, does it mean that they take 9 months to call for an interview? or is it even longer than that :eek: ?
I had a chance to talk to Congressman Thomas Lantos office regarding transfer case. His office said that transfer case will be processing based
on original filing date. I am not sure if the information is correct...
KKJ said:
I had a chance to talk to Congressman Thomas Lantos office regarding transfer case. His office said that transfer case will be processing based
on original filing date. I am not sure if the information is correct...
Are you sure if the congressman office think transfer case should be processed based on original filing date, or he acturally heard it from SFO office? Did he mention what original filing date of transfer cases is SFO processing now?
>>Are you sure if the congressman office think transfer case should be >>processed based on original filing date, or he acturally heard it from SFO >>office? Did he mention what original filing date of transfer cases is SFO >>processing now?

I don't know how the office got the information. I tried to get time-frame of SFO transfer cases from his office, but I could not get the information.
transfering to SF

My case was transfered yesterday to SF office

I am living at Sacramento, I don't know why they transfere it to SF.

any idea how long it takes to scheduale the interview.

after waiting for 2.5 years at 485 now I have to wait more time. It is so bad
specialy they approve new cases.
No News....

I had posted earlier (back in June) that our case was transfered on June 8th, 2004 to SF office. I wrote a letter to San Francisco district office in early August at following address, to inquire about case status:

ATTN: Status Inquiry
San Francisco District Office
630 Sansome Street
San Francisco, CA 94111

I received a VM on my cell phone last saturday from INS saying that they did receive my inquiry and I should not expect interview before March/April 05.

Basically, this was no news - I think, INS has hired some consultant with pre-written scripts to read. The VM was exactly the same as whats on SF District office website i.e. 9month to 12months to schedule an interview (in case of family base 485, no mention of transfered EB cases).

Asic Chip.
All SF Transfer case - would any one interested to do town hall meeting.

Let us be proactive and do some action. We should meet the council man in group on a weekend town hall meeting.

How come San Jose people get interview in two months and we (SFO transfer cases) don't even get any communication for several months.

Unless we make some noise, our file will never be touched for 9 - 1 year.
I would like to volunteer or co-ordinate some meetings. I live in Fremont any body would like to join.


PD Jan 1998
Sec 245(i) and paid fine of $ 100
485 Rd July 24, 2002
Transfer to local office on June 22, 2004.
Interview date ....??????????????
AP Date ?????????????????????????
Would SFO transfer candidate like to meet this weekend

Would some of you interested meet on this weekend. We can prepare letter to Boxer, Feinstein and council man.

If we sign with more than 10 people, it would have some imporatnce, just checking if guys are interested.

Waiting for the interview date is the most frustrating.

Please send email to me asap.

Did anyone get lucky with getting the interview?
I was stupid to ask INS for a copy of my documents (using Freedom of Information Act FOIA ). It seems those morons would ask it from SFO office and it would delay things by another four to six months because of this. So please do not ask any documents from CSC (like a copy of your approved labor or anything). Because those have to come from SFO and they dont send photocopies..they just send originals to CSC and CSC makes copies and sends it back.. which takes around 3 months. Bastards, they seem to find one or other way to delay my case.
sfo interview whats going on?

anyone have any update whats going on in SFO??

please post your details. It seems like SFO have not processed any interviews for many months. :mad:
Asic Chip:
Where is it written in the website that it is taking 9-12 months to schedule an interview? It used to be written as 10 months but that was removed looong back.
If its written like that somewhere, then my hopes are alive
Just now an INS guy called me.. yes, he did. And said I would be interviewed in January. He said he could have adjudicated my case without any interview had I not changed my company (I changed my company recently). Can that be a case, or was he bullsh1tting? A couple of months back they said my interview is going to be delayed because I asked for photocopies of my labor and I-140 (through FOIA form). I needed them because i wanted to use AC-21 and hence needed exact job description and my previous employer was unable to give them to me.

So, I am now in deep confusion. Did the INS official really mean what he said? Or is he just giving some or other reason for the delay in my interview? Because I dont think asking for photocopies should delay my case and I definitely dont think that if I had not changed my jobs, I would have gotten adjudicated without even an interview! Did it ever happen like that?
Just I recieved my interview letter , it is at Sacramento office on November 9th.

I am living ta Sacramento and I got transfer notice to SF. but today the interview at Sacramento
TO Maverick:
The dates that you are showing are not applicable to transfer cases.
They are not. They are not. They are not. They are not. They are not. They are not. They are not.
Did someone officially tell you that?

If you see the trend.... People who's cases are transfered are being called for an interview based on that date. You go and check the thread.

bgadicha said:
TO Maverick:
The dates that you are showing are not applicable to transfer cases.
They are not. They are not. They are not. They are not. They are not. They are not. They are not.
You are incorrect. I wish it was true:( but doesn't look like it. I called INS about this a million times, visited their office, spent money on lawyers and one thing is for certain.. there is no relationship about the dates posted to the actual time you would be interviewed.

If "AKY2004" is called next, when the JIT changes to April/May 2004 would you agree with me?

bgadicha said:
You are incorrect. I wish it was true:( but doesn't look like it. I called INS about this a million times, visited their office, spent money on lawyers and one thing is for certain.. there is no relationship about the dates posted to the actual time you would be interviewed.
I might not. Because AKY2004 case got transferred from VSC. And their cases are handled by a different set of immigration officers. There is a trans-Service center case handling division and there is intra-service center case handling division.
prakash12322 said:
If "AKY2004" is called next, when the JIT changes to April/May 2004 would you agree with me?