California SESA Tracker

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Just wanted to share the info.
PD 9/17/2002 moved from State to DOL on 7/29/2003, got an email from Lawer.

I have been going through your forum and found it very educative and helpful.

I applied to SESA for labour certification in august 2002.

My attorney asked me to fill in my work history for 3 years only.
Although I have about 15-16 years of working in my field but prior to my applying I was working part time for about 18 months(during that 3 year required period).

Lots of people with RIR in Sept have moved to DOL but my attorney says that my case is still under review.

I was wondering whether it is imperative that the SESA or DOL will take only the immediate 3 years experience into consideration and not my full time experience before that.

Should'nt I have been informed by my lawyer about this problem, prior to filing if the case was lacking in something.

Should I ask my attorney to provide more info about my work experience to Sesa or wait for sesa's reply?
I am just cheesed off I guess!!!!........and tired of waiting

Please help me out:(
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Re: gp111

This is a new one, usually you are supposed to give the correct resume, hiding the facts could do you more harm than good. But then again, I dont know about your exact facts, so difficult to comment.

SESA/DOL will take in as many years of experience you will show, what they will see is if you resume matches/exceeds the requirements of the job position you are filling in the GC application for.

Regarding your processing, call you lawyer/HR to ask if they have heard anything yet, some lawers take their own good time before notifying you.

Originally posted by ap555
I have been going through your forum and found it very educative and helpful.

I applied to SESA for labour certification in august 2002.

My attorney asked me to fill in my work history for 3 years only.
Although I have about 15-16 years of working in my field but prior to my applying I was working part time for about 18 months(during that 3 year required period).

Lots of people with RIR in Sept have moved to DOL but my attorney says that my case is still under review.

I was wondering whether it is imperative that the SESA or DOL will take only the immediate 3 years experience into consideration and not my full time experience before that.

Should'nt I have been informed by my lawyer about this problem, prior to filing if the case was lacking in something.

Should I ask my attorney to provide more info about my work experience to Sesa or wait for sesa's reply?
I am just cheesed off I guess!!!!........and tired of waiting

Please help me out:(


Can some one explain what is the diffrence in normal labor processing and LC due to 245i Part7?


Everything is normal processing.. "Labor Processing Times in California Due to 245i Part7" is the name of thread discussing the delay caused in labor Processing by the 245i.. & it was 7th thread on the same subject.

Generally how much time it take to hear from the DOL once the case is remanded/certified ?. My lawyer is reluctant to tell me the case number and I was unable to check the status of my case using AVM.
My PD at DOL is 10/07/2002.
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Well It takes one to three weeks to receive letter of CERTIFIED or REMANDED or NOF from DOL... Try to use Employer Phone Number to check status.

SESA today
Non RIR APR 26 2001
RIR SEPT 20 2002
Thanks GP.

Originally posted by gp111

Well It takes one to three weeks to receive letter of CERTIFIED or REMANDED or NOF from DOL... Try to use Employer Phone Number to check status.

SESA today
Non RIR APR 26 2001
RIR SEPT 20 2002
Any GC sponcerers??

I am in US from past 5 years working in SAP.
Any GC sponcerers. from below states:

New Hampshire
West Virginia

MY PD was 20 August.Still no reply from SESA.

Lawyer says that the application is currently with a specialist pending review and we should be getting a response in the mail shortly.(This was 2 weeks back)

I wonder what's cooking.

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Where is the excel file with list

There used to be a excel file where a lot of us had added our info - anybody know where it is?

Time to update it further?
News to share..

Received TRANSMITTAL NOTICE from EDD today. They transferred my case to DOL on 08/07/2003. My PD was Sept 24, 2002
Congratulation GP for passing one hurdle. Hope the DOL thing improves sooon...

BTW, how do you find out this kind of information (TRANSMITTAL NOTICE) so fast. Did your lawyers tell you? Did you call SESA for this info? Do they tell the candidates about their cases? How do you refer to your application - is there is a case number at SESA level also?

- In_GC_Race

Originally posted by gp111
News to share..

Received TRANSMITTAL NOTICE from EDD today. They transferred my case to DOL on 08/07/2003. My PD was Sept 24, 2002

Well My Attorney sent me Fax copy of the Transmittal notice. EDD sends out this notice to Attorney & CC to Employer the day they transfer case to DOL by regular mail.

Yes, there EDD (SESA) case number for each case. It is a 6 digit number you can find from your SESA receipt. They will not speak to you but your attorney or HR people can find out the infroration by calling 916 464 3400

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