California SESA Tracker

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You are the man!

Hey, I am glad I found you!!!!!!
Please help!
Where did you get these info from...Is there a website with stats on it...
Another question

Yes, I am an Electrical Engineer (IT) field...I work for a big company...I have been awarded very many times as the best Engineer...My company is actually pushing for my GC...Do you still think that I could be denied?????
Re: You are the man!


Here is the link to that page on that newsgroup (CA Federal DOL Level). Scroll to the bottom to a message with a title (June 24 snap shot)

I don't know how the heck did they get it but someoen got it, how don't ask me how.

Good luck

Originally posted by lorestan
Hey, I am glad I found you!!!!!!
Please help!
Where did you get these info from...Is there a website with stats on it...
Let's help each other out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey people who are being rejected despite of all your talents and hardwork, listen...You all need to help each other out...Don't just sit down and wait for miracle to happen...You need to be proactive and defends you rights...What is happening to you is against the American spirit...


Everything is possible...They could turn around and start being fair to immigrants
never the less, you know that you qualified for that know that you are a hard know that are paying tax...
THIS IS AMERICA!!!!!The land of freedom!!!!!
Good Luck to you and be proud of yourselves!!!!!!!!!!
time has come ... lets appeal

I have been the silent watcher of your messages and I feel
time has come for me to post my views....

I completly agree with lorestan, as per the yesderday's one
of the posting, the DOL is doing the Auto-remand for the cases falls between Aug, 2001 to 2002 and it takes 5+ years to process those cases from now. Taking 7 to 8 years to process
your .... case ;)

I spoke to a immigration attroney and he too is concerned on the auto-remand. I do remember couple of years back, green cards are issuied to the foregin nationals living illegely in US for past x number of years. What about us. We are having higher degrees, came to US legaly, contributed to the US ecomony and still doing,
paying taxes. By dumping the 10,000 cases falling between Aug, 2001 to 2002
1. How much of the CA ecomony improves.
2. How much of the 6.4% of CA unemployement improve.
3. I think in next couple of years 10,000 apartments in CA will be vacant. (May be we can lobby the CA apartment association too) I'm sure these jobs will be moved to Bangalore, India.
Its not doing good to California. Poor DOL they got to know......

There are successful cases in the mass appeal by the immigrants/non immigrants. We got to act fast and lets appeal.
Appending to the lorestan's list

3. GOVENER office
4. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao
5. Director, Department of Industrial Relations, CA
6. State Labor Commissioner, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, Department of Industrial Relations, CA
7. IACFPA ---> They may help us. Checkout
8. Etc...

we got to communicate with the key people, organizations who can influence in speeding up the processing. May be good attorney may have such information.

Next we need to comeup with a letter templets and mail them individualy.

We can also use the features like

"Backlogs in I-485 Processing in Vermont Service Center" ,
"Petition to improve BCIS phone service" of this site. But I have
no idea how it works.
totally agree to what you said pos. but do you think anyone
would be willing to do anything for us ? yes they may make us
sign petitions for a span of more than 7 months and then comes
a reply from the DOL saying that "We know we have a problem
and we shall fix it" but does it ever get fixed NO :)

i guess we just have to deal with it. if we are lucky we get
through else we are thrown out. just to list the SFO DOL's
stance on the RIR applications.

1. RIR applications were literally on a stand still for a year
as the certifying officer felt that there were enough P.R's/citizens
to fill the posts. well, the officers from other DOL's did not
think like our certifying officer at the SF DOL. we got screwed
thanks to the CO (certifying officer).

2. suddenly RIR cases are being worked on by the DOL
after they have processed non-RIR cases till May'02.
some friends who were lucky enough got NOF's and eventually
got approved.

3. Then comes the auto-remand rule starting at some pre-determined date. this stuff is really crazy.

so if you have applied for an LCA from CA you are totally
at the mercy of the whimsical CO.

thank him/her for good or bad and move on.

just my thoughts.
RF-Engineer/LCA (Cell phone companies)

Does RF-Engineering consider to be an IT position? Might be a stupid question but I am confused...
I work for a cell phone company...Not RF-Circuit design...

Has anyone from a cellphone company been approved recently from DOL....Please respond
Thanks in advance!!!!
To GP11 - "Try to apply from different state if possible"

Originally posted by gp111

Sorry to hear the news of REMANDED TO STATE.

Yes, Your case will be processed by SESA when they will reach JULY 5 2001....
Try to apply from different state if possible.
good luck

I am trying to understand "Try to apply from different state if possible"
I expect my LC get remanded to SESA soon in CA. I want to apply from Chicago.
Do you think Chicago won't remand or remand a small percentage applications in the next 1-2 years?

Do I have to withdraw my application from CA to be able to file LC in Chicago or I can have LC pending in two states? How much does it cost to withdraw LC?

RF engineer is NON IT.. (ELECTRONICS ENGINEER - NOT COMPUTER).. Me too RF ENGINEER & Have seen many cases getting approved quickly in our category.

good luck

California is the one REMANDING HIGHEST number of cases.. Chicago looks fine for now (don't know what may happen in future) You need not withdraw from CA. One Can Apply two diff applications from two different States.
What's this 'auto-remand' all about?I am hearing for the first time. Did you mean the cases which were transferred to DOL in Aug(between aug 1st and aug 31st) are being remanded. What about the cases after aug I mean sep onwards.

If you meant this, I have no words to explain the stupidity of the DOL rules and regulations. The laws here are made only seem to trouble the law abiding individuals.

This is the modt ridiculous rule I have ever heard. For all we know even after we give our labour papers the lawyers take n num of months to actually to file the labour. And if you happen to fall in that Aug period bcos of that, you are screwed.
Thanks for the info!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW WOW WOW, so you are saying that RF-Engineers don't consider IT....That is a good news...
Do you know of anybody who has been approved lately??????
PLEASE let me know!!!!!!!

Originally posted by gp111

RF engineer is NON IT.. (ELECTRONICS ENGINEER - NOT COMPUTER).. Me too RF ENGINEER & Have seen many cases getting approved quickly in our category.

good luck

One of my co worker got approved before one month.. His case was forwarded to DOL in Jan 2003 DOT code was 999.172.072,, He is Senior RF Engineer (Design & Optimization)

Thanks to you, Lorestan is a happy man tonight

Thank you sir for the info...for taking the time an replying to my comments...
I am definetly a happy man tonight....

Originally posted by gp111

One of my co worker got approved before one month.. His case was forwarded to DOL in Jan 2003 DOT code was 999.172.072,, He is Senior RF Engineer (Design & Optimization)

Re: time has come ... lets appeal

Also, let's write to SF DOL directly to let them hear our voice. We should make them understand this is not an easy game to them either. I agree with lorestan, this is America! You have to fight when your right is jeopardized.

U.S Dept of Labor
71 Stevenson St., P.O. Box 193767
San Francisco, CA 94119-3767

Originally posted by pos
I have been the silent watcher of your messages and I feel
time has come for me to post my views....

I completly agree with lorestan, as per the yesderday's one
of the posting, the DOL is doing the Auto-remand for the cases falls between Aug, 2001 to 2002 and it takes 5+ years to process those cases from now. Taking 7 to 8 years to process
your .... case ;)

I spoke to a immigration attroney and he too is concerned on the auto-remand. I do remember couple of years back, green cards are issuied to the foregin nationals living illegely in US for past x number of years. What about us. We are having higher degrees, came to US legaly, contributed to the US ecomony and still doing,
paying taxes. By dumping the 10,000 cases falling between Aug, 2001 to 2002
1. How much of the CA ecomony improves.
2. How much of the 6.4% of CA unemployement improve.
3. I think in next couple of years 10,000 apartments in CA will be vacant. (May be we can lobby the CA apartment association too) I'm sure these jobs will be moved to Bangalore, India.
Its not doing good to California. Poor DOL they got to know......

There are successful cases in the mass appeal by the immigrants/non immigrants. We got to act fast and lets appeal.
Appending to the lorestan's list

3. GOVENER office
4. Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao
5. Director, Department of Industrial Relations, CA
6. State Labor Commissioner, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, Department of Industrial Relations, CA
7. IACFPA ---> They may help us. Checkout
8. Etc...

we got to communicate with the key people, organizations who can influence in speeding up the processing. May be good attorney may have such information.

Next we need to comeup with a letter templets and mail them individualy.

We can also use the features like

"Backlogs in I-485 Processing in Vermont Service Center" ,
"Petition to improve BCIS phone service" of this site. But I have
no idea how it works.
It should be class-action lawsuit

It should be class-action law suit. All will pay and get benefit. Single case may not help us. Though I agree what this guy is trying to do.

Just my thoughts
look at the "mass appeal for LC RIR from California " thread I created. Let shoot emails and let know to your friends.
Guys.. Everybody understands the disappointment here, But no body should be sending Mails to Govt/DOL/Congress without correct base of information... Yes we should take advice from attorney for possible action.. but not just start shouting on False information of "AUTO REMANDED"..

Well this is my personal opinion..
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