California SESA Tracker

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Thanks for the Reply GP

Hi GP,

Thank you very much for the reply. I appreciate it. I will hold the application in RIR. Regarding the question of application drafting, the lawyer has done the application pretty well and the company has co-operated with any documentation needed.

company is a nation-wide company, so obviously few layoffs...

thanks for your reply again.

MY PD is June 19th 2001.
They denied my rir some time back and now it is with SESA.
Currently they are processing Last week of april 2001 for non rir since I can keep my pd my question is
How much time will it take from last week of april 2001 to come to 19th june 2001?
When SESA process mym application as a non-rir do my company has to do the advertisment one more time?
Thanks in advance.
SESA Today : August 22 2002 for RIR.. Same old Apr 25 2001 for Non RIR..

SESA is at APR 25 & looks like it will take about 1 year for clearing last 3 days of April. & then couple of more to reach again a long wait ! Your case will be processed as Non RIR so will have to do the advertisement process again thru SESA.

wish you good luck
Thanks for the replay. So it will take 1 year to complete april and couple of years to complete june? So all togeather it will take some 2/3/4 years to come to dol and then couple of years more for dol to get cleared!! All togeather it will take some 5/6 yrs????

Sorry for error in information.. a year for APRIL 2001 & COUPLE of MONTHS to reach JUNE 2001.. so SESA may take about 14 to 16 months in total
Can sesa status be known via email method???

GP 111

Is it possible to know the status of my case through the e-mail method or is it applicable to only DOL cases?

It asks for 13 digits to enter whereas my case number has only
6 digits as per letter from EDD.

MY PD is 20 august but the lawyer told me that it will take a couple of weeks to find out the status.

Please help :confused:

You cannot check status in SESA thru EMAIL.. Just wait for couple of weeks, SESA will send a letter to your Attorney. You can only use email system after your case reaches in DOL.
Group processing

Hi Guys,
Was going thru' the postings. Got a question...
Do SESA process all the appications from an employer together, even though they were filed at different dates?
Thanks for your reply.
Good luck to u all!
How much resume response received is considered as a safe? Suppose we received 10-15 and none of them is matching so will that be considered safe?
When we go over the resume received , does that has to match with all the skills we are looking for?
What if some one has a more education and experience we are looking for but that does not match with what we are looking for?
I haven't added SESA tracking capability. But it should be fairly easy to add another tab for SESA tracking. It will mostly be a duplicate of the DOL Tracker.

Or I could add a column called "SESA Receipt Data" to the DOL Tracker.

Which one would you prefer?
No more RIR approval at CA regional center

Hi everyone,
I HATE to give you the bad news...I have done some investigation in the past couple of days and here is the findings:
DOL is denying every RIR case that was rcvd after Jan-2002...

I have talked to a very good lawyer and he made the comment above...He rcvd this info from the ailaw people...He also mentioned that he hasn't seen that happening to his clients yet...So maybe this is something NEW????!!!!!

I did talk to another lawyer about this and she had no clue what I am talking about...So maybe I am wrong...

The fact that DOL is processing applications rcvd on Sept-2002 is questionable?????

PLEASE let us know if you know anything about this issue...
has anyone (RIR) been approved recently...We need to know....
Re: No more RIR approval at CA regional center

I don't think what your attorney is saying is true. They are approving about 10% of IT applications and about 80% of all other applications.

Take a look at June snap shot.

Also, they are processing September 2002 cases and they are going full speed according to the snap shot.

Your conclusions were drawn based upon the fact that your attorney only processes IT applications. Even those, say you were a mechanical engineer or from the computer side, a hardware engineer, you still have much stronger chances of gettign approved than the regular 031 and 032 cases.

Good luck

Originally posted by lorestan
Hi everyone,
I HATE to give you the bad news...I have done some investigation in the past couple of days and here is the findings:
DOL is denying every RIR case that was rcvd after Jan-2002...

I have talked to a very good lawyer and he made the comment above...He rcvd this info from the ailaw people...He also mentioned that he hasn't seen that happening to his clients yet...So maybe this is something NEW????!!!!!

I did talk to another lawyer about this and she had no clue what I am talking about...So maybe I am wrong...

The fact that DOL is processing applications rcvd on Sept-2002 is questionable?????

PLEASE let us know if you know anything about this issue...
has anyone (RIR) been approved recently...We need to know....
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