Buffalo Tracker (please add)

Same story dude!

HI Havebeenwaiting,

I have a similiar case. The the status changed to 'Decision Made' 2 weeks back but no letter yet.

Where did you apply ? I think buffalo is really slow right now.

Guess we sit tight and wait huh!

90 Day deadline

to ganku98

It's actually very easy to get PCC from India. In my case my dad went to my local police station and got the PCC from the SI.(it costed about Rs500 there, not in fees you know!!!) Did the same thing for my wife also. Make sure to get it in a stamped paper (I took a Rs5)with SI's signature and official seal. If they can get your passport size photo also in the PCC it will be great. CIC accepted mine with no problems.

(My pcc said, I'm not involved in any police case, not in any criminal history in their records and not wanted for any criminal proceedings. They've mentioned something about no objection for immigating to other contries. Don't remember exact words)

Above is my experience only, Consult with others before proceeding and good luck.

REPLY to: 90 Day deadline
I have all documents except the Indian PCC. What happens if you cannot meet the 90 day deadline? I am planning to send the rest of the documents and send the PCC as soon I get it. Just wanted to know anyone else had the same experience.
hey wishfulthinking and havebeenwaiting

My e-client status changed 2 weeks ago to Decision made. I have also applied at Buffalo. What I am concerned is that ..if u dont get PP request letter immediately within a week then that means that Decision made means that mostly they will call you for interview even though it was waived in initial assessment. I have seen on this forum that people get PP request within a week and those who dont always get interview letter OR they ask for more documents.This means that you cannot expect anything positive if it has been more than 2 weeks.

So I am getting my CAIPS notes to find out what the hell is going on.

I think your concern is valid. Now I am a little concern too. Do you know for sure that those who got PP request within one week applied at Buffalo? Becasue, sometime even INS's mails take couple weeks to reach.

Is there anyone here kowns what it means if we don't get any response from Buffalo two weeks after the e-client changed to "Decision Made"?


TexanCanadian, Talu76

Please let me know if you see any progress on your cases as your timelines are like mine.

I applied in April 30, 2003. No response yet.

I am pretty sure that if you dont get response within 2 weeks of e-client changing to "Decision Made" that it is not positive. 99% they will call you for interview OR 99% they will need some additional document. Everyone on this forum I have seen has got interview letter if they did not PP request within a week. I am counting 2 weeks is because of the Mail delivery. Everyone I know on this forum got PP request with 3-4 days . And yes since this is Buffalo tracker everyone applies in Buffalo .

So I am quite convinced that I will be getting interview letter or additional doc request and I should not expect anything now for additional 3-4 months.

I am planning to get CAIPS notes.
Passport Request


I got my medicals done last week and the report has been sent to Otawas by the Doctor;
HOw many days will it take for the passpot request.

ROLF request and afterwords

Guys :

Need help,

I have applied at buffalo
I sent my Medical and FBI last month,

Now,I received a letter from NewYork last week of March , asking for ROLF (Lending Fees ),Once I recieved I checked online statuer
and it is showing as "decision made".
I sent ROLF on Friday . . .
My question is ,what are the chances for the interview?
Do you think they will call for PP or Interview ?

In the forum,Is any who get ROLF and than get Interview call.
Is anyone who get ROLF and get PP Call ?
The confusion is what after ROLF ?

Please help me gurus.

Thanks in Advance
Strange response

Guys, my medical will be expring on May 13, 2004. I send a fax to cic to expedite the case. They responded me by saying that my file is with a different government agency for review. Only after listening from them they will let us know whether I need to redo my medical or not after expiration.

Has anyone got this kind of response before. What other government agency they send my file for review. Any idea...

I am confused.......
Buffalo update the Website (Creating: March 2004 / Assessing: May 2003)

Status of Permanent Resident processing in the RPC
Current Processing

Status of Permanent Resident processing in the RPC

We are currently creating applications received in March 2004. If your application was submitted after that date, please do not contact us for the status of your application. It is in a queue awaiting creation.

We are currently assessing skilled worker applications received in May 2003. If your application was submitted after that date, please do not contact us for the status of your application. It is in a queue awaiting assessment.

Buffalo TIMELINE !

Hi everyone
I am Pal.Here is my timeline:

Applied: April 26th,2003 to Buffalo CIC
File No: July 2003
Initial Assessment : Recvd. April 1st, 2004.
To submit Medicals in 60 days, some documents in 90 days, No Interview
hi pal


I had one questions..

I got my file no and when I see my status online it says that "we started processing ur application on june9th".

can u please tell what ur message looks like.

or when can I expect any progress in my case..

thank you,
Tracker Update


Punit's application timeline:

Submitted : Mar 1, 2004
Processing started on : Mar 13, 2004
AOR Received : April 5, 2004

Very surprising dates for puniths application....
How come they did assesment for this application
can u pls throw some light on it...

File uploaded with my timeline


Somebody removed my record from the Excel sheet. I would appreciate if they can ask before and then update other's records.
