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Britsimon banned!!!!

I suspect that a forum user who doesn't like you reported your post using that little button with an exclamation mark inside a triangle. That type of report is emailed straight to an admin by default, who very likely doesn't follow the dynamics of the forum and judge you by that single post. Looking from your past dozen posts you were antagonizing Sloner; we know it's because he insists on iffy speculations, but the admin doesn't.

Except for the section that concerns the owner on top, this forum is actually very poorly managed. If they simply leave people alone it would have been better than banning them indiscriminately based on random and erroneous report. This particular DV subforum has the best information about the program anywhere on the internet due to tireless contributors like Britsimon, Sms1mom, and the like. It surely is not a product of prudent management by the moderation team.

I love to help people as well, and given the right environment I can contribute for years like in other forums that I go to. This banning is one more reason for me to walk away.
my friend , Sloner may discuss hard , and may be sometimes funny or wrong, but he is not that person who are able to do such a meanness thing. Do not spoil his name publicly , even if it's just your guess ,
my friend , Sloner may discuss hard , and may be sometimes funny or wrong, but he is not that person who are able to do such a meanness thing. Do not spoil his name publicly , even if it's just your guess ,

I did not say that Sloner reported him, I simply said somebody reported him because of what he said to Sloner. Anybody could have reported him, there's no way for me to know for sure.
OK so I have NO idea why I have been banned. So for the time being I am going to masquerade as Sir Percy - prizes to anyone who knows why I chose that name....

I'm going to write to the mods/admins and ask them what the heck happened. I suspect someone has either said that I said something malicious (which would be 100% untrue) or perhaps the administrators simply think I need to get a life outside of this forum (which might be right).

If anyone wants to write to the admins and express their views - feel free!

I just noticed this posting by happenstance. An easy way to write to me/us is through http://www.immigration.com/contact

Let me know what is going on. I will have it looked into.
I did not say that Sloner reported him, I simply said somebody reported him because of what he said to Sloner. Anybody could have reported him, there's no way for me to know for sure.
thats right, but "simon were antagonizing Sloner , and somebody reported " who is this someone ?
ok , no matter ,
this forum is not first and not the last , and not the only one among hundreds of similar , we just have to give a chance to admins to present us a reasonable explanations regarding to simon's ban,
if they do it and isnist that ban is correct - everybody should judge according to his feelings
If they ignore our demand - i'll be the first who will boycott this forum.
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He waiting game is so long since most of us has hight cn, having simon on the same boat and sharing infos, speculating predicting numbers has become part of my life I can't go 1hour without logging into the forum, loking at britsimon comments to seek help and find out more about the DV process ...
Having him around is really in my understanding a must on this forum.
He's genuinely a super contributer! Never mind that he goes outta his way
To get us early cut offs ... To share with us,and help us going through the whole process, its a chaos for me that's how I take it.
Who ever caused this silly joke like
rocky said, must please end it up asap.
I will never understand people free cruelty towards others ...
I deeply enjoy being part of this forum, but without simon will be a sour trip ...
Waiting for a happy end for this mascarade , hopefully.
Banning Britsimon is absolute nonsense! We need him back!!!
Is this hacking attack? Remember, this website was hacked in september...
This is insane!! Simon banned? For what? I'm seriously considering throwing in the towel and walking away from this forum on account of this ridiculous act. I honestly don't understand how such a helpful person, who keeps the forum active, by tirelessly responding to mostly the same set of questions over and over again from different people could get banned without any warning for whatever the heck the admin/moderators consider to be his offense.

However, I'm glad the owner of the site himself is now aware of this thread and is investigating to make sure this hideous wrong is promptly corrected.

Absolutely unbelievable!!!

This is insane!! Simon banned? For what? I'm seriously considering throwing in the towel and walking away from this forum on account of this ridiculous act. I honestly don't understand how such a helpful person, who keeps the forum active, by tirelessly responding to mostly the same set of questions over and over again from different people could get banned without any warning for whatever the heck the admin/moderators consider to be his offense.

However, I'm glad the owner of the site himself is now aware of this thread and is investigating to make sure this hideous wrong is promptly corrected.

Absolutely unbelievable!!!

Thank you Sm1smom for that strong voice of support. This and other posts are very humbling.

I have emailed Mr Khanna - so hopefully this will soon be resolved.
Thank you Sm1smom for that strong voice of support. This and other posts are very humbling.

I have emailed Mr Khanna - so hopefully this will soon be resolved.

We will do everything we humanly can to get you back under your britsimon username. I'm also contacting Mr. Khanna on this issue.
OK so I have NO idea why I have been banned. So for the time being I am going to masquerade as Sir Percy - prizes to anyone who knows why I chose that name....

I'm going to write to the mods/admins and ask them what the heck happened. I suspect someone has either said that I said something malicious (which would be 100% untrue) or perhaps the administrators simply think I need to get a life outside of this forum (which might be right).

If anyone wants to write to the admins and express their views - feel free!

I cannot fathom why anyone would want to ban you from this forum. The information you've provided in advance has just been corroborated by the release of the latest bulletin.
OH MY GOD!!! I WAS SCARED AS HELL!!! Let's write the administrator! how do you do that? :(
MY FRIEND! Don't go again!!!
britsimon is important person for this forum .frankly speaking banning of him makes the thread to loss commited man .so we need him to come back plz.