Boston DOL Region- - I tracker Part III


Did the lady you spoke with give you an estimate in when your case will be picked up ?

My RD in DOL is also in December 2001

She just told that it will take a while....

She was not able to tell the approximate time for processing.
But, I feel December applications would be processed about 2 months before this year end.
How to check case status with employer phone#


I called the automated phone # 617-565-2191 to check my case status using my employer\'s phone number. But the automated line keep saying that the "phone number could not be located". Any advice ?

My case was sent to regional office mid-Feb. And there are serveral people before whose casese were approved or in process. I don\'t understand why.

Thank you !!
spoke with DOL today

the lady said that they are processing the last week of june for RIR cases. about the email server, she mentioned their systems are down and asked me to call 617-565-2191..which seems to be busy all the time.
No response

I have sent an email , but i didn\'t get a reply.
I called and reported the problem, no action.
What else should we do!
Advance congrats to July applicants!!!
Rahul question for u.

Hi Rahul,
   My friends lawyer says that once his state labour gets cleared he will file his second stage. He wont wait till it gets cleared at boston. Is that true? Moreover over he says that they can process boston & second stage at the same time.
Can u pls thorw some light on it.
LC Approved

I checked in AVM and found my case is approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PD 03/13/01 RD 06/21/01 AD 03/08/02
In which stage I\'ll be safe to change employer?

It takes too long to just wait for the LC approval. I am afraid to be too old when I eventually get the GC. I am thinking to change my job -- at the same company but a different department. My questions:
1) Will there be a problem to switch deparment and boss during the GC application process?
2) In which stage (DOL, I140, or I485) it will NOT need supporting letters/signatures from my boss anymore? In another word, when will I be "safe" to switch department?(I know switching company is out of the question, correct me if I am wrong)
3) I assume if there are any problems in any of the chains (e.g. NOF in DOL, or whatever during I140 or I485), a signature or so will be needed from my boss, is that correct?

I feel I am stuck here and don\'t see a light in the end of the tunnel. Thanks in advance for any info. on this.
Congratulations AAK...!!

Lets Hope...DOL is going to CLEAN...July \'01 cashes in this month only...!! looks like, Hope Still Alive...!!
Boston DOL sucks ....

Other DOLs are processing Oct/Nov 2001 and Boston still processing Apr/May 2001.

These people are scruing us more over the Job market.
Autoresponder Email system at DOLETA

Friends ,

Its start working i am getting regular replies from DOLETA system.

Cheers ,
