Boston DOL Region- - I tracker Part III

what about you , LCROmantics

I mean, I know that your case are in DOL,

What is the exact priority date and forward date and the date in DOL database pertain to your case.
I am still stuck with my case, don\'t know where it is now. I only know that he priority date is April 30 and MA SESA supposed to certify it around December, but I can find the in DOL and I phone DOL they said they probably have some cases sleep in the incoming mail box since December.

Damn it.

Once SESA approves your case it should not take 5-6 months, just to reach DOL from SESA. If so, there must be some problem in between! You should be calling your Attorney(if allowed) to find out why DOL has not recieved your case.
     As far as the proccessing time taken by these TWO crucial agency is concern it depends in which state your case being screened and whet is your Class. When DOL recieves your case(RD). From there DOL Boston as today taking almost A Year to review a case. If it is certified then great, if not and DOL asks for more info from your Attorney then another 2-3 months depending on your Attorney\'s skill & your Employer\'s interest.

All the Best!
Why the DOL server is down for so long..?? Does anybody has any idea or any Info..??

Rahul, please help on this iassue!

HI, Please post detail info about your case. what time is your priority date, and what time is your case receive date in DOL , How can you call the MA SESA to get the dol case number.

Thanks a bunch
Why DOL server is down for so long...??

Rahul, Is DOL Boston still processing cases, even the server is down?
    Is there any chance that they have changed the Server or they have put some kind of restriction on server and as a result we are not getting any update/response??

    God knows, why DOL Boston is having these type of problems all the time when other DOLs are processing the cases with very Good speed and they are much more open to the LC seekers.
God knows

DOL will keep processing the cases even if the server is down or whatever.
DOL may have changed the server OR or they have put some kind of restriction on server.. this question can be answered by God or DOL. Try asking GOD as DOL won\'t answer
Lets keep the hope & faith alive.. ;-)
already we are .......

Some employers are not ready to give the Case#. Shift the blame on attorneys. We have to beg several times to get the PD and RD. If the DOL is down or inaccessible for ever, then it is a celebration for the employers. They will exploit us. I am sick of this GC process.
DOL Server

Hi Rahul ,

if DOL server has been changed , why don\'t be try tracking the new
server .Can u provide me some details about the DOL server like IP address or DNS name for the DOL server.

DOL Server

I believe DOL is down, rather than taken off or removed. I assume e-mail would bounce, if the email is disables. Instead it seems to disaapear into bottomless abyss!
what is this IP ?

what is this IP: which appears right before the Request timed out when executing a TRACERT to

b Hmm !!! sounds like its the gateway address for accessing DOL network. And its not responding. This could be a problem. Basically
DOL server is up internally and its not available to outside world
also not serving email functions.