If you want to put all the cases in the excel that would be too much - there are 300 thousand and you can only put 64 thousands in Excel.
I could add one more sheet in excel grouping by day. I have a similar thing already showing number of processed cases based on the day, so I don't really fell it would be very benefitial. And next week I am adding number of rectified cases, so you will have the feeling how the cases are processed in your surrounding.
Anyway, you should all realise that the processing is quite random, so I suggest the you just relax and wait until your case gets certified
Our statistics just shows the trend, it doesn't make certifications any faster. And then there is another backlog to wait for
Anyway, it looks like most of the cases here are RIR, and they are being certified very fast, so most will be done soon.
TR people might see higher rate of certification after that.