BEC Priority Date Tracker

I've got results for the new week

In short - Dallas certified ~500 cases. They moved 700 from withdrawn, so there was no gain in Dallas. Overall it looks like they are certifying around 500 cases a week (100 a day).

Philly certified ~1100 cases, denied ~200 and withdrew ~100, so overall progress is 1400 cases. (Well, to be totally accurate I didn't have Monday data, since I only got all the cases on Tuesday, so I approximated the number of cases). Overall Philly has a very good pace, I wish Dallas was as productive.

On the other hand it looks like Dallas processed much of their RIR cases and they now work on traditional which take more time to certify.

Please look at the attached spreadsheet for more detail.
roma77 said:
I've got results for the new week

In short - Dallas certified ~500 cases. They moved 700 from withdrawn, so there was no gain in Dallas. Overall it looks like they are certifying around 500 cases a week (100 a day).

Philly certified ~1100 cases, denied ~200 and withdrew ~100, so overall progress is 1400 cases. (Well, to be totally accurate I didn't have Monday data, since I only got all the cases on Tuesday, so I approximated the number of cases). Overall Philly has a very good pace, I wish Dallas was as productive.

On the other hand it looks like Dallas processed much of their RIR cases and they now work on traditional which take more time to certify.

Please look at the attached spreadsheet for more detail.

Wonderful job. Keep doing !
roma77 said:
I've got results for the new week

In short - Dallas certified ~500 cases. They moved 700 from withdrawn, so there was no gain in Dallas. Overall it looks like they are certifying around 500 cases a week (100 a day).

Philly certified ~1100 cases, denied ~200 and withdrew ~100, so overall progress is 1400 cases. (Well, to be totally accurate I didn't have Monday data, since I only got all the cases on Tuesday, so I approximated the number of cases). Overall Philly has a very good pace, I wish Dallas was as productive.

On the other hand it looks like Dallas processed much of their RIR cases and they now work on traditional which take more time to certify.

Please look at the attached spreadsheet for more detail.

Looks like Phily has bigger denial ratio than Dallas. Oops !
Thank you roma77

roma77 said:
I've got results for the new week

In short - Dallas certified ~500 cases. They moved 700 from withdrawn, so there was no gain in Dallas. Overall it looks like they are certifying around 500 cases a week (100 a day).

Philly certified ~1100 cases, denied ~200 and withdrew ~100, so overall progress is 1400 cases. (Well, to be totally accurate I didn't have Monday data, since I only got all the cases on Tuesday, so I approximated the number of cases). Overall Philly has a very good pace, I wish Dallas was as productive.

On the other hand it looks like Dallas processed much of their RIR cases and they now work on traditional which take more time to certify.

Please look at the attached spreadsheet for more detail.

It is encouraging to see that PBEC is moving along. Thank you for your efforts, it helps to know what's really going on.
Thank you again!
PBECIsKillingMe said:
Looks like Phily has bigger denial ratio than Dallas. Oops !
Yes - 2.6 times higher in PBEC (1.22 vs 0.47 %). DBEC has more closed cases though - 20.50 vs 19.23 %.
online status showed certified

Finally it is my turn to share the good news that this morning my case showed as " certified" through the online tracking website. I can not believe it at the first place and checked a couple of times. Hopefully to receive the hard copy soon and go to next stage.

And best wishes to all the people in this forum and I believe your case will be certified soon!

PD - 10/1/2004
New BEC Case no. - D-05216-8****
45-day letter Dated: 5/16/2006
45-day letter Date received: Don't know
45-day letter Date replied: 6/2/2006
NOF-Intend to Deny: Around 11/8/2006 regarding wage
Online status showed " Certified" : 12/4/06
Hard Copy: Waiting
Denied or Closed?

what exactly is the difference between "Denied" and "Closed"?

roma77 said:
Yes - 2.6 times higher in PBEC (1.22 vs 0.47 %). DBEC has more closed cases though - 20.50 vs 19.23 %.
NOF for wage

Can you share more information on the NOF and how you rebut it?

laborh1 said:
Finally it is my turn to share the good news that this morning my case showed as " certified" through the online tracking website. I can not believe it at the first place and checked a couple of times. Hopefully to receive the hard copy soon and go to next stage.

And best wishes to all the people in this forum and I believe your case will be certified soon!

PD - 10/1/2004
New BEC Case no. - D-05216-8****
45-day letter Dated: 5/16/2006
45-day letter Date received: Don't know
45-day letter Date replied: 6/2/2006
NOF-Intend to Deny: Around 11/8/2006 regarding wage
Online status showed " Certified" : 12/4/06
Hard Copy: Waiting
Closed: Case has been closed due to non-receival of reply to 45-day letter.
Denied: Case has been processed and denial have been issued due to one of several reasons.

shamestx said:
what exactly is the difference between "Denied" and "Closed"?
shamestx said:
what exactly is the difference between "Denied" and "Closed"?

Denied status means case has been adjudicated. This can be appealed. Whereas Closed status indicate that there is a lack of response to BEC query requiring additional information to process the case. This can be re-opened.

Please read Download Backlog FAQs section located in the left pane of the Foreign Labor Certification page for details.

Per the online status check my fiance's case got certified today. This morning it was "in process", by noon it changed to "certified". Good luck to the rest of you. Thanks for all the help.

PD - 6/2004
45-day letter received - 7/14/2006
45-day letter replied - 7/17/2006
NOF - 11/2/2006 :(
NOF replied - 11/21/06
LC certified - 12/4/06 (per online status check) :D
hard copy pending
ashestoashes said:
Per the online status check my fiance's case got certified today. This morning it was "in process", by noon it changed to "certified". Good luck to the rest of you. Thanks for all the help.

PD - 6/2004
45-day letter received - 7/14/2006
45-day letter replied - 7/17/2006
NOF - 11/2/2006 :(
NOF replied - 11/21/06
LC certified - 12/4/06 (per online status check) :D
hard copy pending

Was your case processed at DBEC? Did it cleared the state and went to San Francisco DOL?

Sorry, it was processed by DBEC, never went to regional.

PD - 6/2004
45-day letter received - 7/14/2006
45-day letter replied - 7/17/2006
NOF - 11/2/2006 :(
NOF replied - 11/21/06
LC certified - 12/4/06 (per online status check) :D
hard copy pending
Converting TR to RIR cases

Dear friends,

I requested my attorney to convert TR to RIR.

My company has moved to different address after they filed my case. Since the company address has changed, they cannot convert my TR case to RIR -- This is what I got from my attorney. Is it true statement? I really seek your help on this, please help me.

My company also moved after my case was filed. Our lawyer didn't think it was a problem for the TR to RIR conversion. But, it made impossible TR-to PERM conversion.

vikk_ch said:
Dear friends,

I requested my attorney to convert TR to RIR.

My company has moved to different address after they filed my case. Since the company address has changed, they cannot convert my TR case to RIR -- This is what I got from my attorney. Is it true statement? I really seek your help on this, please help me.
