Do not Despair
All this dance, NOF, remand to TR from RIR, and any other procedural delays are just that - some song and dance to show that they are working in earnest.
A dance these dysfunctional departments do to show that they are working - and working hard (in reality, they are probably dozing away somewhere) - while so many people suffer.
Refute your NOF - and they will approve it - that is based on all I have been able to gather during my endless wait.
I know everybody who challenged the original remand (from RIR to TR - which happened to almost all RIR cases filed in CA, TX between May 01 and Nov 01 at least), their cases were approved a long time back.
My company and lawyers chose not to challenge my auto-remanded case - and I still am an H1 B with more than 11 years of my life wasted in doing cyber coolie jobs.
Also, for all of us from India, remember, these so-called first world countries need you more than you need them. The fact is all developed countries are going to face a demographic nightmare - aging population, shrinking labor (more important, tax paying) force in just a few years - and the way all of them are treating highly skilled (and tax paying) people is abominable. Not allowing H-4's to work is blatant racism and gender, in my view, especially in light of the interminable delays in processing work permits/green cards, and the fact that most dependents are women (as if women from third world countries do not have the right to earn a living).
Indian economy is booming - remember that, and do not despair. Most people who went back to India (the one's I know of) because of these delays, actually say that is the best decision they have taken.
Mark my words, USA, Germany, UK, France will be begging us to migrate to their countries in the next few years. Hopefully, all they will get would be our 'low-skilled' compatriots - cos the booming economy would have absorbed all the 'high skilled' ones - of course, most low-skilled immigrants will eventually overtake the natives in achievement - cos human potential is immense, even amongst the low-skilled.