Baltimore local transfer list

Transfer and interview

It seems that all the transfers happened between 7/23 and 8/9, while most of them were transferred during the week 8/5 to 8/9.

By now most people transferred before 8/5 got interview scheduled. Let's see whether Baltimore can keep its good performance.

All interview are scheduled on Tuesday, Wendesday or Thursday.
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Interview in Baltimore in the next few days

Hello Everyone!

I wanted to pick your minds about something that's been on my mind with respect to the interview. I am all set for the interview in Baltimore on Thursday. The paperwork and documents are essentially in order. The only thing is that my current salary is about $3000 lower than that mentioned on my Labour Certification. The way this happened was that for the first 2 years of my application (during Labour Cert, and I140) I had been working with my company (I am a consultant in a Big 5) in NYC. Then in December last year, I was put on a project with my company in the DC area (through an internal transfer) on the condition that I would have to take a paycut to match the DC Cost of Living and the payscales in the DC office--pay being higher in NYC. If I didn't accept, I would have been on the beach and a layoff was inevitable. I didn't think a $3000 cut was worth being laid off for and so I accepted the offer. So when I moved to DC I filed the I485, with my new, lower salary. I didn't get an RFE or anything either and the lawyers didn't think it was going to be a big issue. However, with the interview looming, my lawyers are a bit nervous and saying that ther is a chance the INS will now accept this. So the question for you out there is: Am I screwed? Is this really a significant issue that can't be explained? It's such a small amount and it seems reasonable that the DC office would not be able to support a NY salary. One saving grace is that my salary is above the 'prevailing wage rate" in the DC area and i believe ultimately that is what the INS requires. But if you have some advice, please let me know. I haven't had sleep in the last few days and am unlikely to in the next two.
hello Mr. PB...

If you look at the previous threads.. you will see lot of discussions about this salary issue. There were occations people have 20% less salary than Labor and got approved.

What i am trying to tell you is.......... GREEN CARD IS FOR FUTURE JOB. I am also in the same boat. My salary in labor is nearly 10K higher than what am getting now. My case is EB2-RIR. I asked my company, they say "GC IS FOR FUTURE JOB", moreover if you get an employment letter saying that "COmpany will employ you as permenant basis upon completion of GC for the salary mentioned in Labor"... I think thats enough. I discussed this with sooooo many people.. I discussed with my company attorney.

You dont have to lose sleep over this.....Instead, if you searched this site for your issue before worrying about this. YOu would have been in peace. So atleast do this now.

BTW.. My interview is also on 29th .... evening.

Dont lose ur sleep. U will be alrite. U r worrying for NOTHING.

Thats all i can say.
Thanks HHS!

I do feel a lot better. I have contacted my lawyer also to make a similar argument and am trying to see if my company can get a letter such as the one you mentioned in your reply. Good luck on the 29th. I will let everyone know what happened by posting my experience, so that you can all be prepared.

Thanks again.
Please do a favor for those waiting for ID notice

Hi, my friend, best wishes to you for the interview!!!

When you finish the interview, would you please help us asking following questions:

(1) Are those case transferred only between 7/23 and 8/9.
(2) Currently by what transferred data have they shcedule interview. We have seen some 8/5 TD been scheduled.

It looks to me that there is a long way from 8/5 TD to 8/9 TD.
Teleks & Yam

Can we get Teleks and Yam's interview scheduled this week?

If yes, we can expect interview within 50 day from TD.
If No, we have to wait for 90 days as mentioned by RD0915.
as of today - no ID

I was disappointed after checking the mail box today. No Interview notice yet.

I will update the Baltimore transfer threads once I know the good news.