Baltimore local transfer list


same here, was your case I-140 CP

I think that may be a delay in my case ..... not sure though:mad:
Yam and teleks,

It takes about 4 days to receive the interview notice. Even if it the interview were scheduled and the notice were sent today, you won't know for 4 days at least. Since there'll be a holiday next week, maybe even longer.
My 140 is for CP

My 140 is approved for CP, (nov 7 RD)
and I was transferred on Aug 1. So I dont know
how it plays. I heard most of the time VSC will get the
papers from Consular before transferring the case.

Though we have heard cases otherwise.
Baltimore ????

Not seen a single interview notice this week, what happened in Baltimore?

hope yam and teleks can break the silence!!!

:confused: :confused: :confused:
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IDs assigned in batches?

I am starting to think that officers at Baltimore assign IDs in batches - say, in the beginning of each month. So probably we'll see tons of notices the first week of September.

Has anyone else gone to Baltimore for information?
Updated List

Sort by TD.

It seems there are lots of transfers during 8/5 to 8/9, since the interview data for 8/5 transfers spread from 9/10 to 9/18 and still unfinished.

Teleks, yam, any good news?
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amy, synapse what happened to your interview????

Amy, synapse,

I hope your interviews have also been successfull. Please post your details.


Here is the updated sheet, with MJ and Sai approvals. I have not yet got any interview letter so far... hoping to get it soon...
Sept RD people are vey unfortunate guys. I dont know when these guys will get interview calls. Feb 2002, jan2002 dec 2001 nov 2001 and oct 2001 all are getting intervew calls.
I dont know how many days the sept Rd people have to wait.
I feel happy for those who got interview calls but at the same time feel very much frustrated about the way they handles the interview schedule. They are doing it in Last in first out and not in first in first out (regarding RD).
Hope all sept rd people will get interview letter soon.
Anyone left other then me?

Is there anyone with TD 8-5-02 left who were not scheduled for interview yet?
To Yam

Originally posted by yam
Hi Teleks

When did you get your interview notice?
I didn't get mine :confused:

I got all three interview notices (my spouse, my child and mine) on friday (08/30/02) to the new address, surprisingly with addresses updated in my child's and mine also. (Note: Transfer notices had old address and got forwarded except for my spouse's notice, which had the new address).

And on saturday (31st) another set of 3 interview notices came, which had all gone to the old address and got forwarded.

I think Baltimore was making sure that we should not miss the notices ???

Anyways the good news was there to celebrate the long weekend.

Hope this helps for all those who chaged addresses and those who are waiting for their ID.

On both sets of notices the interview date was Sept 17th (enough of confusions !!).

RD Feb 07th 2002
ND Feb 25th 2002
TD Aug 05th 2002
ID Sep 17th 2002

Address change

congrats on the interview letter. I have a qtn to you
on the address change. Apart from AR-11 form,
did you write/call/fax/ VSC about address change.
Or your lawyer did? I hear very conflicting
answers from people that even after address change
they do not update etc etc.

When will INS have system where we can update
the address ourselves online.
To pkala

As soon as we moved, I sent AR-11 form.

After getting the acknowledgement (certified mail), and forwarded FP notices, I called VSC to make sure they had updated the address. I updated the address for myself first and it seemed to me that the IIO was doing it online as she was speaking to me. Next I gave her my spouse's and Child's A#, and she said she got it and would update them as well.

But it all did not seem to work too well. The transfer notices had update of my spouse's address, but mine and my child's went to old address and got forwarded.

And now there were 2 sets of notices for interview as you saw in my previous mail. But I did not miss anything and my attorney called me to make sure I received the FP notices and interview notices (the important ones).

And all the time the notices got forwarded.

Hope that helps
Hi teleks

I have a question :

Did INS send a copy of the Interview letter to your lawyer also?

I am wondering if I missed my Interview letter :(

What other way to know my interview scheduled or not?
yes the lawyer too receives the interview notice

yes the lawyer too receives the interview notice.

So even if you miss it the attorney will let you know.