Background Check Pending!!!


Registered Users (C)
Hi everyone ....

I thought I'd share my latest experience/news regrading my N400 application in the hope of getting some input from you on what to do next.
As indicated in my timeline, my application was submitted in July of 2007. After several infopass appointments through out the year, writing my senator, writing DHS, finally I wrote the First Lady in July of this year. Finally I have heard back from the FBI today. The letter from the FBI indicates that my namecheck/back ground check was finalized in July of this year.

While I was waiting for the response from the FBI, I wrote the Nebraska Service Center inquiring about my case twice. Both times I got the a generic response letter saying my background check is still pending and they can not tell me when the process will be done. On the last letter they sent me, they did not even bother to put the correct information on the letter head. The letter has my name but someone's else A number and receipt number:eek:

I am at a loss who to believe now, the FBI or USCIS ? I am not sure what to do next? Should I start looking into filing a WOM or wait? Your thoughs would be greatly appreciated.

Kansas City
Application Mailed : July 2007
Recieved Date : 07/19/2007
Notice Date : 07/25/2007
Priority Date : 07/25/2007
FP Letter Date: 08/13/2007
FP Appointment Date : 08/27/2007 (missed due to FP letter arriving on 8/28/2007)
Actuall FP Date : 09/05/2007
Hi everyone ....

On the last letter they sent me, they did not even bother to put the correct information on the letter head. The letter has my name but someone's else A number and receipt number:eek:

Make an InfoPass appointment and take the letter FBI sent you with you. Make copies of it, just in case you need to submit it to them. Tell them in plain language that it isn't true that your background check is pending since FBI says otherwise and you have proof. Also, make sure that they haven't checked for the wrong person since they sent you a letter with the wrong information. Insist that you would like to speak to a supervisor.
Mr Vertigo is right, make an Infopass appointment. I have the same timeline as you and they are giving me trouble. USCIS was telling everyone on my case different things. To me they always sid I cleared FBI a year ago, they told our Senator I was placed in queue for interview, they told my lawyer I was stuck in FBI name check, they told paralegal I was in queue for interview. They recently told me that I passed my FBI in Oct. I lost my mind a few times (at home) :) :(

I went and file a WOM today. See the lawsuit thread in this forum. Everyone in this forum has been so helpful. I filed my lawsuit today, but Ironically I called just to bug them and see if I could get anywhere. The Officer told me that they sent out a 2md fingerprint notice today. I know they could not have responded to my WOM yet :) but I had to file. The discrepency in information we have been getting was making us believe they loss our file.

Good luck
Thank you very much :) .I am planning on doing an Infopass tomorrow and see where that takes me. Everytime I go to the local office, they tell me I need to write the Nebraska Office. I will give it another shot and see where it takes me. I have nothing to lose
Cregan, how easy was it to file the WOM ? Do you mind if we talk outside of this forum through email? Since you just filed yours, maybe you could walk me through the process if you do not mind?
I would be more than happy. It seems really difficult, but it is not. If you do your reading and have an idea and people on this forum are more than helpful, it makes it understandable. They are so knowlegable. I have really grew to somewhat understand the process :) which it was very unfamiliar grounds. I will tell you what I did. I'll type my little process together tomorrow to email it to you tomorrow night. Meanwhile, read the first pages of the lawsuit to get an idea of what it entails. At the court today it took me 30 mins + made more copies 20 mins + Postal Office 30 mins. It wasn't long once my papers were binded :)

I've been chatting on page 591 + on the lawsuit thread. I ask so many question and everyone has been so patient with me :)
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Thank you very much .. I really appreciate that. Have a good night :)
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The process can be frustrating. Especially if you filed your N400 the same week as your co-worker and he got his citizenship in 3 months. I had a lawyer who helped answer some of my questions and guide me through difficult times. He was willing to file lawsuit at any time, but recommended I wait. It took over 2 years and finally I got notice for 2nd interview and I'm now a US Citizen.

My advice is to not let it ruin your life. I basically decided to not take any action and it took two years, but it finally came through. The best news you can get now is 2nd finger print notice which means that they are ready move your case to interview stage.

Good luck

I am in a similar situation expect that I applied a year before. CIS is claiming NC is still pending even though I have FBI letter saying it was completed 6 months ago.

Keep us posted on your infopass
The best news you can get now is 2nd finger print notice which means that they are ready move your case to interview stage.

I would take that with a grain of salt. Might be true in Username's case and others on this forum but also not true for many. Sometimes the 2nd FP letters are generated automatically. An IO can also choose to update expired FP while reviewing a stalled case. It doesn't mean that you will get an interview letter.
However it is better than nothing.
I can confirm what Waterman is saying re: 2nd FP letter. I got one for my I-485, and then a second one, and then three years later (!) I got my card.
Thank you Username ...I really do not mind the wait. The problem I have though, is I got engaged this last March and planning on getting married in July next year. The longer my application is pending, the longer my wife will not be able to join me. If I were single, I have all the time to wait...
Waterman and Vertigo, I will try to get an infopass appointment today and as soon as I find out something, I will keep you updated. Most likely they will send me away again and tell me to write the Nebraska office again...
I went and file a WOM today. See the lawsuit thread in this forum. Everyone in this forum has been so helpful. I filed my lawsuit today, but Ironically I called just to bug them and see if I could get anywhere. The Officer told me that they sent out a 2md fingerprint notice today. I know they could not have responded to my WOM yet :) but I had to file. The discrepency in information we have been getting was making us believe they loss our file.

Good luck

As the popular saying goes, you go, girl!:D

On the other hand, a 2nd FP notice is usually a good sign. Based on the pattern that I observed on this forum, a 2nd FP notice is usually sent when the USCIS is ready to schedule your interview, but your FPs expired. As several other forum members have suggested, I have a feeling that your file may have been "misplaced" and the USCIS was taking their sweet old time to find it. Something tells me that this mess will come to an end for you within the next couple of months.

By the way, here's a piece of advice. When posting your e-mail address on a public forum such as this one, never list it in the conventional format. Instead, list it as regan.chantal at yahoo dot com. Spammers are notorious for using their spambots to scour message boards for e-mail addresses. Since spambots are automated devices, they can only recognize typical e-mail addresses. I suggest editing your message to avoid a lot of junk in your inbox.
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Vorpal, thank you! I had wondered why people write their emails liek that :) it makes sense. I hope you are correct. I'm going to follow up after my fingerprints by call and InfoPass. I want the interview :)
I could not get an Infopass for today. I am going tomorrow. Also, I called my lawyer and scheduled an appointment with her on the 18th. I am going to ask her about filing the WOM, but I think I already know the response. She is going to tell me to wait. Hopefully by the 18th,I will have something back from USCIS.
I could not get an Infopass for today. I am going tomorrow. Also, I called my lawyer and scheduled an appointment with her on the 18th. I am going to ask her about filing the WOM, but I think I already know the response. She is going to tell me to wait. Hopefully by the 18th,I will have something back from USCIS.

You can find do it yourself step-by step WOM guide here:
I guarantee that you will spend less effort filing WOM than trying to resolve the issue outside of court. Filing WOM will put your application on the fast track and you will be naturalized within 2-3 months of filing suit. Who knows, you may get citizenship soon if you do nothing, but if you are really tired of indefinite waiting, WOM is the way to go.
Friends, please post your signatures. Once you log in, go to to your USER CP on the upper middle left tab and then goto edit signature.- :eek::eek::eek:
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mustafa34kc, I've noticed your email is no longer posted :) I'll remove mine too

Thanks lazycis ... I like the link, I have a timeline details for the rest of my process.

Sorry, I didn't respond yesterday. I have been working and trying to make up hours that I missed at work for my WOM :)