Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker

One Last Question for you regarding the Remand, was the reason sufficient that they are rejected because of technical reasons, Did your recruitment report when filed for LC not mention that. Thanks and Congratulations again, it must have been a big relief of crossing this first hurdle for you. I know all of us in the forum will be following you soon.
satishshetty5 said:
Case No - 044035**
State received date - June 2002
Regional received date - May 2003
Remand to employer - Sep 17 2004
Remand reason - Number of resumes received and reason for rejection.
Certified - Nov 10 2004

In my case, employer had received only two resumes in response to the ad placed, and they were rejected on technical reasons.
Updated the statuslist with satishshetty's CASE NUMBER
satishshetty5 said:
Case No - 044035**
State received date - June 2002
Regional received date - May 2003
Remand to employer - Sep 17 2004
Remand reason - Number of resumes received and reason for rejection.
Certified - Nov 10 2004

In my case, employer had received only two resumes in response to the ad placed, and they were rejected on technical reasons.
Happy Diwali !!!!!!!!!

All the people who celebrate Diwali, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy diwali. This Diwali is going to bring lots of good wishes and lots of blessings from God for all of.
Happy Diwali !!!

Initially when the labor was filed the lawyer did not even ask as to how many resumes the company received in response to the ad.

It was only when we got a Remand to employer that we have to clarify to DOL about the number of resumes received and the reason for rejection.

I do not know in great detail about the reason's given for rejecting the resumes to DOL, but what i was told was that they rejected on techinical grounds(skill sets).
OH OK, Thanks for the information and taking the time out to update this on the forum.
satishshetty5 said:
Initially when the labor was filed the lawyer did not even ask as to how many resumes the company received in response to the ad.

It was only when we got a Remand to employer that we have to clarify to DOL about the number of resumes received and the reason for rejection.

I do not know in great detail about the reason's given for rejecting the resumes to DOL, but what i was told was that they rejected on techinical grounds(skill sets).
Happy Diwali to ya all!!!

Happy Diwali! :)
saurabh_tulika said:
All the people who celebrate Diwali, I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very happy diwali. This Diwali is going to bring lots of good wishes and lots of blessings from God for all of.
Happy Diwali to you all!!!

Does Atlanta DOL issue a Case number. Do you know the best approach to get that case number. Is there a number I can call.

Please advise ..

THanks in advance .. Hari
What is your Received Date @ ATL DOL ? If you can give some details, we can guide to an extent. Good Luck.

hari4gc said:
Does Atlanta DOL issue a Case number. Do you know the
best approach to get that case number. Is there a number I can call.

Please advise ..

THanks in advance .. Hari
Hey gurus, do u know why is it so that the processing dates on Rajiv ji's website is always showing a month or two ahead from the dol website. I am not sure, which one to follow and use for tracking.
Another quest, my case was recently forwarded to Atlanta DOL on Nov 8th and I want to know how to get my case number and do the tracking on Atlanta's AVM. Please advise ....

To my understanding Rajiv Khanna website is correct and they are ahead because they get status report from their cases. DOL is one/two month behind because it is mostly to avoid calls from applicants.

I guess case number are issued to April 2004 cases and you can always check AVM using your company's phone number to get case number

joegr9 said:
Hey gurus, do u know why is it so that the processing dates on Rajiv ji's website is always showing a month or two ahead from the dol website. I am not sure, which one to follow and use for tracking.
Another quest, my case was recently forwarded to Atlanta DOL on Nov 8th and I want to know how to get my case number and do the tracking on Atlanta's AVM. Please advise ....

Thanks bro.......
Like u said I can check for my case numb using my co's phone numb. Is there an option that asks for my co's phone numb or do I have to talk to someone in person, tell him/her my company's phone number and then in return ask for my case numb??????
To Joegr9 (about case number)

Hello, Joegr9:

Try the following telephone numbers:

404-562-2131 (AVM). Press 2 and enter the employee telephone number you put in the application form. My case was forwarded to them on October 1st but the message was number is not found yet.

404-562-2115 (talk to them in person). You have to say you are your employer (say, HR etc). They don't give out information to individuals. Simply ask them when your case will be assigned a number and how to get them (my understanding is that they are still assigning numbers to cases that were received early this year).

Good luck and please let me know what you have learnt.
