Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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Just called the Atlanta DOL, She told me old machine is not working so they are getting new machine and hopefully it will be installed next week till than NO AVM....asked about processing date...she said OCT...
any one here has their case transmitted from state to ATL DOL after July 15th? if so, did you get a case number for your case??

From what I understand, ATL DOL does not send acknowledgements of cases. They do not send you case# either. The state SESA does send an ack when they send the cases to ATL. Not sure though...
My case got forwarded to federal on July 16th and all I have is the GA0307xxx number. How do I find out what the 440xxxxxx number is?

To which number we have to fax it? What is 404-561-2152? If I call this number, Verizon message says the number has been disconnected.

I am not sure, earlier post says that is the fax number. Probably, the fax number posted earlier is now outdated. Maybe someone can clarify or provide the correct number.
Hi All,

I am new to u guys.. I am known to NJ people. I am still posting stuff over there as I LC is still pending... I have a reson to come over here..

One of my friends filed Labor through Atlanta and cleared his SESA and moved to Regional some time in last march2003

But, he got query( NOF) on wages and lawyer has replied some time in this month.. He really got wondered when he got NOF for his case since Regional dates shows that Atalanta processing october2002 cases..

Is any one has idea that whats going on in Atalata Regional office ??

Also My friend would like to know how much time is taking for NOF case in federal or regional office at Atlants ?

Please suggest us.. we will really appreciate your suggestions.


ATL DOL is not processing based on the date they received the files. It is not surprising that they are processing a file they received in March 2003 when they are supposed to be doing the OCT 2002 cases. If you read the posts made during the last 3 months on this thread, you will see what is going on...

Some of the lucky people are getting labor cleared ( at Atlanta DOL) with 10-15 days when so many other applicants are waiting almost a year. About NOF, one of my co-worker got it cleared in 2 months after his attorney replied for the query.
My attorney told me that ATL DOL is processing cases received in OCT '02. At the same time they seem to be picking cases randomly from the pending cases (received after OCT '02).

ATL DOL is really weird, isn't it?

Need Advice !


This is the info I got from our HR.

"My case was forwarded from Georgia DOL to US DOL. And US DOL is processing cases of Oct, 2002. "

1.Could anybody tell me , to where should be US DOL located for my case ?

2. What are the info needed to track the cases in US DOL ?

3. How long will it take complete this Labor certification ?

Please advice me !

Thanks !

- 1.Could anybody tell me , to where should be US DOL located for my case ?

Atlanta Regional DOL for Permanent Labor located at the following address.

Permanent Labor
Georgia Department of Labor
Alien Labor Certification Unit
148 Andrew Young InternationalBoulevard NE
Suite 450
Atlanta, GA 30303
(404) 656-3163
(404) 656-3039 FAX

-2. What are the info needed to track the cases in US DOL ?

You can call Automated Voice Message (AVM) at 404-562-2131 and track your case if you know your employer phone (which is given in the labor) or through the case number. Right now AVM is not working. It may back and work from next week.

-3. How long will it take complete this Labor certification ?

As you know, Atlanta DOL processing oct'2002 cases. you may expect your approval in a year. If you are lucky enough you may get it approved in a month too. you can check labor processing time at

Hope this info helps you
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My attorney just notified me that Atlanta DOL has lost my application which was re-send after Remanded to Employer.
Tha "Remanded..." was issued because NC SESA mistakenly placed the date stamp in the area where the the original certification is to be placed.
So a new form was made by my attorney and sent it to SESA and transfared to DOL again about 2 month ago on remand.
The attorney contacted DOL recently because he did not hear anything since the demand was replyed, and found out that they lost my new application.
Now I have to again go through SESA to DOL.
But this time, the case woker handling that matter advised my attorney that my application will be certified upon reciept.

Am I lucky or not!?

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Lost application

I am in the same boat and my application has been sent again from Tallahassee, FL to atlanta. The officer has acknowledge the receipt this time but do not have a case number yet. However my priority date is oct'02 and it was originally transmitted to atlanta in dec'02 . since atlanta is processing oct '02 app i expect mine to be certified in a couple of months. Looks like lost applications is not uncommon at atlanta..

please keep posting your messages so we know if any lost applications have been certified yet
AVM is not working, remember someone posted that they will repair this week. Any updates on that news.... can some get more information that when AVM will start working again as that is teh only hope to get status on dead cases.
lost case


I am not sure if Atlanta DOL will expedite your case based on your "priority date". From what I understand, they issue a new date which is the date when they actually receive the labor certification from SESA.

I am in a similar situation because my application was lost in FL SESA and I have been told by my attorney that my "priority date" would be March. Florida SESA would expedite the file, however, Atlanta DOL would just process it based on when the receive the file from FL SESA.

The interesting question- is there a way to get Atlanta DOL to honour the "priority date" issued by Florida SESA? Gurus, any feedback will be helpful.
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