Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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This is ludicrous to advertise in such an unprofessional way. If you have to market your company try to find some other way.

By the way guys don't just listen to this deception, simple is that if he can't offer job to anyone he can't pass through LC. He is another quick jumper hawk, who is always in a pursuit of desperate people and will try to make them fool out of it.

STOP using this forum to distract people.
I think it is time for the moderator to step in and take some action so that such posts are not made.
NON-IT LC approval

My friend NON-IT case received by Regional Office 5/12/03, approved 6/xx/03.
Does anybody know how the cases are processed at DOL? Would they go by a quota per job code or by the order the applications are received from State Labor Dept?
Sounds like a business analyst or financial analyst or operation analyst.

I filed as market research analyst.

Originally posted by NC001
I know he is doing the statistical job, don't know the title.
hallo everybody

My petition was finally moved to ATL DOL from NC.
I filed LC to NC on Apr 30, 2001 as non-RIR.
But I recieved copies of documents my attorney sent to NC that says "REQUEST FOR RIR" dated on Jun 19, 2003.
Then my petition was fowarded to DOL on Jun 25, 2003.

Does this mean, from now on, my petition will be considered as RIR @ ATL DOL?
Hi Luzarun, any good news so far? I am also under the similar situation as yours (filed as special handling for faculty last week). I can verify that on the email system. What's the phone number I can check the status? Thanks.

Originally posted by luzarun
Vasu: thanks for the reply, my case was moved from Florida to Atlanta office in less than a month. My case was received in Atlanta on May 19th. I can only verify that on the phone system not the email. I will let you guys know how fast is "special handling" (for faculty, yes I have a Ph.D) approved at the federal level (in the Atlanta office). Thanks for your reply.

What is that email address for checking the status? I mean DOL email address. I tried one which was was posted by someone but that did not work. I did not get any reply or email back.
To request status of your case, please send an email to the following address. Be sure to follow the format in your body of message.

In the body of the message type:

Case YourCaseNumber

For example: Case 05000024

Returns the status for only one case.

-And / or -

The next two options return status for all cases where status information is available.

Employer Phone EmployerPhoneNumber

For example: Employer Phone (202)555-1212

- And / or -

Tax ID EmployerTaxID

For example: Tax ID 12-3456789

Originally posted by For_labor

What is that email address for checking the status? I mean DOL email address. I tried one which was was posted by someone but that did not work. I did not get any reply or email back.
Hi BinBin:
My application was remanded to the 'employer'. That is , NOT remant to state or anything like that. In my case the ad you are suposed to post for 10 days did not have the addresses of some state agencies. We just completed that formailty and my lawyer will be replying next week. They have a person (lady) who handles jusr special handing. Expect a decsion on your case within a month! We can talk more, if you like on the phone. Which state did you apply from..
Good Luck..
Luzarun,Thanks for sharing your info. I just checked the DOL message and my case was delivered to Atlanta on June 9th. Hopefully I may get reply soon.....

BTW, my email address is

Originally posted by luzarun
Hi BinBin:
My application was remanded to the 'employer'. That is , NOT remant to state or anything like that. In my case the ad you are suposed to post for 10 days did not have the addresses of some state agencies. We just completed that formailty and my lawyer will be replying next week. They have a person (lady) who handles jusr special handing. Expect a decsion on your case within a month! We can talk more, if you like on the phone. Which state did you apply from..
Good Luck..

If its ok with you please tell us how come your LC got approved so fast. Did your case came under special category or your attorney had some special connection? There has to be some secret behind it. Many of us here have been waiting for more than year. Also all the so called immigration guru's, can you please enlighten us on this issue.


Hi All, I'm new to this forum; I got my LC moved from NC SESA
on April end and still no News..
Can Guru's shed a light in this special case..Please.

Originally posted by aksmks

If its ok with you please tell us how come your LC got approved so fast. Did your case came under special category or your attorney had some special connection? There has to be some secret behind it. Many of us here have been waiting for more than year. Also all the so called immigration guru's, can you please enlighten us on this issue.


Aksmks the info he provided is misleading that's why he is not coming up with details... if the info he gave is true he will come up with the fact i.e position catagory etc....

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