Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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Quick clearance but check the DOT code

Checked the automated VM and found that

case no. 04402217 was received on 12-may-2003 and certified on 27-may-2003 but the DOT code is :
313.361-030 Cook, Specialty, Foreign Food

I'm assuming that different DOT codes have their own queues and would be assigned to different officers. Since the largest segment is software, we are the last ones to get cleared !

Lets continue our patience.
Approved - Sept 9 case

Case # : 043925XX
DOT Code : 030.062-010
DOT Description : Software Engineer
Received Regional Office: 09/09/2002
Current Status : Certified -- FINAL ACTION On 04/26/2003.
nothing to do with IT

My priority date is May 24, 2001. and LC is still pending in ATL DOL, my job is not IT related. I cannot tell you why some cases were processed so fast. But it does not seem that IT jobs are purposefully processed the last.
Haven't been here for a long time. Struggled with my job.

They randomly process cases, but just don't admit it. Whenever you call them, they always say oh, sorry, we process cases based on the date. Liars.

They are still in August. Don't see any hope soon.
My lawyer said it is processing August end cases. Don't know what does that mean, since cases for some jobs like cooks are processed for May 200*3 cases! So what do they mean if they say they are processing August cases? Only for some job categories with the lowest priority?
some explanation

from the statistics of cases approved obtained from AVM, I think the 245i cases are processed in a very fast manner. it appears that non-professional jobs begin with numbers larger than 200 in their DOT codes. That doesn't mean no exception. I do wonder too about the software job approved for EB3 non-rir category someone posted. Very obscure.

but we are all in the same boat. waiting forever...
My attorney says she has received approval on some of the cases that moved from GA SESA to ATLANTA DOL in September 2002. On the other hand some of the cases that went to ATLANTA DOL in August 2002 have not been approved yet.

Most of her (my attorney's) clients are software professional and says she there is no hard and fast rule how the cases are processed. It depends a lot on officer to officer, his/her efficiency and work load.

So, I guess, we cannot do anything except waiting.

See the following news. I don't think DOL or INS would be better off. That's why there are so many back log cases.

They just don't care and don't worry about being fired.

Probe Finds IRS Workers Misuse Internet
Fri Jun 20, 8:29 AM ET Add Technology - AP to My Yahoo!


WASHINGTON - Internal Revenue Service (news - web sites) employees using thousands of computers accessed prohibited Web sites that included personal e-mail, sexually explicit sites and games. To Treasury investigators, it was a sign that "significant misuse" of the Internet continues after a crackdown a year ago.

The results of the Treasury Department (news - web sites) investigation disappointed lawmakers who pushed the IRS to revise its Internet policies and block access to prohibited sites after a study in 2001 showed IRS employees spent more than half their workday on the Internet for personal reasons.
Thanks but still not clear

yes its my own case. I am still not clear, my case is "special handling" for faculty. By definition its a special track by itself, do they want it to be advertised as regular? Can anybody clarify does remand mean denied? Here goes my weekend!!! :(((
I got a letter from my lawyer, saying my case was Forwarded to DOL on May 29, 2003. Case number is GA0219XX. And a phone numbe of The Certifying Officer at DOL.

Is that my case number at DOL level?
What on earth the phone number can help?
Anything I can do proactively right now and in the near future?

To answer your questions:

I got a letter from my lawyer, saying my case was Forwarded to DOL on May 29, 2003. Case number is GA0219XX. And a phone numbe of The Certifying Officer at DOL.

Is that my case number at DOL level?
No, that is the case number assigned to your case by GA SESA. Once DOL opens your file, you will be assigned a new 8 digit case number (starting with 04, which stands for the region). Ask your attorney for the DOL case number after , may be a week or so.
What on earth the phone number can help?
Not much. A friend of mine tried calling the certifying officer, and the CO told him that they are allowed to give any info to either attorney or the employer
Anything I can do proactively right now and in the near future?
Sorry to disappoint you, but you can do nothing to speed up the matter.

Hope it helps.

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Remand Issued to State and NOF

Most of applicants from our company got Remand Issued to State or NOF.
Somebody know the reason?
When are those cased filed in regional office?

Is your company well known? Had layoff recently? I assume it is located in NC.
My company is based on Dallas, TX, more than 40,000 people, has many branchs around state. I'm in NC office.
No layoff recently.

The cases that I talked about were received by regional office from July,2002- Dec, 2002. Those cases belongs to TX and CA DOL, not Atlanta.

My case filed to Atlanta.

I think it depends the area and kind of buisness your company is into. In CA there has been so many lay offs and there are so many people looking for work. Also I think telecom companies are also not performing very well. So it might be a case of being in wrong state and wrong buisness.

why do you guess??

Official DOL processing date is just published, confirming current case processing time of Aug. 2002 as of the update time of Jun 10, 2003.

Regarding NOF, the best way is to contact the lawyer to know exactly what is the notice of finding instead of having all of us guess for you here. There are many different reasons for issuing a NOF, such as company or industry layoffs, financial trouble, and insufficient ads etc. It really depends on the individual case. But it is NOT the same as denial.
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