Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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Around mar 2003, Mine went to Atlanta DOl in sep 2003.
Just want to know the state case number to check on that florida state jobs website
As of 1 Jan 2004, ATL DOL has 711 applications that were forwared from various states in RECEIVED status. And out of those 521 were from florida

On 30 sept 2003, ATL DOL has 1412 applications in hand with R_RO date in sept. By 1 Jan 2004 they have processed 701 applications either partially or completely.

So you must be in the 521 as of 1 Jan 2004. I need more details to actually find your case number.

floridalc said:
Around mar 2003, Mine went to Atlanta DOl in sep 2003.
Just want to know the state case number to check on that florida state jobs website
Thanks for your info

DOT Code is 039.162-014
ATL DOL recieved date : 9/19/2003

Thanks for your help, Let me know if you need more info.
I can email you a list of all case numbers with your employer name with R_RO date in sept 2003. If you prefer.

Bronco said:
As of 1 Jan 2004, ATL DOL has 711 applications that were forwared from various states in RECEIVED status. And out of those 521 were from florida

On 30 sept 2003, ATL DOL has 1412 applications in hand with R_RO date in sept. By 1 Jan 2004 they have processed 701 applications either partially or completely.

So you must be in the 521 as of 1 Jan 2004. I need more details to actually find your case number.
Dear DBA,
execute this to fetch your case number

if ( your employer # = 561-338-1890 ) Then
your case # is 04408721

if ( your emploer # = 954-433-9810 )
your case # is 04408790

floridalc said:
DOT Code is 039.162-014
ATL DOL recieved date : 9/19/2003

Thanks for your help, Let me know if you need more info.
Yes, those are Federal numbers. I don't know what agent ID means in florida.
In case you need state case numbers, here they are

If you are working for digital then it is 38926 and your employer is generous :cool:

If you are working for direct services then it is 39315 and my friend they are using you as a cotton field slave (sorry for teh choice of words)

In case you think the numbers are wrong, let me know. I'll re arrange my logic.
But they should be 100% correct

floridalc said:
:cool: thanks man!

Is that the atlanta case number, Because i am trying to use the website below to check my state case status it doesnt work. How do we get the state case status
Almost there

I tried those numbers and i get the following error
"The case number must be a positive number. The ID begins with a letter followed by 5 digits." I tried with all alphabets from A to Z and it didnt work.
Anyway thanks for your time.Can you please send me that list for sept filing with my dot code. Thanks..
HI really have lot of useful info. Can you predict when would my case be processed?
R_RO on april 3 2003.

Do you have any idea how the applications are processed......i.e according to occupation first and then reciept date or some other way?

I have seen that many cases with reciept date in may thru sept have been certified in other states but not in my state.

Any comments?

UOTE=Bronco]Yes, those are Federal numbers. I don't know what agent ID means in florida.
In case you need state case numbers, here they are

If you are working for digital then it is 38926 and your employer is generous :cool:

If you are working for direct services then it is 39315 and my friend they are using you as a cotton field slave (sorry for teh choice of words)

In case you think the numbers are wrong, let me know. I'll re arrange my logic.
But they should be 100% correct[/QUOTE]
There are only two cases. I've posted it here already. Sorry if it doesn't help.

floridalc said:
I tried those numbers and i get the following error
"The case number must be a positive number. The ID begins with a letter followed by 5 digits." I tried with all alphabets from A to Z and it didnt work.
Anyway thanks for your time.Can you please send me that list for sept filing with my dot code. Thanks..
Seann, I don't know the details of how ATL DOL works. But mu source of information is (as you already know)

Seannc said:
HI really have lot of useful info. Can you predict when would my case be processed?
R_RO on april 3 2003.

Do you have any idea how the applications are processed......i.e according to occupation first and then reciept date or some other way?

I have seen that many cases with reciept date in may thru sept have been certified in other states but not in my state.

Any comments?

UOTE=Bronco]Yes, those are Federal numbers. I don't know what agent ID means in florida.
In case you need state case numbers, here they are

If you are working for digital then it is 38926 and your employer is generous :cool:

If you are working for direct services then it is 39315 and my friend they are using you as a cotton field slave (sorry for teh choice of words)

In case you think the numbers are wrong, let me know. I'll re arrange my logic.
But they should be 100% correct
Called Atlanta DOL

Just called Atlanta DOL and asked what dates they are working on.

She said currently they are processing application received on March 2003.

So this confirms my lawyers message I posted earlier. It would be really nice if DOL updates their database at flcdatacenter every month and publishes it.

LaborUnknown said:
Just called Atlanta DOL and asked what dates they are working on.

She said currently they are processing application received on March 2003.

ATL DOL has got a total of 1453 cases for the month of March 2003

Here is the snap shot of March cases By 1 Jan 2004

# of cases Status
304 Certified
29 Denied, Permanent
1 NOF Issued
10 NOF Rebuttal Received
1076 Received Regional Office
7 Reduction in Recruitment Denied
10 Remand Issued to Employer
6 Remand Issued to State
2 Returned By Emp after Remand
8 Withdrawn

Between 1 Jan 2004 and now they must have processed **few** cases with status "Received Regional Office" so more of these will be processed by mid July through end of August perhaps ??

Didn't have enough time to do more than this during lunch ( at work)
Thanks are doing a lot! :)

Bronco said:
ATL DOL has got a total of 1453 cases for the month of March 2003

Here is the snap shot of March cases By 1 Jan 2004

# of cases Status
304 Certified
29 Denied, Permanent
1 NOF Issued
10 NOF Rebuttal Received
1076 Received Regional Office
7 Reduction in Recruitment Denied
10 Remand Issued to Employer
6 Remand Issued to State
2 Returned By Emp after Remand
8 Withdrawn

Between 1 Jan 2004 and now they must have processed **few** cases with status "Received Regional Office" so more of these will be processed by mid July through end of August perhaps ??

Didn't have enough time to do more than this during lunch ( at work)
Hey March guys read this and grind your teeth

Below is the statistics of cases that received more priority than Mar 2003 cases despite the R_RO dates...

A total of 8665 cases have their regional receipt date between April 1 2003 - 30 Nov 2003
By 1st Jan 2004 their status is as following


status total
Certified 2828
Denied, Permanent 111
NOF Issued 240
NOF Rebuttal Received 124
NOF Time Extension Granted 9
Received Regional Office 4752
Reduction in Recruitment Denied 478
Remand Issued to Employer 189
Remand Issued to State 21
Returned By Emp after Remand 23
Withdrawn 14

Breakdown by state
status total state
Certified 155 AL
Certified 507 FL
Certified 909 GA
Certified 68 KY
Certified 27 MS
Certified 905 NC
Certified 42 SC
Certified 215 TN
Denied, Permanent 6 AL
Denied, Permanent 12 FL
Denied, Permanent 12 GA
Denied, Permanent 2 KY
Denied, Permanent 28 MS
Denied, Permanent 48 NC
Denied, Permanent 3 TN
NOF Issued 4 AL
NOF Issued 217 FL
NOF Issued 1 MS
NOF Issued 16 NC
NOF Issued 2 TN
NOF Rebuttal Received 113 AL
NOF Rebuttal Received 6 FL
NOF Rebuttal Received 3 GA
NOF Rebuttal Received 1 KY
NOF Rebuttal Received 1 MS
NOF Time Extension Granted 4 AL
NOF Time Extension Granted 1 FL
NOF Time Extension Granted 4 NC
Received Regional Office 113 AL
Received Regional Office 2445 FL
Received Regional Office 1016 GA
Received Regional Office 171 KY
Received Regional Office 216 MS
Received Regional Office 302 NC
Received Regional Office 139 SC
Received Regional Office 350 TN
Reduction in Recruitment Denied 2 AL
Reduction in Recruitment Denied 11 FL
Reduction in Recruitment Denied 29 MS
Reduction in Recruitment Denied 435 NC
Reduction in Recruitment Denied 1 TN
Remand Issued to Employer 13 AL
Remand Issued to Employer 46 FL
Remand Issued to Employer 12 GA
Remand Issued to Employer 3 KY
Remand Issued to Employer 1 MS
Remand Issued to Employer 104 NC
Remand Issued to Employer 10 TN
Remand Issued to State 1 AL
Remand Issued to State 9 FL
Remand Issued to State 10 NC
Remand Issued to State 1 TN
Returned By Emp after Remand 1 AL
Returned By Emp after Remand 7 FL
Returned By Emp after Remand 4 GA
Returned By Emp after Remand 10 NC
Returned By Emp after Remand 1 TN
Withdrawn 1 AL
Withdrawn 5 FL
Withdrawn 3 GA
Withdrawn 4 NC
Withdrawn 1 TN

Seannc said:
Does anyone have an idea appx how many cases does atl dol process everyday??

When I was in school my adviser told me this about statistics.

"Statistics are like bikini. They reveal everything except the esssential" :D

Well here in our case the essential is "Ok tell me the date when I'm going to be certified"

Now I know what he meant.
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