at0324 said:Received date @ Regional office 3/24/2003 Certified on June 8th.
I visit this website at least 20 – 30 time a day. I got hope form this web site when I lost my hope on my LC.
When some one got approved I feel happy as my case. Then today it’s my turn.
Also another case got approved form my company –
Received date @ Regional Office 3/26/2003 Certified on June 25th.
prav03 said:Hello
I knew that my case has been forwarded to atlanta from florida on march 24,2003. But i could not find any cases under my company listed in AVM.
is there a way to find my federal case number.
labornc said:Prav03,
You can check all cases filed before Dec, 2003 for your employer on this site.
Reddy20 said:Labornc, My case is not listed in this site which was filed on Mar 04 2003. There are several cases filed from my company before Dec 2003 and they are still not inthis site.
labornc said:Prav03,
You can check all cases filed before Dec, 2003 for your employer on this site.
i am sure that they have flcdataceneter with newjersy state.Atlanta_Apr_04 said:Any idea when do they update flcdatacenter website???
prav03 said:that is correct , my case is not listed in flcdatacenter also.
Reddy20, is your case lsited in avm.
Reddy20 said:Hi NCstate, I didn't contact my attorney so far as they asked me to contact during the end of June, I will call them next week and I will let you know!!! Do you have any idea what is Remand and what DOL will be asking for Remand to employer.
NCstate I haven't heard anything from my employer so far, I am going to call them in couple of days and let you know immediately.NCstate said:Finally my employer received ....
Here I got it from employer " They have asked for
more information regarding the results of the recruitment process. "
Reddy, Let me know if you hear anything from your employer. Also this took 10 business day to reach !
Guys, Can you help me in this query ? How long will employer take to respond ? Is it general ?
Thanks for your help
Reddy20 said:NCstate I haven't heard anything from my employer so far, I am going to call them in couple of days and let you know immediately.