Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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E-mail for GA Regional status

Can some one please post the e-mail address for the automatic
e-mail for status verification? And also instructions on whta information to specify when sending the e-mail.
Thanks gcnowhere
I hope you have got 2 eyes and can see a web page or you are lazy enough to not see previous postings.

See the posting just above you.
Any late approvals?

I've been monitoring a case filed in 6/27/02, but it still has NOT been processed based on the results from email.

I wonder if the email system got updated lately.

Any ideas?

Nope. I haven't seen any updates either. It's frustrating to see no updates. Is it Atlanta DOL been not working on any cases lately or is the System down for so long.

I hope that system is down and Atlanta DOL has been busy working on the cases. If it is other way it'll be big disappointment for all of us.

Good luck to all of us.
If you think your case should be processed soon, call 404 562 2115 and talk to person directly. Hopefully you can bring us some good news.

Calling at this number is like bothering ATL DOL staff. Unless and until it is necessity we should not to be bothering them. Disturbances through this phone no. may annoy them and also cause delay in their processing speeds.

So I would suggest to avoid calling them directly.

I have been getting replies from Automated Email System. My attorney received info that my case was transferred from SESA to DOL on 01/29/03. The details appeared in the DOL System today, the email says "Received Regional Office On 02/06/2003".
It seems like I am the one who always bring the bad news to you all.

ATL DOL is still working on June, 2002 cases. There are lots of cases received in the office in Jul. Aug. Sept....

So what can we do??? If you lost your job now, you just waste 2 years on LC. You have to start the GC process from all over the beginning.

It is really unfair to people who work so hard and pay lots of taxes.

:mad: :mad: :mad:
Lets request Mr. Khanna to do some help for us.

Mr Khanna. When our labor was at SESA, at that moment we were thinking that SESA is the only pain in Labor process and Region is doing good. We thought most of the regions were taking 2 to 3 months and Atlanta was better at that time, but since last 3 4 month, they are running a turtle race, not even finishing one month in 2 months time. We already have so much fear for saving our jobs, so at least leabor process should be quick and smooth,so that we won't have to get worry.

Please help us by doing something to improve the wait period at Atlanta DOL.

Best regards from our family.

Is it possible for multiple people to have the same case number? The reason I ask is, there are couple of us (me and some of my colleagues) who all have the same Receive Date at ATL (all in the same category..meaning pay, title RIR etc.).
Or does each individual have a different case number? Automated email system sends back with just one case number for that day (July 2002) when queried with phone number.

Any response is helpful.
My case transfered to ATL regional office in January 2003. I sent the email to that auto system and received the reply. But my case does not show up in the system. There is one case displayed 'received on 2/10/2003'. From the salary information, I know it is not mine. What can and should I do? Should the attorney have my case number assigned from ATL regional office? The attorney should receive some notice from ATL regional office about receiving my case?

Thanks for any reply
Actually the attorneys do not receive any information from the
ATL Regional office.
The only way they get an idea is, when the SESA sends them a note saying that their application was sent to the regional office.
It gets assigned a new case number there.

The only way to track it would be to e-mail and try to guess which application is yours, based on the salary, position and the date of receipt.

:-( Sorry for the bad news.
re: msatl

MSAtl, my case was forwarded to Regional on 1/27/03. When you wrote "your case information appeared in DOL system", did you get that information by emailing to

I have not gotten my case number yet by giving the employer phone number. I wonder how one can trace by tax ID, which is not specified on 750A. Anyway ...

I think GCNOWHERE is right. SESA notifies attorney about sending the case to Regional. But Regional does not notify attorney about the case number. My attorney's paralegal said she could only get hold of the case number by dialing AVM or sending DOL a fax.
Don't trust the status information from email too much.

I've been monitoring a case filed at 6/27/01, showing pending all the time from email. But in fact, it has been cleared on 2/19/03.
got my case number

I got my case number by sending an email. The AVM has not been updated yet when I gave the same employer phone number.

My case was forwarded to Regional on Jan. 27, 2003. Case received in ATL DOL 2/6/2003. Lead time of signing a case number is about 10 working days in my case.

What is the most recent approved case number? Does anyone know? Then I can estimate total lead time. ATL DOL was doing about 1000 cases a month. Thanks
trace cases

I just called AVM, the last case I could locate in AVM is 043-92-910 with receipt date of 10/8/2002.

Then I keyed in more case numbers higher than 043-92-910, none exists. There might be something wrong with AVM.

ATLGC, what is the case number that got cleared on 2/19/2003?
Is it RIR or non-RIR?

Here are more cases I got from AVM:
received certified
043-89-500: 6/17/02
043-89-900: 6/27/02 8/21/02
043-90-500: 7/12/02
043-91-000: 8/12/02 8/16/02
043-92-000: 8/27/02
043-92-100: 9/9/02 9/12/02
043-92-500: 9/10/02

Looks like some cases are processed more quickly than the others. I don't know if it is due to RIR vs. non-RIR?
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