Atlanta Regional DOL Tracker - Old (Archived on 09/24/2004)

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Sethumadhavan, We need your support here.

Can you please post once your case is updated in AVM ?

It would be very helpful to others.

Thanks are right. She is coming back today. I want to give it the whole of this week before I call on friday. Don't wanna be bugging them with frequent calls.
There was this other dude "only1left" who had more info on her. only1left, if you call during the week, let us know.

Faster Approvals

I was a silent listener till now, but i am getting frustrated as days pass by. Today i was looking at flcdatacenter and found that DOL can process the LC very quickly if they want to. Here i had gathered information of some cases, which took less than 10 days to get approved. These are few of the lucky guys out of 100 cases i had viewed. There may be 100's of LC's of this type. It was almost more than 2 years i had applied for my LC and still waiting to get to my priority date of May.

Case Number Received Date Approved Date

04407187 09/02/2003 09/13/2003
04407158 09/02/2003 09/13/2003
04407145 09/02/2003 09/13/2003
04407204 09/12/2003 09/15/2003
04406543 08/11/2003 08/23/2003
04407211 09/12/2003 09/16/2003
04408687 10/08/2003 10/09/2003
04407132 09/02/2003 09/13/2003
04407038 09/02/2003 09/13/2003
04408066 9/25/2003 9/27/2003
04407974 9/25/2003 9/27/2003
04406536 8/11/2003 8/23/2003
04408063 9/25/2003 9/27/2003
04407970 9/25/2003 9/27/2003
04407244 9/12/2003 9/16/2003
04406585 8/11/2003 8/23/2003
04407042 9/2/2003 9/13/2003
04406494 8/11/2003 8/23/2003
04406517 8/11/2003 8/23/2003
04407045 9/2/2003 9/13/2003
04408002 9/25/2003 9/27/2003
04408003 9/25/2003 9/27/2003
04408004 9/25/2003 9/27/2003
04407965 9/25/2003 9/27/2003
04407969 9/25/2003 9/27/2003
04407723 9/12/2003 9/19/2003
Are these permanant labor cases?

If they are then it is really unfair for the guys like us waiting for more than 2 years
Yes, they're permanent cases. As far as I know, cases filed on certain days(like 08/11) were processed by some pilot program and got approved quickly. So this kind of miracle only happens to a tiny portion of the whole DOL-suffering population. It's more like win a lottery against a big odds.
am hearing approvals might depend on lawyers. some know the ropes better perhaps or are more let's say tenuous than the rest??

why some cases take 10 days while others over 3 years might best be answered by the DOL themselves..if at all they have a sane rebuttal.

I would really appreciate to these guys if they update this forum with their current status.

I'm asking because I have not seen postings from these guys since a long time; Because as far I know and talked to DOL guys, they are saying they are processing Jan end and Feb cases.

-------------------------------JAN Candididates------------------------------
only1left -------->Jan 06 2003
ognep --------> Jan 13 2003
atl-la-bore -------->Jan 29 2003
-------------------------------FEB Candididates------------------------------
GC2ME -------->Feb 06 2003
GA0501 -------->Feb 06 2003
ADOL -------->Feb 06 2003
ATL01 -------->Feb 06 2003
Z2 --------> Feb 06 2003
waters --------> Feb 10 2003
unk3 -------->Feb 19 2003
amoogye --------> Feb 19 2003

No News from my side.
Haven't heard from attorney or HR so I guess it is still pending...

Will update the form as soon as I hear anything.
Re: Status

[No News from my side.
Haven't heard from attorney or HR so I guess it is still pending...

Will update the form as soon as I hear anything
Thanks GC2ME , waters !!!!!

Thanks a lot ( GC2ME, waters) ,

I would really appreciate your patience and honesty to reply back.

Please call/E-mail your lawyer/Hr people once a week to find out the case status.
Don't ever depend on their e-mail or phone as it might not always be possible.

Thanks again
Good news to share

I read the below info from the other forum and I confirmed with my attoney that they have up to 30 days to implement that plan. I see the hope and I am holding my I-140/I-485 and file after April 30, 2004.

Good luck to you all.


04/17/2004: Filing Fee Increase in Time for Launch of "Concurrent I-140/I-485 Adjudications" on 04/30/2004!

* We reported earlier that the OMB received the fee increase final rule from the USCIS on March 29, 2004 for its review. OMB review normally takes upto 90 days. But unbeknownst to the public, the USCIS had certain agenda of launching the petition/adjudication processing reduction program beginning from April 30, 2004 and to meet such agenda OMB completed the review on April 12, 2004 and the final rule was published by the USCIS on April 15, 2004 on an emergency review basis. Under the final rule, the fee will go up from April 30, 2004.
* As the final rule and the USCIS announcement reflected, the fee increase was to back up its processing reduction agenda that starts on April 30, 2004. To implement this agenda, the USCIS issued a memorandum to the Service Centers on March 31, 2004 giving the Service Centers a window period of 30 days to launch the "concurrent adjudication" of concurrently filed I-140/I-485 package. Accordingly, the Service Centers will start the concurrent "adjudication" of "concurrently filed I-140/I-485 cases" from April 30, 2004. The Nebraska Service Center has already disclosed that in preparation for this change, the NSC already moved the I-140 proceesing unit to I-485 adjudication unit in March 2004. It appears from the USCIS HQ memorandum that such action has also been taken by other Service Centers by now.
* Obviously, the concurrent adjudication appears to start with the new I-140/I-485 concurrent filing cases which are received on or after April 30, 2004, even though the concurrent adjudication may reach old cases in the "unknown future." It is thus evident that those who wish to benefit from the new concurrent I-140/I-485 adjudication may hold off filing of the concurrent I-140/I-485 package until after April 29, 2004 such that they pay the new filing fees and file the cases on or after April 30, 2004. The increased fees are minimal considering the enormous benefit they will receive from the "concurrent adjudication" of I-140/I-485 filing. You'd betcha, it will be worth the money!!!
* Under the concurrent adjudication rule, I-140 and I-485 are required to stay together within the Service Centers. Currently, the concurrently filed I-140 and I-485 are split into the two different teams for separate adjudications. When it comes to the "processing times," each Service Center is required to process within their I-140 processing schedule and time. For this processing times to work, it appears that the Service Centers may initiate fingerprinting and name check clearance procedure immediately upon receiving the concurrent I-140/I-485 package. Under the Memorandum, actual adjudication will commence with a given file which received fingerprint and name check clearance completed. In other words, those cases which received such clearance will be stacked on adjudication-ready shelves which will then be assigned to the adjudicators for adjudication.
* The concurrent adjudication is limited to the concurrent filing cases. Consequently those who file I-140 alone for the consular processing or I-485 application separately from the I-140 petition will not be able to enjoy the concurrent adjudication of I-140 petition and I-485 application. Once the concurrent adjudication is in place, immigrants will have to reassess their strategies to go for consular processing over I-485 application, since the consular immigrant visa processing can take longer than I-485 application because of the rule of concurrent adjudication. Those who file I-140 petition alone may have to anticipate some delays in adjudication of their I-140 petitions.
* This concurrent I-140/I-485 adjudication move appears to be separate from the pilot 75-day or 90-day adjudication program of concurrently filed I-140/I-485 and I-130/I-485 packets at the CSC and Dallas District Office beginning from May 2004. It is obvious, though, that eventually all the concurrent adjudication cases will follow the path of these pilot program down the road, albeit not immediately. HOLD YOUR BREATH!
Is my case going to regional now?

Under my case ( Florida) is written:

4/20/2004 - Letter Acknowledging Transmission
4/20/2004 - Case Ready to be Included in Batch
12/9/2003 - Letter Acknowledging Receipt of Application by …

They updated the site few hours ago, this means that the state step is finished and my case is going to Atlanta regional?

Is my case going to regional now?


Can you please post from where did you get this information.

Like you said :

"They updated the site few hours ago, this means that the state step is finished and my case is going to Atlanta regional they".

Just want to know which site you are talking about.

Re: Good news to share

The link was not working.Here is the
"" complete link

Originally posted by GAROL
I read the below info from the other forum and I confirmed with my attoney that they have up to 30 days to implement that plan. I see the hope and I am holding my I-140/I-485 and file after April 30, 2004.

Good luck to you all.


04/17/2004: Filing Fee Increase in Time for Launch of "Concurrent I-140/I-485 Adjudications" on 04/30/2004!

* We reported earlier that the OMB received the fee increase final rule from the USCIS on March 29, 2004 for its review. OMB review normally takes upto 90 days. But unbeknownst to the public, the USCIS had certain agenda of launching the petition/adjudication processing reduction program beginning from April 30, 2004 and to meet such agenda OMB completed the review on April 12, 2004 and the final rule was published by the USCIS on April 15, 2004 on an emergency review basis. Under the final rule, the fee will go up from April 30, 2004.
* As the final rule and the USCIS announcement reflected, the fee increase was to back up its processing reduction agenda that starts on April 30, 2004. To implement this agenda, the USCIS issued a memorandum to the Service Centers on March 31, 2004 giving the Service Centers a window period of 30 days to launch the "concurrent adjudication" of concurrently filed I-140/I-485 package. Accordingly, the Service Centers will start the concurrent "adjudication" of "concurrently filed I-140/I-485 cases" from April 30, 2004. The Nebraska Service Center has already disclosed that in preparation for this change, the NSC already moved the I-140 proceesing unit to I-485 adjudication unit in March 2004. It appears from the USCIS HQ memorandum that such action has also been taken by other Service Centers by now.
* Obviously, the concurrent adjudication appears to start with the new I-140/I-485 concurrent filing cases which are received on or after April 30, 2004, even though the concurrent adjudication may reach old cases in the "unknown future." It is thus evident that those who wish to benefit from the new concurrent I-140/I-485 adjudication may hold off filing of the concurrent I-140/I-485 package until after April 29, 2004 such that they pay the new filing fees and file the cases on or after April 30, 2004. The increased fees are minimal considering the enormous benefit they will receive from the "concurrent adjudication" of I-140/I-485 filing. You'd betcha, it will be worth the money!!!
* Under the concurrent adjudication rule, I-140 and I-485 are required to stay together within the Service Centers. Currently, the concurrently filed I-140 and I-485 are split into the two different teams for separate adjudications. When it comes to the "processing times," each Service Center is required to process within their I-140 processing schedule and time. For this processing times to work, it appears that the Service Centers may initiate fingerprinting and name check clearance procedure immediately upon receiving the concurrent I-140/I-485 package. Under the Memorandum, actual adjudication will commence with a given file which received fingerprint and name check clearance completed. In other words, those cases which received such clearance will be stacked on adjudication-ready shelves which will then be assigned to the adjudicators for adjudication.
* The concurrent adjudication is limited to the concurrent filing cases. Consequently those who file I-140 alone for the consular processing or I-485 application separately from the I-140 petition will not be able to enjoy the concurrent adjudication of I-140 petition and I-485 application. Once the concurrent adjudication is in place, immigrants will have to reassess their strategies to go for consular processing over I-485 application, since the consular immigrant visa processing can take longer than I-485 application because of the rule of concurrent adjudication. Those who file I-140 petition alone may have to anticipate some delays in adjudication of their I-140 petitions.
* This concurrent I-140/I-485 adjudication move appears to be separate from the pilot 75-day or 90-day adjudication program of concurrently filed I-140/I-485 and I-130/I-485 packets at the CSC and Dallas District Office beginning from May 2004. It is obvious, though, that eventually all the concurrent adjudication cases will follow the path of these pilot program down the road, albeit not immediately. HOLD YOUR BREATH!

The pasted link in your post does not work.

Do you have another link....

By the way, thank you for posting the info...It is really a great information.
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