Anyone with a lawsuit against USCIS or thinking about a lawsuit (Merged)

Finally my I485 got approved. AUSA asked me to dismiss the WOM complaint. She drafted a short letter. Can anyone comment on the draft letter? Should I just sign the letter and send it back to the Court? Do I need to do anything else to defend my interest? Thank you. Good luck to all who are fighting with USCIS.

Stipulation of Dismissal

It is hereby stipulated that this action be dismissed with prejudice, each party to bear its own costs and attorney's fees.

Respectfully submitted,

Explain AUSA that the action cannot be dismissed with prejudice if the was no court ruling. Ask to change it to "without prejudice". Or you can simply file a notice of voluntary dismissal according to rule 41 of FRCP. You do not need AUSA's consent/involvment to do that.
Lazycis and Other,

In the summons it is mentioned that “an answer to the complaint which is served on you with this summon, with XX days after ther service of the summons on you.” Normally those XX days are 60 days but can I change to 30 days OR this is something we need to ask with the clerk of court. Please advice….

It's 60 days by FRCP, but the judge may require an answer to be filed earlier. You can change it, but it will have no effect without judge's ruling.

Court Cites USCIS and FBI “Business Plan” as Evidence Name Check will be Completed
In a pre-interview naturalization delay mandamus action, a district court relied on assurances made by USCIS and the FBI in the National Name Check Program Business Plan (“The Business Plan”). The plaintiff has not yet had a naturalization interview because the name check is not complete. The Business Plan, agreed to and signed by USCIS and the FBI in March 2008, was designed to eliminate USCIS name check requests that had been pending for extended periods of time and speed processing in the future. nter alia, the Business Plan indicated that July 2008 was the target date for processing USCIS name check requests that had been pending for over two years. Defendants cited the Business Plan in their pleadings and stated that because plaintiff’s naturalization application will have been pending for more than two years by July 31, 2008, the FBI “will work to complete Plaintiff’s FBI name check no later than July 31, 2008.” Based on these assurances, the court found it unnecessary to determine whether USCIS was required to schedule an interview absent a completed FBI name check. The court stayed the case until December 1, 2008. The case is Cherenkov v. Mukasey, No. 08-376 (W.D. Wash. filed Mar. 5, 2008).

What if the Business plan fails to meet its goal, what happen to the plaintiff
Primary received plastic card (GC) but spouse got RFE and code 1 FP

Glad to report that I have received the physical card on the 30 days from filing the WOM. As for my wife, she received a finger printing notice (code 1) (although she had done her code 3 FP appointment in early 2007 ) and the RFE.
Little background may help you understand why the RFE may have been issued:
The birth certificate that we submitted for my wife didn't bear the name of her mother (an omission on the part of issuing authorities and we never noticed). The marriage certificate we submitted was in the native language with a separate English translation certified by the Ministry of foreign affairs from home country but bride and groom didn't sign it the translated copy.

Please give me your input as soon as possible because the deadline for response to reach USCIS is end of current month(Aug.).

I'm typing the contents of RFE below.
The documentation submitted is not sufficient to warrant a favorable decision on your application/petition

See attachment for details(the attachment is the second page)

Your case is pending in being held in this office pending your response. Within this period, you may:
  1. Submit all of the Evidence requested;
  2. Submit some or none of the evidence requested and ask for a decision based upon the record, or;
  3. Withdraw the application or petition(It is noted that if you withdraw the application, filing fee can't be returned).
You must submit all of the evidence at one time. Submission of only part of the evidence will be considered a request for the decision based upon record. No extension of the period allowed to submit evidence will be granted. If the evidence submitted doesn't establish that your case wasn't approvable at the time it was filed, it can be denied.

If you do not response to this request within the time allowed, your case will be considered abandoned or denied. Evidence received in this office after the due date may not be considered.

The attachments contains following:

  1. Submit evidence that your present marriage to <<primary applicant>> is bona fide. This evidence may be in the form of birth certificates for common children, documentary evidence of join residence and/or ownership of property, join income tax returns, join financial accounts, spousal insurance coverage and other such documentation. If you fail to submit any evidence or if you submit insufficient evidence, your application may be considered for denial
  2. Please submit the oldest available evidence that establishes your birth and parentage. The names of both parents and child are needed. The evidence may include but is not limited to:
    • Hospital birth records which name the child and both parents.
    • Medical records which name the child and both parents.
    • School Records which name the child and both parents.
    • Census Records which name the child and both parents.
    • Religious records in the form of a certificate under the seal of the organization where the baptism,dedication, presentation or comparable rite occurred following the birth, showing the date and place of child's birth, the date of the religious ceremony and the names of the child's parents.

My questions are:

1. Do I need to submit all the acceptable documents from the list provided in the RFE to prove the bona fide marriage and birth record requirements or one or more will do?

Bona Fide Marriage:
1. I can get join account bank statements, our child' birht certificate with both of our names are parents on it and join tax returns. Is that enough?

a. I am not receiving paper statements so I can take a printout of bank statement and get it notarized by the issuing bank. That should work, right?
b. I filed taxes electronically, so again notarizing it should do?

Proof of Wife's Birth with names of both parents

1. I can get a copy of birth certificate for her with her mother name added? This is going to look exactly like the one submitted with her AOS application except this time it will have her mother's name in addition to her father's name already noted on the birth certificate.

2. Should I also get an affidavit from her parents stating essentially her DOB, place of birth and names of both parents of course?

3. The school records (certificates) that she has only contain her father's name, this doesn't satisfy the requirement of containing both parent's names? I guess shouldn't hurt to submit but may not be considered for lack of mother's name on it?

4. I can't get census, religious records or hospital records.

Sorry about the long message but I just wanted to give you the whole picture.
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This is certainly a great news for 1447(b)s in first circuit in particular and for all others in general. Here's a link to LEXIS version. The Judge Nancy Gertner who ruled on Aronov v. Chertoff in the district court, is good for AOS WOMers and Natz cases. She ruled the much quoted Tang v. Chertoff, 493 F. Supp. 2d 148 (D. Mass. 2007)
On August 1, the US Court of Appeals for the First Circuit had issued a decision in Aronov v. Chertoff et al, case No. 07-1588.

The Court of Appeals upheld the lower court decision (by a US District Judge Nancy Gertner) that awarded attorney's fees to a plaintiff in 1447(b) natz case.

However, what might turn out to be more important, the Court had opined that the name check is not a statutory requirement for naturalization, and therefore cannot serve as a justification for delays in processing natz applications:

// There is nothing in the language of 8 U.S.C. 1446(a) or the 1998 Appropriations Act that requires USCIS to include the NNCP in the naturalization process. Neither provision cited by the government states explicitly that an FBI name check is required, let alone a name check that includes an evaluation of all FBI reference files in addition to the main files. Section 1446(a) requires only that a "personal investigation" be conducted prior to allowing an individual to be naturalized, while the 1998 appropriations bill limits funds to the USCIS to complete adjudication of a naturalization application until the agency has received FBI confirmation that a "full criminal background check" has been completed. There is no specification in the bill beyond this phrase. It is entirely plausible -- indeed likely -- that the language used by Congress in the 1998 appropriations bill referred to the FBI's criminal history check, which is an established, preliminary step taken in the naturalization process, rather than the FBI name check.

Importantly, the FBI name check program had already been in place for decades at the time the statutes relied upon by the government were enacted. If Congress intended to mandate that the USCIS commission FBI name checks before granting naturalization applications, it could have explicitly referenced such checks. See, e.g., United States v. Cabrera, 208 F.3d 309, 314 (1st Cir. 2000) (examining Congress's other textual options in interpreting the statutory language at issue). Other than an unpersuasive reliance on the text of the statutes, the government has not identified any evidence that Congress intended to require the FBI name checks.

Indeed, USCIS did not even begin requiring the full, comprehensive FBI name checks until 2002, years after passage of the applicable statutes. That fact confirms that the comprehensive name checks were a result of a policy change within the agency after the September 11, 2001 attacks rather than a congressional mandate.

In sum, the statutes cited by the government did not require USCIS to commission FBI name checks -- let alone comprehensive ones -- before adjudicating a naturalization application. Therefore, the "mandated by statute" rationale fails as a substantial justification for the agency's delays in adjudicating Aronov's application.//

I see this decision as decidedly good news, especially for WOM'ers who reside in the First District.

Here is the link to the full text of the decision:

for marriage - get a copy of child's birth certificate and transcript of your most recent federal return from irs (it's free and it's an official doc),,id=110571,00.html
If you have a title of ownership with both names, send a photocopy.
They love photos, send some pictures to prove that you live together with your spouse :)

for proof of birth - birth certificate with both parents' names will do.

You do not have to submit everything they ask for.
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Great. Thanks lazycis for your response. The IRS transcripts seems to be taking two weeks (according to IRS website) but I will request them anyway and if I don't receive them well in time, I will submit notarized copies of my electronic filing along with explanation that I have requested official transcripts but haven't received them in time to meet the the RFE deadline.

Also do you think I should add an affidavit stating that the information is correct to the best of my knowledge. I'm a permanent US resident now after all :) or may be it's unnecessary?


for marriage - get a copy of child's birth certificate and transcripts of your most recent federal return from irs (it's free and it's an official doc),,id=110571,00.html
If you have a title of ownership with both names, send a photocopy.
They love photos, send some pictures to prove that you live together with your spouse :)

for proof of birth - birth certificate with both parants' names will do.

You do not have to submit everything they ask for.
Hi lazycis et al,
I have asked earlier in the forum about what to do with my pending Complaint as it relates to spouse's AOS here

What do you think? Should I just sit tight and wait it out? AUSA's deadline to response is Sep. 08. 2008 but she hasn't contacted me yet. May be after I submit all the docs and have FP appointment done, her AOS will be approved so may not have to bother adding her as a plaintiff or amend the prayer in the Complaint?
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The IRS transcripts are free but the tax returns are not. I think it's sufficient to to get the transcripts and I have personal copies of the tax returns that I filed electronically that I can use.

Should I need to attach the copies of W2s as well with my returns?

By the way, the request for IRS transcripts can be made via mail, phone (1-800-829-1040) or fax. I will will do it by fax so will have a proof.

for marriage - get a copy of child's birth certificate and transcript of your most recent federal return from irs (it's free and it's an official doc),,id=110571,00.html
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The IRS transcripts are free but the tax returns are not. I think it's sufficient to to get the transcripts and I have personal copies of the tax returns that I filed electronically that I can use.

Should I need to attach the copies of W2s as well with my returns?

By the way, the request for IRS transcripts can be made via mail, phone (1-800-829-1040) or fax. I will will do it by fax so will have a proof.

Transcripts should be enough. I personally would send only a tax account transcript to USCIS due to the privacy issues. All they should care about is your marriage status.
Hi lazycis et al,
I have asked earlier in the forum about what to do with my pending Complaint as it relates to spouse's AOS here

What do you think? Should I just sit tight and wait it out? AUSA's deadline to response is Sep. 08. 2008 but she hasn't contacted me yet. May be after I submit all the docs and have FP appointment done, her AOS will be approved so may not have to bother adding her as a plaintiff or amend the prayer in the Complaint?

It is going to be difficult to win a case because your wife has a pending RFE. I would just wait on AUSA to make a move.

I have been getting emails from the court regarding documents filing but having issues in opening the document. Whenever I click on the document number link, it opens up PACER/ECF window asking for username/password. After entering my username/password, I get error message "You do not have permission to view this document". Any idea, who to contact?

I agree. So the 6(B) should be the only box checked? Please have a look at the attached sample. I that the right selection?

What concerned me was the time it may take if I go for Account Transcript. I don't have that much time. The form says for Account Transcript: "..Most requests will be processed within 30 calendar days"

But for Return Transcript, it says "Most requests will be processed within 10 business days"

Transcripts should be enough. I personally would send only a tax account transcript to USCIS due to the privacy issues. All they should care about is your marriage status.
Today I got an email with docket text as "Case Assigned to Magistrate Judge xxxx for all discovery matters". I could not open the document because of permission issues. Is this good or bad?
Have you been granted permission to to efile? Did court set you up to electronically file documents with the court? PACER and ECF are two different systems. PACER is a general account that anyone can get online but to be able to file documents with a particular court, you need to be registered with the court. Have you done that? If you have, then you can contact court's ECF/PACER support person.

I would call PACER support and tell them that you are hacing issues with court's ECF system. They can give you phone number of local contact person at your court when you give them your state or court name. I used to get the same error message and still do because after I registered online on the court's website, court hasn't sent me any notification that I am registered. But then my AOS got approved so I didn't bother too much about it.

Seems like some courts set up your case in such a way that only counsel on record can view the actual docs although anyone can see the Docket events( or may be summary text of what the filing is about). Until you are recognized by ECF as counsel on record, you may continue having these issues. This is done to protect your privacy.

Start with PACER customer service, get to court's PACER or ECF customer service and see if they are able to sort it out.

I have been getting emails from the court regarding documents filing but having issues in opening the document. Whenever I click on the document number link, it opens up PACER/ECF window asking for username/password. After entering my username/password, I get error message "You do not have permission to view this document". Any idea, who to contact?

Assignment of the Magistrate is not a bad sign. By the way, was Magistrate assigned to you initially when you filed the case? Or a district Judge was initially assigned and later reassigned to Magistrate?

Permission issues are procedural in nature and have no bearing on your case, of course.

I'm not sure if Magistrate in this case is only going to handle any possible discovery requests only.

Today I got an email with docket text as "Case Assigned to Magistrate Judge xxxx for all discovery matters". I could not open the document because of permission issues. Is this good or bad?
Have you been granted permission to to efile? Did court set you up to electronically file documents with the court? PACER and ECF are two different systems. PACER is a general account that anyone can get online but to be able to file documents with a particular court, you need to be registered with the court. Have you done that? If you have, then you can contact court's ECF/PACER support person.

I would call PACER support and tell them that you are hacing issues with court's ECF system. They can give you phone number of local contact person at your court when you give them your state or court name. I used to get the same error message and still do because after I registered online on the court's website, court hasn't sent me any notification that I am registered. But then my AOS got approved so I didn't bother too much about it.

Seems like some courts set up your case in such a way that only counsel on record can view the actual docs although anyone can see the Docket events( or may be summary text of what the filing is about). Until you are recognized by ECF as counsel on record, you may continue having these issues. This is done to protect your privacy.

Start with PACER customer service, get to court's PACER or ECF customer service and see if they are able to sort it out.


Thanks for your reply. I filed motion for efile but have not heard anything from court after that. I have been getting these email from the day I filed case but have been able to open the document only once.

I agree. So the 6(B) should be the only box checked? Please have a look at the attached sample. I that the right selection?

What concerned me was the time it may take if I go for Account Transcript. I don't have that much time. The form says for Account Transcript: "..Most requests will be processed within 30 calendar days"

But for Return Transcript, it says "Most requests will be processed within 10 business days"

I see... Time is critical for you so you have to request return transcripts and hope that USCIS won't misuse/lose your file. Or you can send two separate requests and see if you get account transcripts before you send a response to RFE.
Sounds good. On similar theme, I don't want to send my detailed bank statement but just the fact that we hold a joint account, so I will ask the branch to write me a letter stating that we hold a join account with title XYZ etc and may be just attach the very first page of the usual bank statement that has (at least in my case) just the name of the account holders, their address and account number but no transaction information.
I see... Time is critical for you so you have to request return transcripts and hope that USCIS won't misuse/lose your file. Or you can send two separate requests and see if you get account transcripts before you send a response to RFE.