Anyone file PERM today?

Bystander6 said:
The job title is Director of Assessment and Program Evalution in Pierce County Washington State.


Can you answer following, it might help to find the cause.
1. Was it denied immediately, like with in hours or it took days?
2. Did it ever go to any of the status like sponsorship, audit review etc?
3. All applications denied were for you only or was for few of employees?
4. How many PERM application filled?
5. If possible, ONET code because I did not find exact matching ONET code for Director of Assessment and Program Evalution

You can try using H-12 = No, because people have filled multiple applications after initial denial without waiting for reason letter from DOL.
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dsugandhi said:

Can you answer following, it might help to find the cause.
1. Was it denied immediately, like with in hours or it took days?

Yes, all were denied immediately within an hour.

2. Did it ever go to any of the status like sponsorship, audit review etc?

No, none of them.

3. All applications denied were for you only or was for few of employees?

I am the only one filed for PERM. No others.

4. How many PERM application filled?


5. If possible, ONET code because I did not find exact matching ONET code for Director of Assessment and Program Evalution

ONET code: 13-1111 (recommended by SWA officer) Level 3.

You can try using H-12 = No, because people have filled multiple applications after initial denial without waiting for reason letter from DOL.
Anyone Received Hard Copy?

Hi ! Has Anyone Received Certified Approval Copy From Atlanta Perm Office.

Few more
1. Did you file the application or your employer filled the application? As per PERM regulation, you can not file the application but an employer or legal representative of employer can only file.
2. How about employer address? As per PERM regulation, You can not have PO Box etc in employer address.

As your cases denied immediately, I don't think H12=YES caused the issue. You might have to read PERM guideline and PERM related FAQs to exactly find the issue. I have some of them, please send me your email address and I will send you as much information as I can.
This is not a software or computer or developer position. It is director position and job requirements of MS + 3 or Ph.D. + 1 should not have exceeded the industry norm. To me, it sounds like the job requirements can be around MS + 5 or more because it is a director designation. So you can anser H12 - No. Job

Bystander6 said:
The job title is Director of Assessment and Program Evalution in Pierce County Washington State.
Talk to your attorney.
PLease Help!!!...

Hi All,
I am confused and tense... My company lawyer is saying the PERM cases are getting denied. and he wants to wait till the glitches are removed from the PERM process. Is he guiding me in the right direction or is my time is be wasted. How is your experience with the PERM process? Should I look in for another lawyer to do my labor.
GUYS....Pleaseeeeee do reply...
Thanks In advance...
Anil. :confused:
LC_DEC said:
Hi ! Has Anyone Received Certified Approval Copy From Atlanta Perm Office.

Hi LD_DEC, as you know I am stilllllll waiting from July 1st. Once I called help desk they said it is already sent to dispatch. God know where did they disptached.

Did you ever tried calling Help desk for approval notice.
He is right that there are glitches but still people are getting approvals percentage may be less. If you already have one in BEC and looking to convert, wait a little.
jobhunt158 said:
Hi All,
I am confused and tense... My company lawyer is saying the PERM cases are getting denied. and he wants to wait till the glitches are removed from the PERM process. Is he guiding me in the right direction or is my time is be wasted. How is your experience with the PERM process? Should I look in for another lawyer to do my labor.
GUYS....Pleaseeeeee do reply...
Thanks In advance...
Anil. :confused:
knowDOL said:
He is right that there are glitches but still people are getting approvals percentage may be less. If you already have one in BEC and looking to convert, wait a little.
Anyone knows what's the percetage of approval under PERM? How long should we wait before converting?
to perm_2010/lc_dec

Whats the phone number for Atlanta PERM help desk.
I am trying to call them As i havent received the certified copy too.

Director of Assessment and Program evaluation

Bystander6 said:
The job title is Director of Assessment and Program Evalution in Pierce County Washington State.

What info do you give?
Level 3 , 13-1111
WA, Pierce County

This information leads to a job position of "Management Analyst". (May be Job title Director. does not matter)

Level 3 position, salary is just $ 62, 525/ Year.

Your job requires just 4 years of BS education not even MS qualification.

Same job category other zone not even requires a BS degree simply (AA)Associate degree with 2 yrs exp.
Requirement of Ph.D is totally ruled out.
Who put this job advt, employer or you or attorney?

Now you know , the reason for rejection.

If any change in your information given, let me know.
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perm filed in May

Hello, everybody, My perm filed in May. It went into final review quickly. Now it has way passed 60 days, it is still in final review. Mine was in Atlanta center. I have known that the not certified ones were all in Chicago center. Do you guys think it is possible that my attorney made a mistake and filed mine in chicagp? how can I know this? I have called the Atlanta processing center for a few times but it was all the time a voice machine. I left a message. Nobody has called me back so far. Any suggestions what should I do?
Do you have case number ?
If your case number starts with C then its Chicago if it starts with A then its Atlanta.

perm140485 said:
Hello, everybody, My perm filed in May. It went into final review quickly. Now it has way passed 60 days, it is still in final review. Mine was in Atlanta center. I have known that the not certified ones were all in Chicago center. Do you guys think it is possible that my attorney made a mistake and filed mine in chicagp? how can I know this? I have called the Atlanta processing center for a few times but it was all the time a voice machine. I left a message. Nobody has called me back so far. Any suggestions what should I do?
dsugandhi said:

Few more
1. Did you file the application or your employer filled the application? As per PERM regulation, you can not file the application but an employer or legal representative of employer can only file.

2. How about employer address? As per PERM regulation, You can not have PO Box etc in employer address.

As your cases denied immediately, I don't think H12=YES caused the issue. You might have to read PERM guideline and PERM related FAQs to exactly find the issue. I have some of them, please send me your email address and I will send you as much information as I can.

Today, my employer changed H.12 to No and H.10 to Yes and it went through. My employer filed for me and we used physical address.

Thanks for all those who were trying to help me.
CAll help desk

GC_Reform said:
Do you have case number ?
If your case number starts with C then its Chicago if it starts with A then its Atlanta.

Thanks a lot!

Has any of you tried to call Atlanta help desk? If yes, were you able to get hold of any human help? I have made a few phone calls but there was only a voice mail. After leaving messages, nobody had called back.
PERM denied since 6th Jun


My application was denied as soon as it was filed on June 6th, 2005. Ever since then the status has not been updated, nor has my employer received any update/notification from DOL.

Is anyone on the same boat?
is there enough time for me?

Hi Folks,

My 6 years on H1 expire on 30th Sept 2006.

I am starting a new job on 1st Aug 2005 ( next month) and my new employer is willing tp file my GC through PERM.

Is there sufficinet time for to file for my GC - before the last 365 days of my H1 start -

Thanks in advance!
Very simply - probably not - you need at least 60 days and that's exactly what you have altogether from your start date. Unless your new employer starts recruiting the very day you get hired (they never do)....or better yet - get them to start recruiting slightly before you join (they even less do that).

The best is to start ASAP and should you run into the need to extend, leave the US for a vacation and catch-up the time you need (hopefully only a couple of weeks). Most probably you'll not even need to extend. I have 7 months left on H-1B (was conveniently laid off just after the 365 days had started) and we are trying to get an EAD in that time.

gcmail said:
Hi Folks,

My 6 years on H1 expire on 30th Sept 2006.

I am starting a new job on 1st Aug 2005 ( next month) and my new employer is willing tp file my GC through PERM.

Is there sufficinet time for to file for my GC - before the last 365 days of my H1 start -

Thanks in advance!
Hi, GC_Reform,

how is your case? my case has been sponsorship forever. I think all the status messed u think so?

GC_Reform said:
Do you have case number ?
If your case number starts with C then its Chicago if it starts with A then its Atlanta.