Any May filers around?

MagdaJ, thanks for the feedback on the RFE response letter and "the nice words" (must be a polish expression? :p ... but we say that too in German, I think).

Don't wish me the IL too fast because I'll go on a three week vacation here pretty soon ... although it might actually be better if it arrives when my mail is on hold at the post office, because our mail man sometimes doesn't sort mail correctly. So yes, if the IL arrives some time in the middle of my vacation for a date that's a couple weeks out, it would be perfect!

Congrats on the AP and EAD, Tommy_Chicago and congrats to becoming an LPR to myredskins! I guess Praetorian is leaving on his honeymoon just as all the action starts happening here! Who will be the designated updater for the May filers list that he started?
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Tommy Chicago Volunteered a while ago, so here is the code for the List:

[U][COLOR=Red][B]Handle[/B] --------------- [B]AOS ND[/B] ---- [B]AOS ID[/B] ---------- [B]Result[/B] ---- [B]Interview Link[/B][/COLOR][/U]
[B]Mishumishu[/B] ---------- May 16 ----- [B]Jul 17[/B] ---------- [B]Approved[/B] ----- [URL=""]Here[/URL]
[B]shinkansen[/B] ----------- May 02 -----  [B]Jul 26[/B] ---------- Pending
[B]PraetorianXI[/B] --------- May 08 ----- [B]Aug 07[/B] --------- Pending
[B]mpanati[/B] -------------- May 10 ----- [B]Aug 07[/B] ---------- Pending
[B]mamtashok[/B] ---------- May 08 ----- [B]Aug 09[/B] ---------- Pending
[B]IrishDMBF[/B] ----------- May 22 ------ [B]Aug 13[/B] ---------- Pending
[B]leleth[/B] ----------------- May 10 ----- [B]Aug 20[/B] ---------- Pending
[B]ktrueson[/B] ------------ May 02 ------ [B]Aug 22[/B] --------- Pending
[B]nehasharma[/B] -------- May 21 ------ [B]Aug 24[/B] --------- Pending
[B]adom.2007[/B] ---------- May 14 ----- [B]Aug 27[/B] ---------- Pending
[B]alsteg[/B] ---------------- May 24 ----- [B]Aug 29[/B] --------- Pending
[B]Tommy_Chicago[/B] --- May 07 ----- [B]Sep 06[/B] ---------- Pending
[B]Luci_merlion[/B] -------- May 21 ----- [B]Sep 10[/B] ---------- Pending
[B]Tairaesias[/B] ----------- May 07 ----- [B]Sep 12[/B] --------- Pending
[B]k.ambrose[/B] ----------- Jun 01 ----- [B]Sep 12[/B] --------- Pending 
[B]dee2006[/B] ------------- May 14 ----- [B]Sep 13[/B] --------- Pending
[B]MagdaJ[/B] -------------- Jun 01 ------ [B]Sep 17[/B] --------- Pending
[B]simsim31[/B] ------------ May 25 ----- [B]Sep 18[/B] -------- Pending
[B]roshlimbo[/B] ------------ May 11 ----- [B]Oct 9[/B] ---------- Pending

Anyways, Congrats to MyRedskins and Tommy.

I am leaving pretty early tomorrow, so this is a farewell, see you soon...

I will be here (home) on the 7th around 1 AM (Only 11 hours away from my interview :eek:!) So pray I will make it :)

Take care guys and Wish you all the best (even though the next one on the line for interviews is me!)
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Praetorian, I wish you all the best too! We leave for our vacation on Aug. 9 so I suppose we have 2 days overlap so I get to enjoy reading your interview experience and looking at your Caribbean pix. :)p ) Enjoy your honeymoon!
My experience is pretty close to Redskins.
We had our interview today. Got to the DO 30minutes before our appointment at 10am. We went through security and did all the normal good stuff (waiting to be called).
I actually started getting nervous at some point that thing smight not go very well.Eventually, my wife and I got called by an office whom i believ to be chinese. She was very very formal, no niceties. Got down to business straight and made us swear our oath. Then the questions began.
She started with my wife, and siad we were not to answer any questions for each other.

Questions she asked
1. Where you ever married?
2. Was you husband previously married?
3. Do you have any kids outside of this marraige?
4. Does your Husband Have anykids outside of this maraige?
5. Where did you meet your Husband and when?
6. How were you communicating (I had copies of emails, and telephone bills)
7. What was his phone number (this was strange, but y advice is dont lie, just say the truth - My wife said she didnt know it because it was stored on her phone, and besides, i havent used that number since i moved to the US last year)
8. What was his address?
9. What does he do?
10. His fathers' name?
11. Hs mothers' name?
12. How many siblings does he have?

Then she turned to me and asked the same questions, but when she got to my wifes' siblings, she told me to say their ages.

All this while, i think she had already made up her mind and was just going through the motions, because she had taken the I-94 from my passport and perforated it, but i wasnt sure, I tried to read her expressions to see if i would see elements of dissapproval or otherwise, but I might as well have been staring at a blank wall, she was very professional.
Then she went on to ask for any further documents to butress our relationship. We gave her joint accoount, Joint car lease, bills showing address, and pictures. Old correspondence emails dating back 3yrs to prove we have known eachother a long time. When she got to the pictures, she just asked to keep one or two random ones.

She went on to ask the usual, terrorism affiliation questions, if i have ever been arrested, deported etc etc.

When she was done, she told me i should go and come back in 1hr for my decision (but she didnt return my passport to me).

The 1hr wait was one of my most excruciating waits as fas as i can remember. because she didnt tell me if i was approved or not.
After one 1hr, I get called to the window to pick my passport up, and when I got there, IT WAS STAMPED!!! and ws told to be expecting my card in the mail. (I guess I passed the name check).

Now, my only gripe is that I didnt process the EAD. I got my EAD last week Thursday, and now I have my Stamped passport. :mad: :mad: . I was told I could shred it if i wanted to.
Congrats Alkebulan, second May filer to get GC approved, let's keep the approvals coming!

Handle --------------- AOS ND ---- AOS ID ---------- Result ---- Interview Link
Mishumishu ---------- May 16 ----- Jul 17 ---------- Approved ----- Here
Alkebulan ------------ May 08 ------ Jul 25 --------- Approved ----- Here
shinkansen ----------- May 02 ----- Jul 26 ---------- Pending
PraetorianXI --------- May 08 ----- Aug 07 --------- Pending
mpanati -------------- May 10 ----- Aug 07 ---------- Pending
mamtashok ---------- May 08 ----- Aug 09 ---------- Pending
IrishDMBF ----------- May 22 ------ Aug 13 ---------- Pending
leleth ----------------- May 10 ----- Aug 20 ---------- Pending
ktrueson ------------ May 02 ------ Aug 22 --------- Pending
nehasharma -------- May 21 ------ Aug 24 --------- Pending
adom.2007 ---------- May 14 ----- Aug 27 ---------- Pending
alsteg ---------------- May 24 ----- Aug 29 --------- Pending
Tommy_Chicago --- May 07 ----- Sep 06 ---------- Pending
Luci_merlion -------- May 21 ----- Sep 10 ---------- Pending
Tairaesias ----------- May 07 ----- Sep 12 --------- Pending
k.ambrose ----------- Jun 01 ----- Sep 12 --------- Pending
dee2006 ------------- May 14 ----- Sep 13 --------- Pending
MagdaJ -------------- Jun 01 ------ Sep 17 --------- Pending
simsim31 ------------ May 25 ----- Sep 18 -------- Pending
roshlimbo ------------ May 11 ----- Oct 9 ---------- Pending
Congratulations to our new Permanent Residents - Myredskins and Alkebulan!! And thank you for sharing with us your interview experiences!

Also congrats to Tommy_Chicago for the approval of EAD and AP!
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Has been great to read the experiences of the two most recent people to get interviewed. I guess my wife and I are the next in line tomorrow. Feeling good about the interview after reading the last couple of posts on here... Fingers crossed!
Congrats to Alkebulan! :) and best wishs for shinkansen on your interview today. Remember:

(1) Don't lie
(2) Don't guess...."I don't know" or "I don't remember" are acceptable answers
(3) Don't volunteer any information not asked for
(4) Short and simple answers
(5) Relax

See you guys in 12 days. I am on my way to the airport. :cool:
I had my interview today at 11:30 am in Philadelphia.

11:15 Went through security then directed to the appropriate waiting room;

There were other couples, and I must say the office really looked busy as there were many IO’s. Well I assumed they were at the rate in which families being interviewed were going in and out.

Our chance came eventually and we were called in by a fine lady, whose first thing was to swear us in. She appeared like she wanted to laugh through some of the proceedings although she kept a serious look.

Some of the questions asked;

1. Where did you guys meet?
2. When did you guys meet?
3. How long have you known each other for?
4. Where were you married?

You know the background type of stuff, as she was trying to figure out the rapport between us. All this introductory stuff took say 3 minutes, and then she jumped into the usual terrorism questions that are on the I-485 form. To all of which I said NO.

She then asked for proof that we had lived/live together, and for that we presented:
1. A lease agreement;
2. Bank statements;
3. Insurance policies (auto & and health);
4. A retirement policy that has my wife as the 100% beneficiary in case I kick the bucket.

I think that was about it. We had all these cards on the table too that bore both our names, like the insurance, AAA stuff, and that kind of built her confidence in us. She then said you guys are approved, and you will receive your card in 2 weeks. I think it all took 20 minutes tops.

I asked for a stamp in my passport but she said they only give it when there is a proven need. Like she has no authority to give it, but her supervisor does. I already have my EAD card, so I thought I’d throw in the towel here.

Myredskins is now a US resident :), good luck to those still in the hunt!

My advice:
Take it easy, this process is not as monstrous as other people have made us believe. Your turn is coming, go get your green.

A BIG CONGRATULATIONS!:) :) I'm so glad it went well for you. Keeps my hopes up since we share the same DO. Enjoy your new phase of life as a LPR and do come back often to our thread.
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My experience is pretty close to Redskins.
We had our interview today. Got to the DO 30minutes before our appointment at 10am. We went through security and did all the normal good stuff (waiting to be called).
I actually started getting nervous at some point that thing smight not go very well.Eventually, my wife and I got called by an office whom i believ to be chinese. She was very very formal, no niceties. Got down to business straight and made us swear our oath. Then the questions began.
She started with my wife, and siad we were not to answer any questions for each other.

Questions she asked
1. Where you ever married?
2. Was you husband previously married?
3. Do you have any kids outside of this marraige?
4. Does your Husband Have anykids outside of this maraige?
5. Where did you meet your Husband and when?
6. How were you communicating (I had copies of emails, and telephone bills)
7. What was his phone number (this was strange, but y advice is dont lie, just say the truth - My wife said she didnt know it because it was stored on her phone, and besides, i havent used that number since i moved to the US last year)
8. What was his address?
9. What does he do?
10. His fathers' name?
11. Hs mothers' name?
12. How many siblings does he have?

Then she turned to me and asked the same questions, but when she got to my wifes' siblings, she told me to say their ages.

All this while, i think she had already made up her mind and was just going through the motions, because she had taken the I-94 from my passport and perforated it, but i wasnt sure, I tried to read her expressions to see if i would see elements of dissapproval or otherwise, but I might as well have been staring at a blank wall, she was very professional.
Then she went on to ask for any further documents to butress our relationship. We gave her joint accoount, Joint car lease, bills showing address, and pictures. Old correspondence emails dating back 3yrs to prove we have known eachother a long time. When she got to the pictures, she just asked to keep one or two random ones.

She went on to ask the usual, terrorism affiliation questions, if i have ever been arrested, deported etc etc.

When she was done, she told me i should go and come back in 1hr for my decision (but she didnt return my passport to me).

The 1hr wait was one of my most excruciating waits as fas as i can remember. because she didnt tell me if i was approved or not.
After one 1hr, I get called to the window to pick my passport up, and when I got there, IT WAS STAMPED!!! and ws told to be expecting my card in the mail. (I guess I passed the name check).

Now, my only gripe is that I didnt process the EAD. I got my EAD last week Thursday, and now I have my Stamped passport. :mad: :mad: . I was told I could shred it if i wanted to.

CONGRATULATIONS!!! :) :) I'm glad it all went so well for you. Thank you for the detailed post. Enjoy life and don't forget us here :)
Big congrats Alkebulan and Myredskins for your new status!

Congrats Tommy_chicago for your AP.......things are moving for us now :)

Shinkansen....all the best for your interview....will wait for your post!!
Hi Everyone Good News....

I131 approved within 30 Days and so is I765 take a look

On July 24, 2007, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I131 APPLICATION FOR USCIS TRAVEL DOCUMENT. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service.

On July 25, 2007, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I765 APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service. (This was approved on 7/13)
:D :D :D

Great news! Congrats,Tommy! :) BTW, when did you send it your I-131? It doesn't show on your signature.
A BIG CONGRATULATIONS!:) :) I'm so glad it went well for you. Keeps my hopes up since we share the same DO. Enjoy your new phase of life as a LPR and do come back often to our thread.

Thanks man for the congrats (and to everyone else on the forum). Well the next thing now is to wait for the actual thing to show up in the mail, or at least get some LUD's online. Something I can tell you though about the Philly Do is that it lookes really busy. So you will be in and out in no time. Just go prepared with a lot of financial papers that show that you guys are together.

All the best.
Post Interview;

Hey since your post approval period.. what have you recived from USCIS? Just curious... By the way did they give you back your Notice letter? They took mine, forgot to ask for it.. So i have no proof that I went to the interview.. when I come to think of it now!
They didnt give me back the letter. They kept it.
But my passport got stamped and the guy at the window told me it was as good as the card itself (but only for 1yr). Thats good enough for me. I am just going to let them do their thing. I am not even gong to check for any LUDs to see when my card is coming, I will expect it to be in the mail anytime from September.
:) :)

Thanks everyone for your comments. This board has been really helpfull. Just wished i had more time to contribute. But based on my experience, if i see a question that i have knowledge of, I wont hesitate to comment on it.