Any ideas or suggestions


Registered Users (C)
Got my GC employment based.
Applied for citizenship under 3 year rule (marriage based).
Ready to divorce; how and what affect on my application? Should I wait for this to complete before divorcing?
Got my GC employment based.
Applied for citizenship under 3 year rule (marriage based).
Ready to divorce; how and what affect on my application? Should I wait for this to complete before divorcing?

Since you applied under the 3 year rule, your N-400 will be denied if you get divorced while it's pending. If you can wait until the process is over, I highly suggest doing so.
Since you applied under the 3 year rule, your N-400 will be denied if you get divorced while it's pending. If you can wait until the process is over, I highly suggest doing so.

Yes, I can wait (as I'm the one filing for divorce) but at the cost of seeing face of that b.... everyday until then. It would be hard but I guess not any harder than waiting for N-400 process without any certain timeline
Yes, I can wait (as I'm the one filing for divorce) but at the cost of seeing face of that b.... everyday until then. It would be hard but I guess not any harder than waiting for N-400 process without any certain timeline

Also, remember that at the time of the oath you still have to be residing with your US citizen wife.
Any specific reason why you need to get citizenship fast (like bringing a parent to the US)? Otherwise, why not just wait 2 more years and apply under the 5 year rule, so you don't have to spend the next 6-12 months with a wife you don't like living with anymore? Or did you apply long ago, so you expect an interview much sooner than 6 months from now?
Any specific reason why you need to get citizenship fast (like bringing a parent to the US)? Otherwise, why not just wait 2 more years and apply under the 5 year rule, so you don't have to spend the next 6-12 months with a wife you don't like living with anymore?

Thanks for all the replies. If I hadn't already applied, I would gladly kick her out and wait another 2 years before applying. But I applied in Nov. last year and things weren't bad at that time (or at least I didn't know what was going on).
Worst comes, if I leave her now, will I be able to apply again when I hit 5 years?
BTW, outside the scope of this forum; she wants to work things out. Says that she had bad chat addiction and did things without realizing or knowing what she was doing (actually meeting people and so on.....). I'm at fault too as I cut off any communication with her in last 7-8 months and that's when her "addiction" got worst. She's willing to sign any papers or do anything to work things out.
Is that addiction part true? If by slightest chance (not likely) I decide to work it out, any steps I should take or get any papers signed? I own everything (house etc.) but of course she's entitled to 50% at this time no matter what. She's not working at the moment and we have 2 kids.
Thanks for all the replies. If I hadn't already applied, I would gladly kick her out and wait another 2 years before applying. But I applied in Nov. last year and things weren't bad at that time (or at least I didn't know what was going on).
Worst comes, if I leave her now, will I be able to apply again when I hit 5 years?
You can reapply at 5 years minus 90 days, or after. Which would be Nov. next year or sooner, assuming you followed the rules and had at least 3 years minus 90 days when you applied last November.
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If you want to save the marriage and you think there is a chance of successfully doing so, seek a marriage counselor to help both of you work through the problems ... not an anonymous web forum!
Reg the personal issue, working problems out is what a marriage is based on. There was a time you loved and chose to marry this person. Calling insulting names and hating is not the mature approach. Cutting off communication and isolating a person could have lead to bad "internet/chat relationships".

Trying to get back together will make you both better people.
A good friend of mine was in a similar situation. His wife became addicted to MySpace, met some guy from another state and ran off with him. Believe it or not, they patched things up in the end.

As far as chat/internet addictions go, it's 100% true. There is even a support group for these unfortunate people, along the lines of Alcoholics Anonymous.
I hope that your anger with your wife hasn't gone as far as domestic violence because that can land you in deep trouble with immigration.
A good friend of mine was in a similar situation. His wife became addicted to MySpace, met some guy from another state and ran off with him. Believe it or not, they patched things up in the end.

As far as chat/internet addictions go, it's 100% true. There is even a support group for these unfortunate people, along the lines of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Thaks for sharing this. Until now, my biggest problem was that I thought she was making this up to work things out and get out of what she has done.....but maybe not. She's started going to counseling....depending on how things go, maybe I'll give it one more shot.
I hope that your anger with your wife hasn't gone as far as domestic violence because that can land you in deep trouble with immigration.

Nope...never. That's what I meant by cut-off and no communication....I haven't been talking to her besides answering her question....but no violence involved. How stupid can one be...knowing that she was chatting, when I went on a month vacation back to my family, I left the internet wide open for her rather then shutting it down.....oh well, no use crying over spill milk.
YES. Internet/chat addiction is just as real as tobacco and alcohol addiction. Most people do not realize that, but it is true. If you are interested in giving her a chance, first step is to get a counselor, not sign a paper.
Name calling will not get you anywhere and might lead to violence.

BTW, outside the scope of this forum; she wants to work things out. Says that she had bad chat addiction and did things without realizing or knowing what she was doing (actually meeting people and so on.....). I'm at fault too as I cut off any communication with her in last 7-8 months and that's when her "addiction" got worst. She's willing to sign any papers or do anything to work things out.
Is that addiction part true? If by slightest chance (not likely) I decide to work it out, any steps I should take or get any papers signed? I own everything (house etc.) but of course she's entitled to 50% at this time no matter what. She's not working at the moment and we have 2 kids.
YES. Internet/chat addiction is just as real as tobacco and alcohol addiction. Most people do not realize that, but it is true. If you are interested in giving her a chance, first step is to get a counselor, not sign a paper.
Name calling will not get you anywhere and might lead to violence.

She's already going to a counselor & I plan on going as well.
It didn't just stay to chat; she physically met a few people and took a step further (don't wanna spell out here) in my house while I was away. Is that part of the same addiction that one does not realize while doing all this? If yes, I'm willing to try a chance with her (she's literally begging me for it at this point). But if not then I guess I'm done. Like I said, I'm not the one to go for violence so that's not an issue here.
How stupid can one be...knowing that she was chatting, when I went on a month vacation back to my family, I left the internet wide open for her rather then shutting it down.....oh well, no use crying over spill milk.

The worst thing you can do is blame yourself for the reckless behavior of others.
Calm down Bobsmyth. While I am not trying to absolve her of responsibility for her behavior, it is important to consider factors that might have contributed (at any stage) to such behavior. This is especially important if a lasting and true success is to be made. That is one of the hallmarks of counselling

The worst thing you can do is blame yourself for the reckless behavior of others.