• Hello Members, This forums is for DV lottery visas only. For other immigration related questions, please go to our forums home page, find the related forum and post it there.

Any DV 2009 Winners Yet?

I learnt from an "unreliable source" that US gov is not really keen on continuing the DV exercise and she is not financing the programme like before,part of what led to the increase in the fees of Visa fees at the embassy by 100%(though visa fees were increased generally but by 15-20% but DV-100%).
Most of us that are still dreaming of going to God's own conutry shud keep praying oooooooooo.

I think there may be some merit in charging people a fee to initially play the lottery. This would rule out many of the millions of people that play it for fun. They may not want to play if they have to pay! They could then use this money to finance the scheme. Even if they charged $10 for entry and 6 million people entered they would have raised 60 million. That money divided out amongst the 50,000 visas would be about $1200 per case. That would help to fund it into the future? I mean $10 is not much money …. Just a though :)
i Just got an NL from one of the 5 I submitted for my friends. Unfortunately not for me. But just to let you know case number is SA0000002XX

Will the rest of my letters still have a chance of being selected or they are all selected at once.
Hi dohko8,

Congrats to your friend on being the first on this forum to be a DV2009 winner. Yes, you and your other friends can still receive the NL as the winner letters are posted from KCC in different dates. By the way can you tell us where you are from and the date that the NL was posted from KCC.
It was post marked on March 25, 2008. And Region is South America (PanamA).
Received the NL in Maryland.
Case Number in the 200's.
i Just got an NL from one of the 5 I submitted for my friends. Unfortunately not for me. But just to let you know case number is SA0000002XX

Will the rest of my letters still have a chance of being selected or they are all selected at once.

conqratz to your friend and pls let your friend come on board
Dv2009 Nl

Hi very one ?
one of my friends Received the NL"DV2009" on March 27.3.2008 , he is in USA.
i am wating for NL!, Goodluck for everyone

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The NLs are sent out randomly. Whenever the computer selects a name randomly an NL is sent out to that random person. The computer selects successsful applicants on a regular basis until about June. So my friend keep waiting you still have a chance to be selected.
Aren't there any EU winners yet? Please let us know if any of you, or any one you know from Europe receives the letter.
Only SA?

Hi my friends.
From topics, It seems only the NL of South American people are out! No AS/EU/...!!!
I think KCC are send the letters by the region.:cool:

DV2009 winner

I received the letter on 3/31/08 dated 3/27/08. 2009SA000004xx
I am planning to do AOS and will send the reply to KCC today.
After 9 years of hoping to be a DV lottery winner, I get the letter this year when I am close to get AOS through employment (EB3, ROW, PD: Nov 2005), but I will keep this as a back up plan as well.
More information will be posted as it becomes available.
So they are sending letters by region?
I got one on March 29 for a friends.
I hope I still have a chance since I'm also in the SA Region.
DV 2009 Letters are here !!!

I got my NL for DV 2009 March 31st. The letter is dated March 25th, 08 and was mailed Mar 27th, 08. Keep the hope up.. because they usually send them out in batches from what I hear. AF0001xxxx.
I have applied for this chance every year for the past 13 years and it's about time. :D
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I got my NL for DV 2009 March 31st. The letter is dated March 25th, 08 and was mailed Mar 27th, 08. Keep the hope up.. because they usually send them out in batches from what I hear. AF0001xxxx.
I have applied for this chance every year for the past 13 years and it's about time. :D

congrats dematra, do you currently live in the US? Where have you received the NL. wish you the best of luck
congratulation dematra and thank you for giving me hope , I want to know where have you received your letter? thanks again.
TO: Tigerman & sugar Pie;
Thanks, I appreciate that. :) I recieved the NL from KCC at my address in the US.
The envelope contains the NL, a barcode sheet, a bunch of forms, some mailing label,
and a multi-page document explaining to the selectee what they need to do
next (cryptic). Its all in an A-4 size envelope.
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