Any April 2008 Filers?

I ended up just photocopying all the paperwork, for his past 3 years tax returns. (including this years) it was time consuming but atleast its
all done and i can now send it off and hopefully have my case resumed.

Goodluck to all
Hey captainkit,

Just letting you know there is another Aussie in waiting here too. I got married to my wonderful American husband on March 1st... and am sitting around waiting too. I threw my back out bad and couldn't make it to my first biometrics appt in April, so had to reschedule for May. Then I wasn't aware I could apply for a I-765, so got the fingerprint for it done in earlier this month. Also had an RFE too. I feel so set back and frustrated. Especially when people keep asking me where I am working, of if I am bored yet. Good luck and hang in there!

Your feelings are completely understood, RFE can easily put one off, especially after so many days have passed.

However, Request For Evidence normally suggests that they are awaiting more information from you, and in many a cases it could be about a simple missing Tax return, or a wedding certificate, etc. It is no way an intent to Deny your Adjustment of Status(AOS), AOS rarely gets rejected unless the applicant is considered a threat to the country.

Please post the RFE notice here and this is a great site and many threads have information about RFE. The case normally resumes in a matter of days(depending on when they receive your response to RFE) and in many cases, they have to adjudicate(interview or approve) the case within 45 -60 days after your response.

I lived in Ozland before moving here and undoubtedly this is a wonderful country(even though I miss watching live cricket at SCG with beer) that we seem to easily overlook its pros.

Anyway, best of luck and I expect you people to survive this blip(with more motivation from forum like these) :)
i didnt realise there were this many Aussies on this forum, i, too, am an Australian - Adelaidian to be exact, and i miss the AFL =/ not soo much the beer. And if i hear one more american ask me if i drink Fosters im gonna scream lol dont they know no australian drinks that stuff lol eww (dont even know why its imported over here, dont know any american who drinks it either)

We are sending off my RFE tomorrow, my husbands day off.. which means they probably wont get it until monday or tuesday.. hope it resumes quickly after that.

Am interested to know if you got your RFE sorted out captainkit?? Hope it ended up being something simple.
Thanks cscgc! The RFE was simple, they wanted a copy of if the I94 in my passport and latest tax return. We didn't submit the 2007 originally as my husbands accountant had sent him the info yet and we figured they couldn't want it so early in the tax year! The arrived like 2 days before the RFE, so it all got sent off fast.

Now I am just playing the waiting game.

I do miss the cricket and AFL, and my XXXX (I'm from Brisbane)! But I have amazing friends up here which helps the time pass well.

3/14 - Sent in I-130 and I-485
3/21 - Receipt notices
4/? - RFE (Visa waiver and '07 tax returns)
4/9 - Biometrics appt (had to reschedule)
5/1 - Sent in I-765
5/8 - Biometrics appt
5/13 - I-765 receipt
6/5 - Biometrics appt 2
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Marriage based April Filing Indianapolis DO

got the actual EAD today in mail

I-485, I-765, I-131 applied on 04/03/2008
Received Date 04/04/2008
Notice Date 04/08/2008
Notice Received 04/11/08
FP notice 04/14/08
FP appt : 05/01/08
FP done: everything was over in 15 min; the lady told me to expect the EAD in two weeks to three months.
Interview notice: 06/05/08
Interview date : 07/14/08
LUD EAD ordered email: 06/18/08
LUD AP approved email: 06/18/08
AP in snail mail: 06/23/08
EAD in snail mail: 06/26/08

hope everything goes smooth.

will keep you posted.
After all the drama, turns out I did do everything right - my husband didn't :lol: The RFE was about taxes and the affidavit of support, the one part of the application he filled out... I'm just so relieved it's nothing major, but he's moping around the house like a kicked puppy. He did the laundry and the dishes for me today!

Turns out he didn't include his W-2s because, you know, it would take a couple of days to get them from the accountant, and he was kind of busy, and surely his federal returns would be enough... I think he just learned his lesson about immigration.

Thankfully he's had the week off and we could get everything sorted. We got the W-2s together yesterday and sent them priority. The RFE notice did say if I have an EAD in the works they will process it within 60 days of receiving the evidence, nothing about processing the actual AOS within any specific timeframe, though. I feel much better right now... assuming we sent the right things, it's probably only delayed me by about two weeks. Fingers crossed I get home for Christmas.

Now it's back to trying to appreciate all the good things about being here - there are a few triggers that reliably set off the "I want to go home!" reaction (miserable healthcare system, traffic, Fox news, lack of good chocolate, racist neighbor, new depths in reality television) but immigration is the worst. Makes it easy to forget that I've gained Ben & Jerry's, tivo, squirrels and a husband.

That last sentence was not a joke. What on earth does that say about me?

By the way - home is Adelaide! How cool to have two of us here (as long as you're a Crows girl, of course.)
haha wow this is so wierd, but in a cool way.. to have 2 adelaide girls on the same forum! and yes defintly a Crows girl here too... Ugh noone mention Power!! Good thing most ppl wont have a clue what we're talking about.

I am so glad for you captainkit that it was something simple, your case should be resumed in no time.. We are sending my rfe back in the morning.
husbands and tax returns.. fingers cross everything resumes quickly.

I know what you mean about getting homesick, dont get me wrong i love it here, but there are a few things i miss (besides family and friends) tim tam buscuits, balfours or villi's pies and farmers union ice coffee!! Luckily mum sends me over tim tams, but unfortunately dont think the ice coffee would make the trip... oh and she does send me tubes of vegemite, its so nice giving my daughter vegemite on toast for breakfast just like i had as a child.

Anyways, this is a forum for immigration not aussie stuff lol.

Goodluck to all!! hehe just had to throw that part in too
I just felt like bringing this thread back to the top, since it's been idle since June 26...
I suppose it's reassuring that no April filers are posting news, it means we're all in the same boat... It's been 70 days now. Still no existence of my I-130 online. Just I-485 and I-765, from may 14.
Yeah i think either people have their ead card and are out looking for jobs, or theyre like us and still waiting.. i had an rfe so i guess ill be waiting a little longer.. hope you hear something soon rein021d and anyone else whose still waiting.
The evidence for my RFE was accepted and my case resumed... and, in a completely unexpected twist, they approved my I-131!!! This is the biggest load off my mind - honestly, I thought it would take months longer. Hopefully my EAD is next.
Hey thats really cool captainkit that your I-131 is approved. Congrats!
Lets hope our EAD's are coming soon.

Whats everyone's status? and for those who got their EAD's
recently hows the job hunting going??
Marriage based April Filing Indianapolis DO

had the interview today. Interview went smooth. I was accompanied by the lawyer. Initially i was asked questions about my dob, spouse's dob, spouse's siblings, their place of birth and current residence, about the number of kids they have, how long we have been married etc..he did not look at anything else. He said our case is approvable pending the security check. He also said it should be back before november and probably sooner. so hope everything in this last stage goes smooth.

I-485, I-765, I-131 applied on 04/03/2008
Received Date 04/04/2008
Notice Date 04/08/2008
Notice Received 04/11/08
FP notice 04/14/08
FP appt : 05/01/08
FP done: everything was over in 15 min; the lady told me to expect the EAD in two weeks to three months.
Interview notice: 06/05/08
Interview date : 07/14/08
LUD EAD ordered email: 06/18/08
LUD AP approved email: 06/18/08
AP in snail mail: 06/23/08
EAD in snail mail: 06/26/08
Interview done: 07/14/2008
Security check: pending

hope everything goes smooth.

will keep you posted.
Marriage based April Filing Indianapolis DO

had the interview today. Interview went smooth. I was accompanied by the lawyer. Initially i was asked questions about my dob, spouse's dob, spouse's siblings, their place of birth and current residence, about the number of kids they have, how long we have been married etc..he did not look at anything else. He said our case is approvable pending the security check. He also said it should be back before november and probably sooner. so hope everything in this last stage goes smooth.

Hey Congrats reddysaab! thats great news your interview went well, and hopefully your security check wont take that long.
I recieved another rfe today, but i guess this has to do with the last rfe they sent me, last time i sent off copies of all my husbands tax forms thinking if they had everything i should be safe.. but all they wanted was a copy of his original 1040ez form, so i had to call his tax agent and theyre sending me out a copy of the original 1040ez. I hope this is the last rfe and that its smooth sailing from them on.. immigration can be so complicated.

Hope everyone else is having better luck then i am!
I recieved another rfe today, but i guess this has to do with the last rfe they sent me, last time i sent off copies of all my husbands tax forms thinking if they had everything i should be safe.. but all they wanted was a copy of his original 1040ez form, so i had to call his tax agent and theyre sending me out a copy of the original 1040ez. I hope this is the last rfe and that its smooth sailing from them on.. immigration can be so complicated.

Hope everyone else is having better luck then i am!

You might want to consider getting the transcripts from the IRS. Since there is no way to prove that the 1040's that you are providing are the same ones that the IRS received, I've heard a lot of people having more success getting the transcritps from the IRS and sending those in.

Good Luck
You might want to consider getting the transcripts from the IRS. Since there is no way to prove that the 1040's that you are providing are the same ones that the IRS received, I've heard a lot of people having more success getting the transcritps from the IRS and sending those in.

Good Luck

Thanks for the advice TNguy78. :) I'm officially confused lol. How many different 1040ez forms are there, why would the one my husband's tax agent sent in be any different to what the USCIS are requesting? If he were to get the transcripts instead, how does he do that, just call or go online and request them from the IRS? The rfe i recieved today specifically says it wants the 1040ez forms, so the transcripts are also acceptable? i just want to get it right this time so i can stop with the delaying.
Thanks for the advice TNguy78. :) I'm officially confused lol. How many different 1040ez forms are there, why would the one my husband's tax agent sent in be any different to what the USCIS are requesting? If he were to get the transcripts instead, how does he do that, just call or go online and request them from the IRS? The rfe i recieved today specifically says it wants the 1040ez forms, so the transcripts are also acceptable? i just want to get it right this time so i can stop with the delaying.

It's not that there are different 1040ez forms, but just because you print out the form does not mean that you actually sent it out to the IRS. I could have filled out a 1040 that showed a much higher income if I needed to, regardless of whether I sent it to the IRS or not. They like the transcripts because it is actualy proof of what you sent to the IRS.

Thanks TNguy78 for the advice i ended up calling IRS and they are faxing the transcripts to my husband's work fax. so yay ill be able to send them off tomorrow and hopefully be back on track. It works out much quicker this way too.
Thanks TNguy78 for the advice i ended up calling IRS and they are faxing the transcripts to my husband's work fax. so yay ill be able to send them off tomorrow and hopefully be back on track. It works out much quicker this way too.

Good for you - Good Luck!